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Is RPE a good idea?

genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Wow this is brilliant thankyou. So you would typically do 3 rounds per excercise or the 3 rounds class as 1 set? Apologies for my lack of knowledge!
Typically, the three rounds is just one set. I will do some warm up/feeder sets prior to the rest pause set. How many warm up or feeder sets really depends on where the exercise is in my sequence. If it is first, then it gets a lot. If it is deeper into my workout it may only get a couple and of those couple feeder sets they may only be 3-5 reps each. I am just trying to get my body use to the increased stimulus that is coming for them.
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genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
So I would say yeah I probably do need to drop some weight so instead of doing the DC method you recommend we essentially having 3 sets then the final one being a slightly heavier working set until failure? Also how many reps am I looking for, the alternating amount or a given 8-12 reps? Thankyou for your help
It really depends. Being that you are new to training again, you can probably get away with intensifiers (drop sets, rest pause sets, muscle rounds, widow makers, etc...). Nearly every newbie in the gym doesn't really know how to train to failure, so what you believe is failure is more likely 3-10 RIR. I see it all the time. A client will stop and I tell them to keep going and they do like another 6-8 reps. I ask them why they stopped and they will tell me they thought they couldn't get anymore. They have mental blocks. As soon as an "authority figure" told them to keep going, they somehow mustered 6-8 more reps. Advanced lifters can get those 6-8 extra reps without being prompted.

If you feel like you are not recovering by the next time you are hitting that body part or if your fatigue is getting so bad it is impacted your none exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), which is your basic daily activities then you may want to cut back. Generally, what I see is fat people can train extremely hard even when in a large calorie deficit. I classify anyone over 15% as fat. Don't take it personal. I am in the professional of coaching bodybuilders, so my standards are higher than most. You can likely still keep the intensifiers in until you get to 10%. I am at 7% per my DEXA scan last week, in a 500 calorie deficit on training days and 1000 calorie deficit on non-training days and I am still doing intensifiers.


TID Board Of Directors
Apr 2, 2013
RPE can be a very effective method of training, if done correctly. You really have to be disciplined to follow RPE and not cheat yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
Only if you are a pussy. Haha. I just jump from one exercise to the next. Just long enough to quickly unload, wipe down the equipment and run (sometimes literally to get a piece of equipment before someone else jumps on it) to the next exercise. I also do not take long breaks between warm ups, Myo matching sets or top/back off sets.

Before you say, you are a genetic freak. I make all my clients do the same. They say it is brutal the first couple weeks, that they have never been pushed so hard in their life. However, after a couple weeks their bodies adapt and it becomes normal training for them. Now I hear them making comments, "That guy is training like a bitch." I have to remind them, that was them not too long ago. Haha.
Guess I need to stop being a bitch. Haha. I do need to find a way to make my workouts shorter. I’m always late to work.


VIP Member
Jan 27, 2013
Don’t overthink it. We spend too much time lately focusing on “optimal.” Truth is, for most of us, sub-optimal works just fine. If you don’t dig the rate of perceived exertion deal, then ditch it. Failure? Yeah sure. Failure tells you what the limiting factor is. Failure all the time? Probably not if you’re natty. Overtraining is absolutely real. Good luck and congrats on your marriage.


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
Guess I need to stop being a bitch. Haha. I do need to find a way to make my workouts shorter. I’m always late to work.
Just give less time to your wife and family. Problem solved. You're welcome.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Guess I need to stop being a bitch. Haha. I do need to find a way to make my workouts shorter. I’m always late to work.
Spend less time on junk volume and more time on intensity. If you cannot completely crush a body part with a couple exercises then I have to ask, what exactly are you doing? If there was a fire at the gym after you did one exercise and you cannot walk away with enough stimulus to grow then you need to work harder.


New Member
Apr 26, 2024
RPE can help prevent overtraining or injury, so its good idea


VIP Member
May 27, 2013
I used RPE at the end of my PL career. It works great if you are an advanced enough in your training to truly know the difference between RPE 7, 8 and 9. There's a huge difference in each.

Like the Freak said - most people think they are going to fail and still have 6-10 reps left in them. They're just new and don't know their bodies yet.

I don't think RPE is good for new or even early intermediate trainers.


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
Spend less time on junk volume and more time on intensity. If you cannot completely crush a body part with a couple exercises then I have to ask, what exactly are you doing? If there was a fire at the gym after you did one exercise and you cannot walk away with enough stimulus to grow then you need to work harder.
I think I posted about this recently. You got me thinking over my vacation and that’s exactly what I want to do. When I get back in the gym. Right now I’m trying to figure when I’m gonna go because I’m done losing sleep by going before work in the AM. Vacation helped me realize just how burned out I was. And an extra hour of sleep since I been back to work has me feeling way better mentally and physically. And I can’t make good progress without enough good sleep either.


VIP Member
Dec 20, 2017
I have never heard of it. I took a cursory look online. I mean it will certainly work. Just getting in the gym will give you results. If you have 8 months and feel you do best in a regimented training then by all means. Some folk stick to training better when they pay for something. Diet is 80-85% of how you will look at the end. Say you do this RPE and don't eat well. At the end you will be bigger but will not have lost much fat.

Here is a program I know is good as I have done it. Many guys love it, a few don't but they are wrong. :)

DC training is by far the most productive program I've ever used.
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