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Injectable Orals Recipe



Oct 3, 2016
Years ago there was an injectable version of anavar. Never got my hands on any but I heard it was very potent compared to the oral version. However, it was a very painful inj. and could damage nerves around the inj. site. Has anyone seen this available anywhere or know how to convert the powder into a viable inj.?

Why not try an DMSO prep?...
Lil Ed

Lil Ed

VIP Member
Jul 15, 2011
Can a microwave from a microwave micronize? srry I just had to be an idiot for a second their...

the secret to oral inj is not mearly in the solvents but in its stability and your solvents should be found in human consumption for decades with no known Carcenogenic effects, the more decades it has been used in human comsumption or medicine the better, with out any chance of toxicity being reached even if the entire vial of oily solution was used at one single administration. so no harm can come to the users even decades from now..........just my .02

its not just if you can make it? but what did you make ? and should it even be used ? please leave Guaiacol for the pesticides.

also on another note, the secret to cookies and brownies is time, time is what makes them perfect or not so great, or destroyed and burned. yet you never see time as the crucial ingredient. but with out it, most things don't end up as you planned or desired.


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
For a moment there, I thought I saw a subliminal message or few :)


VIP Member
Dec 20, 2017
Why not try an DMSO prep?...
personally not a big fan of dmso. from what i can remember, the inj. anavar did bypass the liver unlike the oral version did and i assume using dmso would also go through and tax the liver. Does using dmso on orals such as winny, dbol, adrol, etc., bypass the liver?


VIP Member
Mar 21, 2017
personally not a big fan of dmso. from what i can remember, the inj. anavar did bypass the liver unlike the oral version did and i assume using dmso would also go through and tax the liver. Does using dmso on orals such as winny, dbol, adrol, etc., bypass the liver?
You mean bypass the liver once, or altogether? I thought orals take two passes through the liver, while injectables one.


Oct 3, 2016
You mean bypass the liver once, or altogether? I thought orals take two passes through the liver, while injectables one.

This is how I understand it as well...

SR, I only messed around with DMSO years ago when I was doing a little backyard chemistry...I would prepare my back meds utilizing it as a carrier...The way I understand it is this: DMSO is very effective at getting thru the skin barrier...It basically does what an inject would do, minus the PIP/Infection scare dilemma!...It should deliver the product (parent drug) into the blood stream just like an inject (bolus) would do...Now I'm sure there is an efficacy difference, but prolly small...Bottom line, it only goes thru the liver once in either case and both delivery methods are similar in effect...

I good man to inform us on this would be the "smartest person on this board", W6...Maybe he will chime in...


Forgot to mention that DMSO does/can be extremely irritative to the user...I was fine using 100%...Some tho have to do an 5% and up mix in purified/distilled or similar water...
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K. Bone

K. Bone

Feb 23, 2020
Sorry, KB, I was just funning ya...Don't know why the others are doing it tho..May I ask why u want to inject an oral?...

Just adding to my store for my people ya know? Plus I heard injectable winny is pretty good. I’m gonna give it a go tomorrow on brewing it up. I personally wanna try it. I’ve got a buddy who is gonna guinea pig it for me. I’m confident it’s gonna come out fine but my dude who was a wizard at this shit is in some heat right now so I can run it by him or know if I’m ever gonna be in contact with him again. Plus other orals that can be made I’d like to try. Get my ratios right and make shit smooth. But just some expansion brother and curiosity.

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Lizard King

Lizard King

Staff Member
Sep 9, 2010
Injectable winny was my first cycle and sorry for the laughs at your expense, your initial post left a lot to the stuck at home imagination. I'm sure if you start a thread with specific questions for brewing there would be a few guys here who could help answer your questions.
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