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IGF2 vs IGF1 duration of cycle


Friends Remembered
Sep 8, 2010
Interested in IGF2 vs IGF1. IGF 2 from my understanding has very similar properties to IGF1 now, when using 2 is it concievable to go from say 30 days of 2 EOD and then start using 1 or does the body not discern from the both of them and you would essentially be pissing in the wind with igf1 at that point?
So in essence could you cycle back and forth between the 2 or is the antibodies for igf1 and igf 2 the same and there for it would be moot and useless?


Feb 24, 2011
Re: IGF 2 vs IGF1 duration of cycle

I only know about DES and I'm interested in this thread. One question is.....who has legit IGF these days at a good price? I see so much of it around these days.
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Sep 9, 2010
Re: IGF 2 vs IGF1 duration of cycle

AJ....have you used IGF-1 before but not IGF-2? I've seen a few graphs that show IGF-2 kicking in much faster than IGF-1 and then maintaining levels over a 48 hr period or so. IGF-1 is a more gradual increase. So, some people believe that IGF-2 is much more potent, when in reality it is all a matter or timing.

The best way I've seen people utilize these two is a combo run at the same time. This will generally yield better results than cycling back from one to the other. IMO, an igf-1/2 cycle can be supplemented in the off time with GH, GRF (1-29), and GHRP-2. The main thing that people do wrong with IGF-2 is they inject it POST workout. This is something that needs to be pinned 30 minutes to an hour preworkout to be utilized correctly. Levels spike for your workout and pumps become insane. Then postworkout the levels are likely not spiking anymore, thus not delaying the realease of your natural MGF and GH that is necessary for the healing process. IGF-1 can be used upon waking and then again in the early afternoon (depending on when you get to the gym).

Start with 25 mcg of each per day and work up to 100mcg or more if you feel the need. Also, consuming carbs PostWO (similar to slin protocol) is also suggested when combining these 2 growth factors. Maltodextrin intake is key to maintaining blood glucose levels and will actually increase lipolysis over the span of several weeks. You could probably do a 1 month on, 1 month off cycle with good results and not accrue many side effects. Any length of time longer than that and you run the risk of growing exoskeletal benign tissue or the possibility of inner organ growth. Skin thickness could also become an issue if continuing that combo for several months or a year at a time. Remember, the skin is an organ as well.

Hope that helps. I'm just pulling all this from my knowledge over the years. If you'd like references shoot me a PM and I'll get together what I can in a day or two.


Friends Remembered
Sep 8, 2010
Re: IGF 2 vs IGF1 duration of cycle

Great reply GS, I guess Im wondering if 1 and 2 use the same receptor and the body will down regulate on 2 the SAME way it would with one, making running them in subsequent cycles pointless and useless, if the body uses different receptors and anitbodies to nullify them then maybe 2 could be run then at cessation 1 could be run for 40 more days, and alternating thus having a continuous cycling of the 2.
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Sep 9, 2010
Re: IGF 2 vs IGF1 duration of cycle

Only considering your last question, with nothing else mattering, yes you could run it like that. They both have separate receptors and that act very differently. The third part of the equation is MGF. MGF is still the one peptide that I'm unsure of how to use it best. Obviously post workout, but it seems tough to increase levels past that of what you could get naturally (unless you had an existing deficiency). So, igf-1, igf-2, and mgf all act on different receptors, have different release times, and need to be pinned at different points during the day. Theoretically you could switch back and forth for as long as you wanted without any desensitization and results would still be very good. Of course, this is all in theory and cannot be guaranteed.

Great reply GS, I guess Im wondering if 1 and 2 use the same receptor and the body will down regulate on 2 the SAME way it would with one, making running them in subsequent cycles pointless and useless, if the body uses different receptors and anitbodies to nullify them then maybe 2 could be run then at cessation 1 could be run for 40 more days, and alternating thus having a continuous cycling of the 2.


Friends Remembered
Sep 8, 2010
Re: IGF 2 vs IGF1 duration of cycle

Only considering your last question, with nothing else mattering, yes you could run it like that. They both have separate receptors and that act very differently. The third part of the equation is MGF. MGF is still the one peptide that I'm unsure of how to use it best. Obviously post workout, but it seems tough to increase levels past that of what you could get naturally (unless you had an existing deficiency). So, igf-1, igf-2, and mgf all act on different receptors, have different release times, and need to be pinned at different points during the day. Theoretically you could switch back and forth for as long as you wanted without any desensitization and results would still be very good. Of course, this is all in theory and cannot be guaranteed.

Great info GS...MGF has been something I think a lot of people struggle with you hear a lot of gurus say this and that but its all theoretical and sometimes I think just take the shit pwo and leave the headache of ultra fine protocol alone.
So seeing that IGF 2 was better far out pre workout, which I didnt do or know at the time, IGF 1 is gonna be better before bed or before workout again at a different time maybe?
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