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Huh?? Use encryption or don't use encryption??



VIP Member
May 23, 2011
I'm a little confused I read an article a couple of days ago saying the FBI recommends people stop using their iPhone and Android native texting app and use WhatsApp, or signal for end and encryption.

Now they're saying don't use WhatsApp or signal because China and other terrorist groups are using that and there's no way for the government to discern who's doing what and since they can't intercept those messages it's putting America at risk. So what exactly are they wanting us to do? I read one article that says they're telling us to use encrypted texting and then they come out a couple days later saying don't use it. From what I'm getting is they're saying use it for safety but don't use it because we can't spy on you anymore. Maybe I'm confused on what they're talking about

The above says using cryptid apps like WhatsApp and signal

The below link says not to use them



VIP Member
Mar 7, 2012
I'm going to keep using e2ee messaging apps, email services,, file and photo storage services, because in this age of constant data harvasting by big corps like Google , Meta and data brokers, I consider it the only semblance of privacy I have left. Basically, it's none of their business who I communicate with or what about.

I seldom use WhatsApp, because even though the messages are e2ee, Meta still stores a ridiculous amount of metadata about every message you send or receive , including who you are communicating with, both your phone #'s, the time of messages, the duration of messages, your locations ( if the you give the app location privileges) etc.

Also, WhatsApp does not prevent your messages from automatically being saved to Apple Cloud or Google Drive in ' plain text' form if you have backups enabled.. There is a way to end to end encrypt your messages for Apple Cloud. but you have to enable it and probably 90% of users don't know how or even realize this option exists. As for as I know Google Drive doesn't have this option.

Signal only stores the phone# used to create the account, the date you created the account and the date of the last message. The messages also don't backup to AppleCloud, Google Drive, or any other service for that matter.
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VIP Member
Jul 7, 2021
WhatsApp is owned by Meta and they are fairly open about what information they keep about you.

"Sensitive Personal Information. In limited circumstances we collect and use information that may be deemed to be sensitive personal information as defined in the U.S. Privacy Laws, including: a drivers’ license or state identification card if we need it to prove account ownership."

They claim the messages are encrypted but it makes me wonder how they'd get a copy of your drivers license or state ID?

In general terms, using an argument that something is being done "for your safety" should send up immediate red flags. "We need access to your messages and personally identifying information... for your safety..."

Yeah, right. I'll get right on that.

I'm sure gov't communications are encrypted too so it's safe for them but not for us? Uh huh.


VIP Member
Mar 17, 2011
When in doubt, PGP. I use it to talk to my Russian friends and they trust it. And the Russians are a cynical lot. :)
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