Ok, let's begin with the stats: I'm a 34 female. I'm half asian and I have the typical flat ass that a lot of asians have. I'm 5'6 125lbs with 17% body fat. I have a corporate job so I'm sitting at a desk most of the time.
I don't do much cardio but I train twice a week with a trainer and we do full body workouts each time. With him, I do a lot of squats, lunges, dead lifts, kettlebell swings and so on. When I do all this, I feel it in my quads but never in my ass. I feel like I have the right position, with my butt sticking out when I squat but I don't feel anything in my ass. I have really nice thighs but I'd like to develop a rounder butt too because I hate having a flat ass. What am I doing wrong or what could I do to make sure I'm activating my glutes?
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