Never heard of them but did some looking to see what kind of operation they have going on. Looks like they are made outside of the USA and then shipped here for resale/reship. I saw they had a bad rep a few years ago, not sure about the here and now. I didn't have much time to spend.
Are you buying directly from the lab, or is it a reseller?
International or domestic?
There are some really long international ship times right now. If you are waiting on a domestic reshipper, he could be waiting on gear to come through. If it's international, it could just be taking a really long time. I was on another board where some guys were discussing some wait times. Some of the tracking numbers had stuff sit for weeks before it moved. Some stuff was initially scanned as received then never scanned until it was delivered weeks late.
It could also be the bad reputation. Some will selectively scam so they can keep loyal followers to defend them. Hopefully this is a shipping issue they aren't discussing because if it was domestic, they shouldn't have taken the order without the stock.