335 dayum!
How many meals you breaking it down to and any macro breakdown you care to share?
4553 calories a day, 7 meals a day, protien 408g carbs 499g , fat 105, this is after I just dropped 50g carbs per meal, and switched out hamburger for chicken. This is for training days, non training days is another 1000 calories less per day, train 4 days a week, take 3 off to heal
Thanks liitleguy, my last lean phase I went from 296lbs to 259lbs looked like a ripped scelotonFuck that I got fatter than I have ever been the last few months after slipping on the ice and cracking my spine in the steps, I was only up about 12 lbs from now ..........HA!
I started to see a form of love handle and panicked, I am not going to do THAT to myself I have found as I get older that it is tougher than ever to "cut" and for me it is just easier to stay close to where I want to be year round.
Kudos to you OLD MAn if you can pull this off and still lean out then you have got some great fortitude at your age.
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