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VIP Member
Sep 19, 2010
Last year around October/November a had a bit of a health scare. Was feeling really shitty for a while and I knew I needed to donate blood but I had so many things going on I put it off way too long. A few months earlier I had started doing "self TRT" with 250mg of test u per week (I know its a bit high). Long story short when I finally went to donate my hematocrit and Hemoglobin was fucked as was my blood pressure and pulse.

My numbers were: BP 160/92 Hemoglobin 20.8 Heart rate 99 bpm

I felt like I had the worst flu ever. It was hard to even walk. Luckily the lady at the clinic helped me out (they wouldn't let me donate because of my numbers) she had me come in off hours (she is a personal friend of mine) I donated double reds. Well here I am 4 months later after donating 4 times, cutting out the vitamin C, dropping use of the cast iron skillet to once or twice per week, dropping the liver, and cutting the TRT back from 250mg per week to 250mg every 10 days.

These are my current numbers: BP 135/68 Hemoglobin 16.2 Heart rate 68 bpm

I feel great these days.

Just goes to show what can happen if you take your eyes off your numbers for just a little while. I've been at this since 2007-8 and thought I was pretty up on things, I just got busy and almost ended up dead because of it. Guys when people here say keep an eye on your blood-work they mean it!


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
That's an awesome resource to have, knowing that no matter how bad it gets, you can get rid of some RBC's. I can do it myself but hate it.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2013
I have done it in the kitchen sink with a 14g IV and a 60ml syringe in a pinch but it’s kind of messy (and a waste of blood). It does really suck that Red Cross will turn you away if your H&H is too high since the only way to fix it is donating.
BD Cool

BD Cool

VIP Member
Dec 1, 2011
Last year around October/November a had a bit of a health scare. Was feeling really shitty for a while and I knew I needed to donate blood but I had so many things going on I put it off way too long. A few months earlier I had started doing "self TRT" with 250mg of test u per week (I know its a bit high). Long story short when I finally went to donate my hematocrit and Hemoglobin was fucked as was my blood pressure and pulse.

My numbers were: BP 160/92 Hemoglobin 20.8 Heart rate 99 bpm

I felt like I had the worst flu ever. It was hard to even walk. Luckily the lady at the clinic helped me out (they wouldn't let me donate because of my numbers) she had me come in off hours (she is a personal friend of mine) I donated double reds. Well here I am 4 months later after donating 4 times, cutting out the vitamin C, dropping use of the cast iron skillet to once or twice per week, dropping the liver, and cutting the TRT back from 250mg per week to 250mg every 10 days.

These are my current numbers: BP 135/68 Hemoglobin 16.2 Heart rate 68 bpm

I feel great these days.

Just goes to show what can happen if you take your eyes off your numbers for just a little while. I've been at this since 2007-8 and thought I was pretty up on things, I just got busy and almost ended up dead because of it. Guys when people here say keep an eye on your blood-work they mean it!
just curious... what does cutting out the Vitamin C do?


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
Vitamin C increases iron absorption. Higher iron levels are problematic for those prone to high HGB and HCT levels.
That is very good info to know. Thank you


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
My H&H are Always high. I cut my test back a little also and am back to donating every 2 months (whatever the exact time is). I went over a year with no donation and was feeling horrible. Felt better almost immediately.


VIP Member
Sep 19, 2010
My H&H are Always high. I cut my test back a little also and am back to donating every 2 months (whatever the exact time is). I went over a year with no donation and was feeling horrible. Felt better almost immediately.
Yeah, there were a few things I was doing that had me jacked up. The Vit C makes you hold onto the iron. I was also eating a sit ton of liver at that time.
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
That is great bro. Love the liver but a lot of iron. Same with cooking in the CI skillet I reckon.


VIP Member
Oct 12, 2010
A year ago, I started taking my dog for longer walks. We walk a total of about 45 min to an hour a day, over 2 outings. I also live on a pretty big hill, so there's a good incline trek included.

I just donated blood yesterday. 124/60, 62bpm, 16.7 hgb.

I've always had high hgb. Last time I tried to donate, over a year ago, my hgb was 20.1, and I was turned away. I used to get scripts for therapeutic phlebotomy. I decided to start walking more and see what happened.

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