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He did it... He stepped out of the race



VIP Member
Dec 10, 2013
I just read an article and it showed the paper that Biden supposedly signed saying that he was dropping out of the race. They compare the signature to many other of his signatures and they do not look the same at all. Same basic slant but if you look at each letter individually I can see a couple places where they have hesitation marks which almost always shows up in forgeries. Also the way the N is written and all his other signatures this one looks more like an s.

Really curious if he is so sick he can't act or he actually died and they're covering it up. Very very strange
I heard about this too. Some are speculating he may have even passed away., No signs of him & everyone is saying the same thing about the signature.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
I heard about this too. Some are speculating he may have even passed away., No signs of him & everyone is saying the same thing about the signature.
I heard they gave him 10 shots and 3 hefty rails he's fine now.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
I just read an article and it showed the paper that Biden supposedly signed saying that he was dropping out of the race. They compare the signature to many other of his signatures and they do not look the same at all. Same basic slant but if you look at each letter individually I can see a couple places where they have hesitation marks which almost always shows up in forgeries. Also the way the N is written and all his other signatures this one looks more like an s.

Really curious if he is so sick he can't act or he actually died and they're covering it up. Very very strange
Could be from his dementia or what ever is going on cognitively. My handwriting took a huge hit when I had the stroke and there are still some letters if I write in cursive its hard to make without stopping and almost forcing myself to remember how to do it. My signature now looks way different than it did before. Christ now it looks like it belongs on a baseball lol


VIP Member
Jul 7, 2021
Fucked up story all around .. 22 yr old kid runs over his elderly neighbor with an atv for being ... a Trump supporter. Old mans in critical condition at hospital , as the cops close in on the kid ,, he shoots himself ... what is this world coming too .. Jesus H Tapdancing Christ

This is what happens when stochastic terrorism and persecution complex has been broadcast 24/7 for as long as it has. When anyone not on your side is labeled an enemy these events are the inevitable conclusion.

There have been lives lost from both tribes because of the box they tick every 4 Novembers.

The culture wars propaganda has been working spectacularly. Critical thinking is at an all time low while tensions are extremely high. Folks fighting with each other while more gets taken from their back pocket every day while they're too busy bickering to notice.

Be better, America.


VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
The Dem Re-Election HQ is in Delaware.

My signatures have been different each time since age 50.

Who the hell has written anything lately. I started printing when I got out of collefe due to fact alot of my stuff was always reviewed and files I kept were on 500k construction jobs.......reviewing others who wrote chicken scratch tripled review time if needed, just really bad situation when talking those large dollars, stuff missed, folks fired.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
Latest RCP Polling with Harris as the Dem candidate.

RealClearPolitics Election 2024

RCP Poll Averages

So, it looks like the spread has narrowed slightly since the Biden announcement, which is not totally unexpected, as Dem voters had reached a point of "anybody but Biden." Now Kamala has to show she can run an effective campaign. That will be interesting, as she wasn't able to do so in 2020. But perhaps she's learned a few things over the past 4 years.

Trump needs to pound the issues of immigration, crime prevention and foreign policy. Kamala has parroted Joe's failed policies for 4 years, and she must now defend them. I'm sure the MSM will help her out as much as they can. But telling people the border is secure or that crime is down when people know personally that it isn't won't fly anymore.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
What's weird with the above polling is that when looking at the individual "swing" states, the numbers have NOT moved. So Trump's lead in states like AZ, NV, WI, MI, PA, GA are still pretty big. The only explanation I have is that Kamala has invigorated the progressives in strong blue states like CA, IL, NY, etc. Unfortunately for the Dems, having Kamala win by a bigger margin in CA does not help her. She needs to hold VA, and grap at least half of those swing states.


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
Problem is the ones that will vote for her have already decided. It doesn't matter if it's obvious gaslighting; they want to believe the bullshit. She has done absolutely nothing for the border but will fall back to blaming Trump.. somehow. Her base will believe it.. and even if they don't, they don't care. Only in the liberal mind can two completely incongruent things, one a lie and one a truth, rest against each other with no question.


VIP Member
Jul 7, 2021
Do folks think the wealthy donors running the show haven't built their empires by exploiting cheap, undocumented labor? And they're donating vast sums of money to someone who pinky promises to end that gravy train?

The math ain't mathing but maybe that's just my perspective.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Latest RCP Polling with Harris as the Dem candidate.

RealClearPolitics Election 2024

RCP Poll Averages

So, it looks like the spread has narrowed slightly since the Biden announcement, which is not totally unexpected, as Dem voters had reached a point of "anybody but Biden." Now Kamala has to show she can run an effective campaign. That will be interesting, as she wasn't able to do so in 2020. But perhaps she's learned a few things over the past 4 years.

Trump needs to pound the issues of immigration, crime prevention and foreign policy. Kamala has parroted Joe's failed policies for 4 years, and she must now defend them. I'm sure the MSM will help her out as much as they can. But telling people the border is secure or that crime is down when people know personally that it isn't won't fly anymore.
What can t rump pound , illegal crossings are at an all time low , crime has dropped in every major city across the nation and Trump was a complete and total policy failure .. i dont want Kamala to win , ,but Trump is an idiot with nothing to stand on


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
illegal crossings are at an all time low , crime has dropped in every major city across the nation and Trump was a complete and total policy failure
Don't wish to be too argumentative, but what data are you getting for the all-time low border crossings? Is this official ICE or immigration gov't data? It's my understanding it's been the exact opposite.

Crime in every major city is down? In LA? In Chicago? In Minneapolis? In Baltimore? In St. Louis? Maybe the crime statistics are defined differently, but I'd be interested is seeing some real data on this.

Total policy failures: The Abraham Accords? There was peace in the Middle East after everyone said he would cause WWIII. Now we're dealing with Ukraine, Gaza and sabre rattling by China towards Taiwan. Unemployment in the black and hispanic communities were at all-time lows before the pandemic. I think they were happier then than now. I wonder if anyone has asked them?

Was Iran pulling more shit during the Trump administration or during the Biden administration?

I won't argue with anyone that Trump is a narcissist. But most politicians are. At least he makes fun of the media and makes them lose their minds. That's gotta be worth something! LOL
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