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He did it... He stepped out of the race



Oct 23, 2010
Elon Musk's tweet yesterday afternoon captures things pretty well, I think. He said,

"The real powers that be are discarding the old puppet in favor of one who has a better chance of fooling the public."


VIP Member
Jul 7, 2021
Elon Musk's tweet yesterday afternoon captures things pretty well, I think. He said,

"The real powers that be are discarding the old puppet in favor of one who has a better chance of fooling the public."

That's the guy donating 45 million per month, right?
He may as well name himself as one of the "real powers" with how much money he's throwing into politics.

Wonder what kickback is worth a 45 million per month investment?

I'm real tired of being part of major historical events multiple times per week for years on end. This shit is exhausting.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
An Soros just backed Harris ,,, why did that take so long :rolleyes:

LOL why hold an election just hand it to Trump now and get it over with. Stop wasting time.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
Here's some food for thought. Harris is a complete fool but the left can use that she's a person of color, she's a female, she's been vice president etc etc so those are Plus on that side of the aisle. Just as an example of a pic newsom as their lead runner and her as vice president he has a lot of bad things going he's ruined California but he does still carry a lot of votes and a very high electoral vote State because of population. If they pick someone like him as vice president most people don't care who the vice president is so he'll carry a lot of those votes over because he on the ticket as vice President then what if once they get in the office Harris steps aside, pre-planned, and Newsom becomes president.

It's not that they're trying to get the best person in office they're playing a favorites game just to beat Trump or the Republicans in general. Not that the Republicans don't do the same thing it's a little different in this situation.

I don't think Harris has what it takes and I think she's going to fold under pressure like a cheap lawn chair.

Soros is a scumbag and he's just trying to ruin this country he doesn't care he's in his 90s he's on his deathbed and he'll do anything to destroy America and now that his grandkids are running almost everything they're running it exactly the same.

Just goes to show that money buys elections. Doesn't matter good or bad it all comes down to who throws the most money at it.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Here's some food for thought. Harris is a complete fool but the left can use that she's a person of color, she's a female, she's been vice president etc etc so those are Plus on that side of the aisle. Just as an example of a pic newsom as their lead runner and her as vice president he has a lot of bad things going he's ruined California but he does still carry a lot of votes and a very high electoral vote State because of population. If they pick someone like him as vice president most people don't care who the vice president is so he'll carry a lot of those votes over because he on the ticket as vice President then what if once they get in the office Harris steps aside, pre-planned, and Newsom becomes president.

It's not that they're trying to get the best person in office they're playing a favorites game just to beat Trump or the Republicans in general. Not that the Republicans don't do the same thing it's a little different in this situation.

I don't think Harris has what it takes and I think she's going to fold under pressure like a cheap lawn chair.

Soros is a scumbag and he's just trying to ruin this country he doesn't care he's in his 90s he's on his deathbed and he'll do anything to destroy America and now that his grandkids are running almost everything they're running it exactly the same.

Just goes to show that money buys elections. Doesn't matter good or bad it all comes down to who throws the most money at it.
Pulling in less than 3% of her own state was all I needed to know about her. You can't do better than that , you won't get a majority of the nation to support you.

I come from a mixed family , do I think it would be great to have a person of color as President ,, I sure as fuck do , my mom is Jamaican. I just want some one that is qualified for the job and has a clue on how to do it.

While this will sound fucked up I do think Biden picked her for her color and the fact she is a woman so he could score votes in certain demographics, and with Harris wanting to move up the political ladder she allowed herself to be used as a tool.

There were other more qualified folks to choose from. It's all one fucked up hot mess.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
As for a Harris/Newsom ticket , that would take some legal work for sure or some one has to move. 12th Amendment has a section in it about the Pres candidate and VP can not be from the same state or it will void that states electoral college votes , and that would mean what 54 lost electoral votes in a race to 270 .. thats a good chunk of change to risk.
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VIP Member
Aug 14, 2012
Forced out I’m sure….. step down or be killed by the deep state
Interesting that Biden chose to resign on X and not on live TV. Hell if he could write that long letter surely he could have spoken. Also odd we have not even seen or heard any thing about Biden since he took that long walk up the stairs to Deleware claiming he had mask, no one around him with a mask. I guess Trump is right, if old Joe is that bad off, maybe he should resign or the 25th Amendment be used to get him out so at least someone will be sitting in the White House running the country.


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022

View attachment 15196
Here's one someone just sent to me.



Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
That's the guy donating 45 million per month, right?
He may as well name himself as one of the "real powers" with how much money he's throwing into politics.

Wonder what kickback is worth a 45 million per month investment?

I'm real tired of being part of major historical events multiple times per week for years on end. This shit is exhausting.
I heard this same report, and then heard Musk say that was not the case.

The report indicated he was going to donate a bunch of money for voter registration to show how fraudulent the process is. But I guess that isn't true. What he did say in a tweet was that mail-in balloting and ballot drop boxes are problematic because it's impossible to secure and subsequently to prove fraud. He's correct on that. Which means that fraud is highly likely to happen.

Imagine a scenario where a precinct has only 10,000 registered voters, and in combination the voting day, mail-in ballot and ballot drop box tallies show a total of 10,500 votes cast. Sure, you know that fraud occurred, but you can't show what are the valid votes or who cheated. If a reverse analysis shows that Jane Doe voted twice, which vote counts, and how can you tell whether Jane was the person fraudulently mailing in a ballot of stuffing a drop box? You can't. There's no chain of custody, and THAT is why those types of voting should not be allowed.

If we truly care about election integrity, we limit voting to election day and you have to show ID to verify you are a valid registered voter and in the correct precinct. It seems pretty easy.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
My guess is the VP choice will be a governor from one of the swing states. PA is a big one and Gov Shapiro probably was involved in a staged assassination attempt. Then again, Gov Pritzker Illinois was hand picked by Obama after the last gov was jailed on corruption. Barry O runs the Dem party now so maybe he would like to have his puppet in the VP spot when Kamala breaks her neck on her dildo. So many options.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
Interesting that Biden chose to resign on X and not on live TV. Hell if he could write that long letter surely he could have spoken. Also odd we have not even seen or heard any thing about Biden since he took that long walk up the stairs to Deleware claiming he had mask, no one around him with a mask. I guess Trump is right, if old Joe is that bad off, maybe he should resign or the 25th Amendment be used to get him out so at least someone will be sitting in the White House running the country.
My guess is that the power brokers (Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, etc.) made it clear to Biden (after he publicly refused to drop out of the campaign) that he could drop out, or they would move forward with the 25th Amendment removal. If they truly believed that the internal polling showing 0% chance of winning with Biden, they'd do it.

There is still a modest chance that Biden will resign from the Presidency sometime between now and Jan 20, 2025. That would allow Harris to become the historic first female President, and allow her to issue blanket pardons for Joe, Hunter and Joe's brother. (To "heal" the country, of course). The sicced the DOJ on Trump, so they're terrified that Trump will do the same thing. I wouldn't blame Trump for doing so, but IMO it's a waste of energy.

Focus all energy and resources on the border, fair trade agreements and clearing out the Deep State. A LOT of high level agency people need to be retired, and NOT replaced. Agency head count should be reduced by at least 50%, and they'd likely get more done.


VIP Member
Mar 17, 2011
:) This whole election, like all national elections, is a show. Trump, Harris are both deep state tools.
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