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He did it... He stepped out of the race


Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
That's my biggest concern late at night just thinking ... what kind of world am I leaving my grandkids. Can I make it any better , what can be done to bring this nation back on course .. or is it on course ?

This analogy helped me a bit.

Think of politics as the pendulum on a clock , Obama's Presidency swung that pendulum harder to the left than its ever been swung before.

Then it swung back to the right harder than ever with Trump and his lies about a stolen election and all his idiocy.

Now it has a chance to swing back to the left ,, but there is slightly less momentum this time ...

An again when it swings to the right , it will swing with less momentum as folks come out of the cult fever and wake up slowly

Eventually the pendulum finds its balance and center and begins to swing back and forth in small increments as it was always intended too.

Question is ,, how long do we have to wait and how many cycles will it take.

I think we are far too gone no matter who's president. If democrats get full power again we see their plans in full force to stack the courts give DC and Puerto Rico state status, end the fillibuster, keep the floodgates open for illegals, grant 20 million amnesty, continue enforcing their perversity mandates.
I feel our land is lost and the total moral decline is on nuclear power.
Trump gets in its 4 more years of crisis with the media and even if he does have full control of both houses he won't be able to beat the bureaucracy.
We are stuck with him I was hoping for DeSantis as an alternative but that sank quick.
Wishing everyone the best and if I can ever retire I headed out to the Midwest.
Hopefully it won't be contaminated with illegals by then. I am already suffering at work being a white male at work and every new promotion goes to a woman or person of color. I have enough time in to retire with benefits but obviously need to work another 15 plus years and would be fighting ageism along with being a white male.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
It's interesting to read about Kamala's difficulties with her VP selection. I find it hard to believe it's even her decision to make. Whoever installed her is likely the group working on this.

Apparently, Cooper (Gov. of NC) just communicated he was not interested in being vetted for VP. Apparently she and Cooper worked together previously in their respective state positions and had a good relationship. He indicated he wants to run for Senate in NC in 2026. Why turn down a VP selection for chance to run for Senate in two years? Because he has no confidence in winning this November. And staking out liberal positions this fall would doom his chances of winning in NC in 2026, as that state went Red the last several elections.

Other VP candidates:
Shapiro (Gov. of PA): an excellent strategic pick, as Dems need to pick up PA and Shapiro is considered a smart politician. but he's Jewish (and apparently Dems don't like Jews this fall, but they'll take their campaign cash). Also, apparently, he's got some sexual harassment claims in his closet.

Kelly (Senator in AZ): an astronaut, gun rights guy, and more conservative on immigration. So that would be a smart pick. But apparently, he's co-owner of a spy balloon company that received significant funding from Tenacent (a big Chinese firm with ties to the CCP). Doh!

I suppose she can still consider Whitmer (Gov of MI) and Newsome (Gov. of CA). Whitmer has a nice rack, so I wouldn't mind seeing her more often. I'm not sure what she brings to the table in turns of policy, etc. Newsome is a big name, but he's an idiot, and has driven CA into the toilet. And the Dems already have CA in the bag, not sure whether he'd help in any swing states.

Welz (Gov of MN) apparently is now being considered. The dude is a socialist idiot, and has been driving MN into the ground for the past several years. Not sure how this is considered a good pick.

I still think Shapiro is her smartest pick, but I don't know why he'd want it. He might have asperations for 2028.


VIP Member
Aug 14, 2012
So why in the world do we think that all hispanics are all the same? My wife is Puerto Rican, and she just laughs at such a thought. The language between Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Mexicans, etc. varies widely, and culturally they're even more different. It's just plain silly to think that if we flood the country with people of Mexico and Latin America, they'll all vote the same.
Exactly, but both parties bank on this idea of group thought. My wife definitely doesn't think like an Argentine and even hates soccer and Italian food. When she first immigrated she had no idea what the Norteno Mexican's were saying because they speak a slang of English mixed with poor Spanish. Hell, Cubans and Puerto Ricans don't even eat the same foods as Norteno Mexicans. Argentines are not even close to any of them. The eat fatty meats and Italian food. Norteno Mexican call chicken pollo, in Castillano it is posho (the two ll's are always pronounced sh. So Costillano is actually pronounced Castashano. My wife had no idea what a trucka was. 99% of all the south of the border folks we have met are very conservative, very family oriented and very religious. They do not approve of illegals coming over the border and taking their jobs from them. Our plumber's family was from Mexico but he is born and raised here and says it is harder and harder to find work because the illegal work for nothing. He can't pay bills for what they work for and most have little experience in doing plumbing. Illegal immigration has become the modern version of slavery.

Absolutely it is silly to think this. Most all the people we know who are illegal could care a less about voting. They want money to send back home. But what is possible it this flood destroys America from within. High poverty levels, education standards go to shit, health care is flooded, Medicare, Medicade and SSI are depleted and crime levels rise. It will eventually bankrupt the whole country and make it easier to change to the globalist shit hole they have turned the EU into. Create a society that is 100% dependent on big government, get rid of the middle class and have one small elite ruling class. Venezuela is a very good recent example of what we are headed to. Its not socialism, but the idea of socialism is used by a group of greedy politicians to create a small circle of elites and a large group of very poor that have to work all the time to give to the elites. just to survive. This is why our community has so many Venezuelans and Cubans living here. The middle class left everything that had to get out of that tyrannical dictatorship. Miami is full of educated, one time wealthy people who fled the same dictatorship. They surely aren't going to vote for more of the same, if they are allowed to vote.


VIP Member
Aug 14, 2012
One of the reasons I retired was age discrimination. I worked circles around the young coaches who were lazy but when your boss is also young its a hard battle to fight. Me and another old coach had to endure old coach jokes while they sat on their asses doing nothing. I eventually got to the point my pension was going to be equal to getting paid to work and I just said fuck it. Why keep working and putting up with this shit and being in pain every day doing it for the unappreciative assholes. But living on a fixed income gets kind of scary now days. Prices go up and my pension payments does not.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Why does our Government and media insist we are Afro-Americans, Italian- Americans, Mexican-Americans, etc etc. More division? Why are we not all considered just Americans?
Dude I say this ALL the time ,,, and about the news as well. Remember when they spoke of Senators and Congressman ,, it was ,, the Distinguished Senator from Mississippi , or the Honorable Senator from New York ... now its ,, the Democrat from yada yada or the Republican from where ever ... the media stokes and sews division in our nation just so they can report ,, there is division in our nation. Complete insanity.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
I am already suffering at work being a white male at work and every new promotion goes to a woman or person of color. I have enough time in to retire with benefits but obviously need to work another 15 plus years and would be fighting ageism along with being a white male.
I represent some of the biggest high tech names in Silicon Valley. One of my clients informed me of their new "rule" that 12.5% of all US equity partners need to be either: female, gay, disabled, LGBTQ or POC (people of color)) in order for me to be allowed to continue providing them professional services.

It's against the law in my state to ask my employees about their sexual orientation. How, exactly, am I supposed to know what percentage of my fellow partners meet their stupid rules? What exactly is "disabled?" I'm legally blind in one eye. Does that count? What if I've got a snowflake employee that has anxiety about everything. Does that count?

Just how gay is gay enough? If I suck cock can I keep the account? Can I get by with a handjob? What do we call people who have sex for money? How do I know if I fellow partner is gay? Do I sing the first line of a showtune and see if they can sing the next line? What if they wear Italian shoes? Can I just assume? It's so stupid. Any their "rule" has nothing to do with the quality of our professional services. It just makes me sick.


VIP Member
Dec 10, 2013
My brother is in Houston and has a hunting lease about 90 minutes from there with several of his buddies. The guy who owns the property encourages them to kill as many of the feral hogs as possible. Apparently, they reproduce like rabbits, are mean/aggressive, and destroy crops, etc. A real headache for people in TX.

Was fun to see a pic my brother driving a suped-up golf cart on the lease, with his 12 year old son sitting on the back with a semi-automatic "cruising for hogs!" LOL That kid was having the time of his life!
What I don’t get is they are really bad in Texas & do reproduce like crazy but they are all worried about making money off of them.
If you want to thin them out or destroy them all together don’t charge people crazy amounts of money to hunt them. Hell let people hunt for free! I could probably gather up 10 guys to carpool to Texas & take out a bunch of them. I’m only one person, I’m sure other people could get a group together to do the same. We would all provide guns, ammo, vehicles, etc.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
Apparently Whitmer of MI has also declined to be considered in Kamala's VP stakes. But apparently Pete "booty duty" Buttigieg is being considered (as he's simply been outstanding in his cabinet post, LOL).

Well, Kamala, I wish you the best. In the meantime, I'll ponder a few of your insightful quotes as I breathlessly await the wisdom of your final choice.

Quote 1: "You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You live in the context of all in which you live and what came before you."

Quote 2: "It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day."


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
One of the guys over at ugbb put this up yesterday with a group of meme's and I laughed my fucking ass off at it so i googled and found it



Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
I represent some of the biggest high tech names in Silicon Valley. One of my clients informed me of their new "rule" that 12.5% of all US equity partners need to be either: female, gay, disabled, LGBTQ or POC (people of color)) in order for me to be allowed to continue providing them professional services.

It's against the law in my state to ask my employees about their sexual orientation. How, exactly, am I supposed to know what percentage of my fellow partners meet their stupid rules? What exactly is "disabled?" I'm legally blind in one eye. Does that count? What if I've got a snowflake employee that has anxiety about everything. Does that count?

Just how gay is gay enough? If I suck cock can I keep the account? Can I get by with a handjob? What do we call people who have sex for money? How do I know if I fellow partner is gay? Do I sing the first line of a showtune and see if they can sing the next line? What if they wear Italian shoes? Can I just assume? It's so stupid. Any their "rule" has nothing to do with the quality of our professional services. It just makes me sick.
Hey I may get to the point that I identify as a woman to get another job. I mean shit all I would need to do is wear a wig some make up and shave and wear fat women's clothes. I'd bet I would get moved to the top of the list as Jessica after my interview.
I really hate the people in the world that are pushing this. In the 90s they focused on education and had some sense of decency in the media and movies and music. Now they want people to be stupid high all day and on government assistance.
I learned recently that the young kids now can get disability payments just for anxiety and not work. You can't make this up.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
I represent some of the biggest high tech names in Silicon Valley. One of my clients informed me of their new "rule" that 12.5% of all US equity partners need to be either: female, gay, disabled, LGBTQ or POC (people of color)) in order for me to be allowed to continue providing them professional services.

It's against the law in my state to ask my employees about their sexual orientation. How, exactly, am I supposed to know what percentage of my fellow partners meet their stupid rules? What exactly is "disabled?" I'm legally blind in one eye. Does that count? What if I've got a snowflake employee that has anxiety about everything. Does that count?

Just how gay is gay enough? If I suck cock can I keep the account? Can I get by with a handjob? What do we call people who have sex for money? How do I know if I fellow partner is gay? Do I sing the first line of a showtune and see if they can sing the next line? What if they wear Italian shoes? Can I just assume? It's so stupid. Any their "rule" has nothing to do with the quality of our professional services. It just makes me sick.
Hey hey hey.. I wear Italian shoes! No homo bro.
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