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Haven’t lifted since The military In 87. Still in good shape, way less than I did when I discharged from the military,



New Member
Oct 26, 2024
So I haven’t lifted since I got out of the military except radically and not much in the last 15 years. I’ve walked ransom but walked a lot. I used to walk 4 to 6 miles a day then I have back surgery to fuse a broken back from the military and a motorcycle accident after that and now it’s a lame excuse that I need to get past. I’ve got a 5 kg anvil and hearing lies the question.

i’m sitting in a chair in a good posture position and I take this 5 kg handle and I lifted above my head and lower it down to the back of my head up 25 times at a time and then a rest for a minute and then do 25 more and so far I’m up to 10 sets and I’m at the point where I can’t do many more than that 25. Is that a good workout or is it a lame workout for my arms and my lats? I’ve got L405S one fusion 27 breaks in my upper vertebrae in my back 14 breaks in my lower ribs and eight broken ribs for military and motorcycle accidents and I’ve got two skull fractures, resulting in a TMI on the entire left side of my brain. Life is fine. I just don’t have short-term memory for the most part and my focus is hard. But I need to get back into shape and I’m housebound. Is what I’m doing a good starting place? I can’t do push-ups because of my back problem, but I’m trying to get there. Any help would be greatly appreciated as to regiment I could do. I’m looking at the chair yoga as I think I can do most of that and that focuses a lot on the upper body, which is what I really want to get help with. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Tbucket


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
Try wall pushups to get you started, gradually increase your angle dead hang if you can from something, do free squats for the leggies as many as possible.
Is it tricep extensions you are describing with the 5kg thingy?
Welcome to TID.
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Holy shit brom you are lucky to be alive. I am no physio but I would go to one and have them set you up a plan to strengthen your back and such. My son has his back fused from C5 to L3 from a stupid teen stunt when he was 14. Granted he is young but he started doing work given to him by the PT and does it to this day still 12 years later. He is pretty active and can do full pushups and even roller squats with dumb bells. I mean every case is different but they told him, strong core solves a lot of probs he would have. Best of luck to ya, your situation sucks but its better than being 6 feet under.
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