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gym people types



TID Lady Member
Jul 1, 2011
I have tried all the times, and much prefer the early a.m. crowd...they are more interested in getting their work done and not bs'ing, and there aren't any of the aerobic ladies with their chatter...makes it easier for me to focus and dig in for my workout...
an added bonus is that it is much easier to get the equipment I want...


TID Lady Member
Aug 16, 2011
I agree with so many of the comments LOL... DC kinda nailed it with her description and I match littleguys head down earbuds in comment completely. When I find myself in the .01% of my workouts "Ipod dead" I have the worst workouts ever. I can't listen to their shit and the crap music the gym has on, really cuts down on my ability to focus.

I've been known to just finish my sets and go home if my iPod dies. If there's something good on the TVs mounted in the treadmills, I'll plug in, but otherwise, just kill me. Head down, volume up, LIFT!

I look for the serious hardcore people. They are getting fewer and further between these days, which takes more of the fun out of the gym for me. I would pay cash money to find a good ol' iron dungeon w/ chalk all over the floor, ripped out flannel shirt-wearin', pack-o-hotdogs on the back of the neck, big ass sweaty, prison workhouse tooled lifting belt guys who growl when they lift (and a good fan to keep the protein farts at bay), heavy metal blarin' big ass speakers sound system and NO BOSU BALLS to be seen!

But since I can't find that, I go to my Crunch Fitness gym after work and deal w/ the new year's resolutioners, etc. and hope they leave early. As long as my iPod is charged, the 'Tallica is blasting and no one sticks a pink weight in my path, its all good. The people I'm more likely to enjoy being around either get in mid-late afternoon & run the hell out the door by 5 pm, or they come in later after the weekend warriors have gone home to take a shower.


National Champion & VIP Member
Jul 8, 2011
"I look for the serious hardcore people. They are getting fewer and further between these days, which takes more of the fun out of the gym for me. I would pay cash money to find a good ol' iron dungeon w/ chalk all over the floor, ripped out flannel shirt-wearin', pack-o-hotdogs on the back of the neck, big ass sweaty, prison workhouse tooled lifting belt guys who growl when they lift (and a good fan to keep the protein farts at bay), heavy metal blarin' big ass speakers sound system and NO BOSU BALLS to be seen!"
This is exactly what I would like to create at the gym we and my business partners have in mind, at least a part of it. We're looking at a pretty big building. These here /\/\/\ are my people!


TID Lady Member
Aug 16, 2011
"I look for the serious hardcore people. They are getting fewer and further between these days, which takes more of the fun out of the gym for me. I would pay cash money to find a good ol' iron dungeon w/ chalk all over the floor, ripped out flannel shirt-wearin', pack-o-hotdogs on the back of the neck, big ass sweaty, prison workhouse tooled lifting belt guys who growl when they lift (and a good fan to keep the protein farts at bay), heavy metal blarin' big ass speakers sound system and NO BOSU BALLS to be seen!"
This is exactly what I would like to create at the gym we and my business partners have in mind, at least a part of it. We're looking at a pretty big building. These here /\/\/\ are my people!

I really like the pack-o-hotdogs guys too... gets me singing "Oh I wish I were an Oscar Mayer weiner" in my head!


Friends Remembered
Oct 11, 2010
"I look for the serious hardcore people. They are getting fewer and further between these days, which takes more of the fun out of the gym for me. I would pay cash money to find a good ol' iron dungeon w/ chalk all over the floor, ripped out flannel shirt-wearin', pack-o-hotdogs on the back of the neck, big ass sweaty, prison workhouse tooled lifting belt guys who growl when they lift (and a good fan to keep the protein farts at bay), heavy metal blarin' big ass speakers sound system and NO BOSU BALLS to be seen!"
This is exactly what I would like to create at the gym we and my business partners have in mind, at least a part of it. We're looking at a pretty big building. These here /\/\/\ are my people!

Ha ha ha ha! your awesome!


Dec 30, 2010
Night for me, because that is what my schedule holds me to. there is a light night old crowd that is pretty serious into working out, few young douche bags, hand full of hot moms, and maybe 2 or 3 serious lifters.

I'm an ear head down hoodie hood up, don't speak and try not to look at anyone.


Dec 7, 2011
I'm an early afternoon and trying to get a gym built at our factory so I got something to do at lunch break. No hardcore lifters there, pretty sure there isn't enough plates if a couple of you guys went to this gym. Do get a couple of hot mom's in there at that time; but I'm too busy to make an ex-husbands jealous. They also have at risk youths come in for the PE from the alternative learning center; so that's fun. I'm not really a great resource; but their gym teacher was mine when I was in high school and they'll ask me a few questions throughout the workout. I have no problem spotting a 15 year old if he's trying heavy weights; get em' too tired to go out and stab anybody.


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2011
"get em' too tired to go out and stab anybody"

Now that's funny....

Ipod, Earbuds are a must. There are a few guys as into it as me but we just kinda knod at each other and go about our business.

I will be glad when the Newyears crowd is gone.


Jan 15, 2012
My gym is pretty cool you have the odd fashionable few who seem to go to try and hit on the girls who are fully made up for a night out kinda type, but pretty much any time of the day the free weight area has people like me earbuds in head down get it done attitude odd nod of acknowledgement but that's it.



New Member
Nov 14, 2011
I agree, the New Years crowd is tiresome, but ja, at least they disappear eventually.
Im not sure what happens in the morning, I have only ever been early (before 6am) ONCE, and I was still so fast asleep I barely noticed!
I have been around 9am on weekends, thats nice, its pretty much the same crowd as we get on week day evenings, between 5pm and 7pm. I know the gym is really busy at this hour, but, aside from Mondays, which is impossible, I kinda enjoy it. You know you're going to struggle for space and equipment, but it forces you to shake up your workout by finding something else to do while you wait. A lot of the guys are serious BB'ers, and the school boy/girl crowd leaves before 4pm. I have noticed the house-wifey perfume wearing crowd seems to go mid morning. Its nice to train at the same time every day, as you become 'part of the furniture' and eventually know everyone by name. We do chat, but mostly we're focussed and listening to our own music, everyone respects that we're all here to train, those who just come to chat dont gain many followers. The afternoon crowd is often maligned, but, its the only time we have, (or can cope with) and we like it.
The local mall and beach is also close, so we also see each other 'around', as far as I can tell, its a good bunch.
A lot of the guys who compete, do cardio in the mornings, so, I also think the serious morning trainers (cardio-wise) are actually also the same guys who train weights at night...


TID Lady Member
Dec 21, 2011
morning people are focused...i think because most are going to work ...funny when i had my 1st we would do the morning mall crawl in the winter with the senior citizen because child care didnt open till 10..i push her around for 45 min eveymorning...i learned that old guys only wear all white new balance and reek of polo cologne ... no offence


Nov 27, 2011
i go mornings twice a week and evenings twice a week, see a little of all types. just wanna know if any of you have the ultra skinny 12 inch bicep guys flexin in the mirrors or the shadow boxers in yals gyms?
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