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Going back on TRT, hopefully. What to use?



VIP Member
Dec 16, 2022
My hematocrit was dangerously high after my spring-summer cycle. With the help of a hematologist, it's back in the normal range, but I had to quit TRT. I am going to ask about going back on that. What do you think of using primo instead of testosterone for TRT and how much would be good? Or 1/2 test - 1/2 primo?


Jun 30, 2022
Did you ever have hematocrit issues before this?
Perhaps you can wait a bit and do low dose test only and see how hematocrit looks after a while.
Maybe try primo with low dose dbol for a while. Just an idea.


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2022
My hematocrit was dangerously high after my spring-summer cycle. With the help of a hematologist, it's back in the normal range, but I had to quit TRT. I am going to ask about going back on that. What do you think of using primo instead of testosterone for TRT and how much would be good? Or 1/2 test - 1/2 primo?

How high was it? Was your hemoglobin high also?

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National Breast Implant Awareness Month Squeezer
Mar 18, 2012
In my experience 70mgs or 700mgs my crit goes bad. My GFR is that of a "80 year old with kidney failure" as once discribed by an Endo. Drink water all day, every meal, every time you pee. I take in raw fresh grated ginger and horseradish 2X every day in addition to a teaspoon every morning with green tea. Fresh sqeezed lemon juice in warm water every morning. Don't drink coffee or black tea. Perform at least 30 minutes of target heart rate cardio for you age 5 days a week. I lift non-stop and I mean ZERO rest between sets! My crit is just at top of upper range, GFR is excellent. Running 120mgs cyp EOD Sub-Q.

Eat nuts with every meal!

Don't run ANYTHING without running a testosterone base, you might have blood issues, you'll have others!


VIP Member
Dec 16, 2022
I saw the doc today, My hematocrit and hemoglobin are both on the high end of the accepted range. It has been coming down with blood draws, but she's convinced that it will go up again. I have had high HCT for years. In her opinion, it is a chronic problem, not caused by steroids. I will have a biopsy next week, after which she will be able to prescribe a medication. She told me if the medication works, I'll probably still have to give blood quarterly, but will be able to restart TRT.


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
In my experience 70mgs or 700mgs my crit goes bad. My GFR is that of a "80 year old with kidney failure" as once discribed by an Endo. Drink water all day, every meal, every time you pee. I take in raw fresh grated ginger and horseradish 2X every day in addition to a teaspoon every morning with green tea. Fresh sqeezed lemon juice in warm water every morning. Don't drink coffee or black tea. Perform at least 30 minutes of target heart rate cardio for you age 5 days a week. I lift non-stop and I mean ZERO rest between sets! My crit is just at top of upper range, GFR is excellent. Running 120mgs cyp EOD Sub-Q.

Eat nuts with every meal!

Don't run ANYTHING without running a testosterone base, you might have blood issues, you'll have others!

1) "In my experience 70mgs or 700mgs my crit goes bad." Gels made mine go up, just donate. By the time you get to a dose that doesn't raise HCT, it won't be enough for a 1 kg rat.
2) "Don't run ANYTHING without running a testosterone base, you might not have blood issues, but you'll have others!" For sure.


National Breast Implant Awareness Month Squeezer
Mar 18, 2012

"Gels made mine go up, just donate. By the time you get to a dose that doesn't raise HCT, it won't be enough for a 1 kg rat"

My levels are >1100 on a 120mgs/week dose.

Not everyone has insurance that covers all or part of 650/mo for gels.
The more I 'blood let' and yes I was doing at home phlebotomy, the more my body made blood resulting in higher HCT over time and draining a pint in the bathtub every 3 weeks.

We are not all the same.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
What were your numbers. Dangerously high doesn't mean much without the hematocrit number. I'll throw some numbers out. People living at altitude, like Colorado, run high up to around hematocrit of 55% and that is considered normal. You get up higher than that you should take action. Some guys do better injecting subQ and splitting the dose over the week. some guys take a month off and it comes down. i don't know your doc and so i can't tell if she knows how to deal with these things or i you somehow developed polycythemia. In that case it would require a lot of blood donation until it spontanously corrected or for the rest of your life. I it's the mor common high red cell production that a lot of olde men get with androgen use as we age then you can probably mitigate it will off periods and limited blood donation. There are some drugs that people use but do you really want to take a drug that hampers your bone marrow?
Last edited:


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
No Primo would not be the solution you are looking for. You would create estrogen deficit causing other problems and primo also can raise hematocrit.


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019

"Gels made mine go up, just donate. By the time you get to a dose that doesn't raise HCT, it won't be enough for a 1 kg rat"

My levels are >1100 on a 120mgs/week dose.

Not everyone has insurance that covers all or part of 650/mo for gels.
The more I 'blood let' and yes I was doing at home phlebotomy, the more my body made blood resulting in higher HCT over time and draining a pint in the bathtub every 3 weeks.

We are not all the same.
I remember the Testim days, that ate up my $2000 out of pocket in no time and that was back when out of pocket was ONLY $2000. Was talking to one of the older guys at the gym yesterday, HRT clinic has him on 320 TC/wk. Has no issues with HCT. It varies so much from person to person, male or female.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Do you have sleep issues? Sleep apnea, insomnia, etc... are some of the leading causes for high RBC and HCT.

My RBC and HCT are always above average no matter what. Gear, no gear, 185 lbs, 255 lbs, running 70+ miles a week, walking 10-15 miles a week, low protein, high protein, etc... Been that way since I started getting blood work 25 years ago.
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