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jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Sorry y'all it was me. I was horny and snuck off in the I.T. room at my work 9 months ago and had a wank. All those blinking lights and noises, that is one sexy server. Next thing I know I found a hole small enough for my tiny pickle and I did not use protection. I accidentally got the sever pregnant. Oh it was consensual, she wanted it just as bad as me after all those I.T. geeks. She wanted a real man! Anyway, all the servers that were attached to our server were effected and the ones attached to those ect. When our server gave birth to the first semi human (me) computer hybrid. They all stopped working to come see the "one that was prophesied". I know, it was supposed to be Stephen Hawking but his junk did not work so they got me.

Anyway, sorry about the outage, I hope my little liaison does not cause the end of the world and the rise of the machines. But dammit, mmmmmmmm that was one sexy server.

Meet my baby boy! His name is 01000010 01100101 01101110 01101010 01100001 01101101 01101001 01101110



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Some where last night a man came home to a smiling wife and then a short conversation began ...

"How was work today ...."

"uhh ,,, well I don't have to go in tomorrow ...."

"oh you got a day off ?

" ,,,, kind of ,,,"

"you remember that update I was working on ...."

"yeah the one you said you didnt have to upload to the test grid because you were sure it was perfect .... sure i do what about it ?...."

"Welll ........"
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