Heady Muscle
VIP Member
- Oct 13, 2014
- 945
- 643
I have lots of questions about your list here but I surprised to see the Methylene Blue on here. I know what Google says about it's benefits but why are you using this, are you seeing positive results and what brand are you using?It was high intensity day, so every exercise is performed to an intensifier (rest pause, drop, widowmaker, etc...)
Pec dec 250 lbs x 11/5/5 (Rest pause set. Hips forward, chest out, taking the front delts out of the movement.)
Single arm rear delt cable fly 40 lbs x 18/8/6 (Rest pause set. I went too light on this.)
Weighted pull ups 285 lbs x 7/3/3/3 (Rest pause set.)
Single arm cable laterals 40 lbs x 13/8/5 (Rest pause set. Cable behind the back.)
Incline Smith press 385 lbs x 3/315 lbs x 7/225 lbs x 10 (Drop set. Slow eccentric and explosive concentric. Well explosive as you can be with 385 lbs. I wanted to start at 4 wheels, but I wasn't feeling it.)
One arm cable row 100 lbs x 10/7/5 (Rest pause set.)
This wasn't a difficult day, but I feel like I was hit by a bus. I think it was because I pushed the weight up on everything except the rear delt fly.
Here is the current cycle.
40 mg test cyp ED
20 mg primo ED
8 iu humalog pre-workout
7 iu humalog post workout
18 iu GH on training days only (4x a week; arms don't count as training days)
.5 mg retatrutide 2x a week
40 mg Telmisartin ED
5 mg Cialis ED
500-750 mcg SLU-PP-332 ED (500 on training days and 750 on non-training days)
300 mcg MT2 3x a week
120 mcg T4 ED (GH chews through it like a PES dispenser)
30 mg Methylene Blue ED
900 mg NMN ED
300 mg Ubiqinol ED
500 mg Inositol ED
8,800 iu Vitamin D3 ED
B 50 ED
2,000 mg Citrus Bergamot ED
4,000 fu Nattokinaise ED
1,200 mg Ashwagandha ED
6 g Triple Omega ED
GABA, 5-HTP, P5P (I forget the dose and I am too lazy to get up)
Axe and Sledge 212 Thermo and Mutant Mind F'k (I am addicted. Fucking crack.)
Mutant GEAAR (Aminos)
Mutant Creakong (Creatine)
Mutant Glutamine
Yep Strength Stupid Pumped (Pre-workout)
Troponin Field Rations (Intra-workout)