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Heady Muscle

Heady Muscle

VIP Member
Oct 13, 2014
It was high intensity day, so every exercise is performed to an intensifier (rest pause, drop, widowmaker, etc...)

Pec dec 250 lbs x 11/5/5 (Rest pause set. Hips forward, chest out, taking the front delts out of the movement.)
Single arm rear delt cable fly 40 lbs x 18/8/6 (Rest pause set. I went too light on this.)
Weighted pull ups 285 lbs x 7/3/3/3 (Rest pause set.)
Single arm cable laterals 40 lbs x 13/8/5 (Rest pause set. Cable behind the back.)
Incline Smith press 385 lbs x 3/315 lbs x 7/225 lbs x 10 (Drop set. Slow eccentric and explosive concentric. Well explosive as you can be with 385 lbs. I wanted to start at 4 wheels, but I wasn't feeling it.)
One arm cable row 100 lbs x 10/7/5 (Rest pause set.)

This wasn't a difficult day, but I feel like I was hit by a bus. I think it was because I pushed the weight up on everything except the rear delt fly.

Here is the current cycle.
40 mg test cyp ED
20 mg primo ED
8 iu humalog pre-workout
7 iu humalog post workout
18 iu GH on training days only (4x a week; arms don't count as training days)
.5 mg retatrutide 2x a week
40 mg Telmisartin ED
5 mg Cialis ED
500-750 mcg SLU-PP-332 ED (500 on training days and 750 on non-training days)
300 mcg MT2 3x a week
120 mcg T4 ED (GH chews through it like a PES dispenser)
30 mg Methylene Blue ED
900 mg NMN ED
300 mg Ubiqinol ED
500 mg Inositol ED
8,800 iu Vitamin D3 ED
B 50 ED
2,000 mg Citrus Bergamot ED
4,000 fu Nattokinaise ED
1,200 mg Ashwagandha ED
6 g Triple Omega ED
GABA, 5-HTP, P5P (I forget the dose and I am too lazy to get up)

Axe and Sledge 212 Thermo and Mutant Mind F'k (I am addicted. Fucking crack.)
Mutant GEAAR (Aminos)
Mutant Creakong (Creatine)
Mutant Glutamine
Yep Strength Stupid Pumped (Pre-workout)
Troponin Field Rations (Intra-workout)
I have lots of questions about your list here but I surprised to see the Methylene Blue on here. I know what Google says about it's benefits but why are you using this, are you seeing positive results and what brand are you using?

genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
I have lots of questions about your list here but I surprised to see the Methylene Blue on here. I know what Google says about it's benefits but why are you using this, are you seeing positive results and what brand are you using?

I primarily use it to reduce blood viscosity, which I found it works fairly well. I got about a 5% reduction in RBC/hemoglobin/HCT. Using Best 365 Labs Maximum Strength Brain Support.

Arm day today. I almost skipped it, because I feel like absolute garbage. More like a garbage truck ran me over. 701 lbs on my back for 6 reps made everything joint in my body hurt even if they had nothing to do with the movement.

Seated overhead tricep cable extension 205 lbs x 12/6/4 (Rest pause set)
Dumbbell preacher curl 30 lbs/25 lbs/20 lbs x 12/4/4 (Drop set. I do this on an incline bench and put it at nearly 90 degrees then pin the top of the pad in my armpit. There is no recruitment from the front delt or back. This is all bicep. I have taken guys who thought they had big arms through this and they couldn't do 25 lbs for 10 reps. It is amazing what happens when you completely isolate a muscle.)
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Had to lookup what a Hatfield squat was. You are a beast brother. You live up to your name. Back when we were at WCBB and you were doing those crazy workouts with insane runs after and such. Damn, if I had 1/2 of your genetics i would be happy with that. Keep it up. Not tryin to be gay or nothing but amazed at the transformation in your physique since you got serious at BB.
Thank you, brother. As shitty as my parents were, their DNA at least built some genetic freaks. Both of my brothers are the same, however, they are lazy and don't apply themselves.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Thank you, brother. As shitty as my parents were, their DNA at least built some genetic freaks. Both of my brothers are the same, however, they are lazy and don't apply themselves.
I'm one of 8 , 6 boys 2 girls , same here couple brothers normal , 2 chefs , one genius , one crack head.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
I'm one of 8 , 6 boys 2 girls , same here couple brothers normal , 2 chefs , one genius , one crack head.
I have a brother I am really close to that is an absolute monster. Dude was benching 405 lbs x 8 and squatting 495 lbs x 12 when he was 19 years old and 230 lbs. However, he has severe social anxiety. So bad that he didn't graduate high school, because he refused to complete a simple requirement of giving an oral report the teacher even said he could just stand up there and read it off a paper and she would pass him. He is 44 and never got a driver's license. Has had some good jobs, but as soon as they implement a new policy he quits. He just does odd jobs now. Luckily, he has an awesome girlfriend of like 15 years that hasn't bailed on him, because he refuses to get married for the simple fact he has to stand in front of someone even for a simple ceremony.

Anyways, I try and see him once a year. He is still cool as fuck to hang out with. The others, they can fuck off. Haha.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
I have a brother I am really close to that is an absolute monster. Dude was benching 405 lbs x 8 and squatting 495 lbs x 12 when he was 19 years old and 230 lbs. However, he has severe social anxiety. So bad that he didn't graduate high school, because he refused to complete a simple requirement of giving an oral report the teacher even said he could just stand up there and read it off a paper and she would pass him. He is 44 and never got a driver's license. Has had some good jobs, but as soon as they implement a new policy he quits. He just does odd jobs now. Luckily, he has an awesome girlfriend of like 15 years that hasn't bailed on him, because he refuses to get married for the simple fact he has to stand in front of someone even for a simple ceremony.

Anyways, I try and see him once a year. He is still cool as fuck to hang out with. The others, they can fuck off. Haha.
Oldest brother is/was the monster , he should of been born with a warning label .... one more word imma knock you the fuck out ,,and if you so much as ,,but Dougie ... be ready cus he's coming,, hard.

Got my ass torn up 4 shades of purple once for dropping him with a hammer .. fucker chased me like 4 times around the car in the garage ,,, BOINK !!! haaahahhahahaha homey don't play that shit !! :cool:
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Alright it was muscle round day, except for Iso Rows and Viking Press. We have a new Arsenal Iso Row and Viking Press that I don't have enough data on to do a muscle round. Well at least that is what I tell myself, I just wanted to do a top/back off set on the Iso and drop set on Viking is what it really boils down too. Sometimes I need someone to train me and tell me to STFU and stop making things harder.

Muscle rounds
Pec dec 205 lbs x 5/5/5/5/5/7
DC row 120 lbs x 5/5/5/5/5/5 (Using the prime grips change this movement and not for the better. However, the ropes we have suck ass, so you do what you can.)
Smith incline 315 lbs x 4/4/4/4/4/3 (I set the bench up one hole higher than usual. Why? No idea, make it harder, I guess.)
Lat row 90 lbs x 5/5/5/5/5/5
Decline press machine 450 lbs x 4/4, 410 lbs x 4/4 and 360 lbs x 4/4 (Modified. My chest was already destroyed.)
Seated cable row 190 lbs x 5/5/5/5/5/5 (Pulled high to focus on upper back.)

Viking press drop set 270 lbs x 9/180 lbs x 8/90 lbs x 13 (Now I have enough data for a muscle round.)

Iso row top set 225 lbs x 13/back off set 180 lbs x 17 (I have enough data for a muscle round. However, not too sure about this machine. It has great adjustability, but it is not designed for big guys. When I say big, I mean guys who move a lot of weight. There are 4 handle options and I chose the harderst, neutral grip. When I used the others, they were too easy for the top set and you can only add one more plate. I am already looking at ways I can band it. I went slow AF too with my tempo. Any slower and I think it would be a waste of time.)
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
I was doing training and nutrition plans and writing a newsletter all day yesterday and didn't get in here to post.

Weighted dips top set 420 lbs x 9/back off set 375 lbs x 11 (Bodyweight + 4/3 plates. Actually a little more, as I was 242 lbs naked.)
Cable concentration curl 50 lbs x 17/8/6 (Rest pause set. Too light, but it was a 5 lbs increase from last mesocycle.)
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
I felt like absolute trash today. I don't know why, maybe came down with a bug or something. Plus, my pre-workout must be rancid. It usually tastes awesome, like you look forward to drinking it. I opened a new tub and it made me want to vomit. I opened another tub, same thing. I had my wife smell it and she said it smelled disgusting, sot it just wasn't me. I still drank it, which was nearly impossible to get down. I will have to contact the owner and let him know he has a bad batch. I feel bad, as he is a small business and this is going to hurt him, but it will hurt him worse if he sends those batches out to others.

Machine rear delt fly top set 207.5 lbs x 15/back off set 185 lbs x 11
Incline dumbbell press top set 155 lbs x 5/back off sets 120 lbs x 9 and 90 lbs x 10 (I set the bench one hole higher than usual, which was a mistake. I didn't feel it in my chest like I like. These were all pause reps.)
Lat pull down using Prime Power Bar top set 240 lbs x 11/ back off sets 210 lbs x 11 and 180 lbs x 11 (Pump out of fucking control.)
Dumbbell scoop top set 35 lbs x 11/back off set 30 lbs x 11 (Standing)
Seated lateral raise superset 35 lbs and 70 lbs x 20
Deadlifts 487 lbs completely raw, no straps or belt/598 lbs straps only, no belt/664 lbs straps and belt (Made an attempt at 708 lbs, but I didn't stick with it. It left the floor, but I bailed too early. I thought it was still on the floor, but my buddy said it left the floor and when I look back at the video I see it left the floor. That is the first time I have ever moved weight off the floor and not finished the lift... Oh well, always next year. I only deadlift 2x a year and the next time will be in August/September, post show, so it is an AMRAP of 550 lbs.)
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
SSB JM Press 225 lbs x 8/5/5/4 (Rest pause set. I will never do JM Press any other way again. If I did this with a regular or EZ curl bar my elbows would be screaming and I never would have been able to do a rest pause set without the risk of smashing my face. Absolutely no elbow pain, not a single twinge. I could completely bring the pad down on my face and even let is smash in a bit and my triceps were absolutely fucking destroyed.)
Single arm overhead cable curl 45 lbs x 15/15/15 (Myo set with 1 minute between each.)


Senior Bacon VIP
Nov 1, 2010
SSB JM Press 225 lbs x 8/5/5/4 (Rest pause set. I will never do JM Press any other way again. If I did this with a regular or EZ curl bar my elbows would be screaming and I never would have been able to do a rest pause set without the risk of smashing my face. Absolutely no elbow pain, not a single twinge. I could completely bring the pad down on my face and even let is smash in a bit and my triceps were absolutely fucking destroyed.)
Single arm overhead cable curl 45 lbs x 15/15/15 (Myo set with 1 minute between each.)
I feel like my chest gets in the way and the arms of the SSB are digging in. You’re bigger than me, how do you get around it?


TID Board Of Directors
May 3, 2011
Oh well, always next year. I only deadlift 2x a year and the next time will be in August/September, post show, so it is an AMRAP of 550 lbs.)
Is that due to the overall toll it takes on the body to max out on deadlifts, or is it injury prevention? Or some other reason?
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