genetic freak
VIP Member
- Dec 28, 2015
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I learn new stuff every day. I implemented one of them today.Catching up in here. I got the beginning and the recent and skipped most of the middle. I’ll be following along to learn.
It was leg day! My favorite and most hated day of the week. I love leg day, but if gives me a great deal of anxiety. Pushing weights that would snap normal people in half and increasing the resistance, slowing the tempo or increasing the ROM every single week scares the shit out of me. People tell me all the time to just back off. I can't. There are no half days on leg day. Not even 99% days. It is 100% every leg day.
Good Mornings top set 225 lbs x 10/back off set 205 lbs x 10 (Used the SSB, dead stop, knees locked, squeeze the glutes to drive the hips forward to execute the lift. Almost all bias on glutes and hamstrings, very little load on the back.) 2 min between sets
Rogers Pendulum Seated Squat top set 720 lbs x 8/back off sets 630 lbs x 8 and 540 lbs x 8 (Knees to chin, letting the hips rotate back off the seat. It is the only way this machine is worth a shit. Otherwise there isn't enough weight in the gym to make it worthwhile.) 3 min between sets
Standing Calf Raises 250 lbs x 22/17 (Standing on a 35 lbs bumper plate using the SSB. Heels to the floor with each rep and full squeeze pause at the top. You don't build calves by bouncing like you are trying to get through the lift as quickly as possible. Make it fucking hurt.)
Leg Extension Ladder starting at 115 lbs and going up to 250 lbs with 15 lbs jumps with 8 pause reps at each with 25 seconds rest between jumps (I use 25 seconds, because if I have a training partner that is about how long it takes for them to do their set and for us to change out.)
Belt Squad Lunges 248 lbs x 16 (I saw a video of Brandon Curry doing these last night and I was supposed to do walking lunges today, but figured I would give these a try. Fucking brutal! Just set up like you are going to do a belt squat then pivot 90 degrees and do lunges instead.)
One of the other bodybuilders at the gym said when I was done, "Your fucking quads are getting out of control." I told him the only way they won't outgrow everything else is if I didn't train them at all. I could probably do a Mentzer 1 time a month and hit them so freaking hard they would still outgrow my upper body. That is okay though. They say the first thing for an old guy to go is his legs and I am closing in on 50, so it is only a matter of time. Better get them as big as possible before they atrophy away.