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Freak's Training Log

genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Catching up in here. I got the beginning and the recent and skipped most of the middle. I’ll be following along to learn.
I learn new stuff every day. I implemented one of them today.

It was leg day! My favorite and most hated day of the week. I love leg day, but if gives me a great deal of anxiety. Pushing weights that would snap normal people in half and increasing the resistance, slowing the tempo or increasing the ROM every single week scares the shit out of me. People tell me all the time to just back off. I can't. There are no half days on leg day. Not even 99% days. It is 100% every leg day.

Good Mornings top set 225 lbs x 10/back off set 205 lbs x 10 (Used the SSB, dead stop, knees locked, squeeze the glutes to drive the hips forward to execute the lift. Almost all bias on glutes and hamstrings, very little load on the back.) 2 min between sets
Rogers Pendulum Seated Squat top set 720 lbs x 8/back off sets 630 lbs x 8 and 540 lbs x 8 (Knees to chin, letting the hips rotate back off the seat. It is the only way this machine is worth a shit. Otherwise there isn't enough weight in the gym to make it worthwhile.) 3 min between sets
Standing Calf Raises 250 lbs x 22/17 (Standing on a 35 lbs bumper plate using the SSB. Heels to the floor with each rep and full squeeze pause at the top. You don't build calves by bouncing like you are trying to get through the lift as quickly as possible. Make it fucking hurt.)
Leg Extension Ladder starting at 115 lbs and going up to 250 lbs with 15 lbs jumps with 8 pause reps at each with 25 seconds rest between jumps (I use 25 seconds, because if I have a training partner that is about how long it takes for them to do their set and for us to change out.)
Belt Squad Lunges 248 lbs x 16 (I saw a video of Brandon Curry doing these last night and I was supposed to do walking lunges today, but figured I would give these a try. Fucking brutal! Just set up like you are going to do a belt squat then pivot 90 degrees and do lunges instead.)

One of the other bodybuilders at the gym said when I was done, "Your fucking quads are getting out of control." I told him the only way they won't outgrow everything else is if I didn't train them at all. I could probably do a Mentzer 1 time a month and hit them so freaking hard they would still outgrow my upper body. That is okay though. They say the first thing for an old guy to go is his legs and I am closing in on 50, so it is only a matter of time. Better get them as big as possible before they atrophy away.
BD Cool

BD Cool

VIP Member
Dec 1, 2011
It was high intensity day, so every exercise is performed to an intensifier (rest pause, drop, widowmaker, etc...)

Pec dec 250 lbs x 11/5/5 (Rest pause set. Hips forward, chest out, taking the front delts out of the movement.)
Single arm rear delt cable fly 40 lbs x 18/8/6 (Rest pause set. I went too light on this.)
Weighted pull ups 285 lbs x 7/3/3/3 (Rest pause set.)
Single arm cable laterals 40 lbs x 13/8/5 (Rest pause set. Cable behind the back.)
Incline Smith press 385 lbs x 3/315 lbs x 7/225 lbs x 10 (Drop set. Slow eccentric and explosive concentric. Well explosive as you can be with 385 lbs. I wanted to start at 4 wheels, but I wasn't feeling it.)
One arm cable row 100 lbs x 10/7/5 (Rest pause set.)

This wasn't a difficult day, but I feel like I was hit by a bus. I think it was because I pushed the weight up on everything except the rear delt fly.

Here is the current cycle.
40 mg test cyp ED
20 mg primo ED
8 iu humalog pre-workout
7 iu humalog post workout
18 iu GH on training days only (4x a week; arms don't count as training days)
.5 mg retatrutide 2x a week
40 mg Telmisartin ED
5 mg Cialis ED
500-750 mcg SLU-PP-332 ED (500 on training days and 750 on non-training days)
300 mcg MT2 3x a week
120 mcg T4 ED (GH chews through it like a PES dispenser)
30 mg Methylene Blue ED
900 mg NMN ED
300 mg Ubiqinol ED
500 mg Inositol ED
8,800 iu Vitamin D3 ED
B 50 ED
2,000 mg Citrus Bergamot ED
4,000 fu Nattokinaise ED
1,200 mg Ashwagandha ED
6 g Triple Omega ED
GABA, 5-HTP, P5P (I forget the dose and I am too lazy to get up)

Axe and Sledge 212 Thermo and Mutant Mind F'k (I am addicted. Fucking crack.)
Mutant GEAAR (Aminos)
Mutant Creakong (Creatine)
Mutant Glutamine
Yep Strength Stupid Pumped (Pre-workout)
Troponin Field Rations (Intra-workout)
I appreciate you sharing your training and PED routines... this is great information!!!
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
I appreciate you sharing your training and PED routines... this is great information!!!
I try and be as transparent as possible. If I find a recipe that works for me, I hope that someone else can use it to their advantage. Even if we are competing against each other. If I punt one into the stands, I will tell you as well. Make sure you pull your aldactone at least 2 days prior your carb load. Punted that one into the stands last summer. Better yet, don't use it at all. Use dyazide or hydrochlorothiazide instead.

It was arm day today.

Cable extensions using the Prime attachment 100 lbs x 8/4/4/4 (Rest pause set. I have not used that attachment before and was kind of guessing what weight I should use. 100 lbs was a little much, so I needed 4 rounds to get the 20 total reps I was shooting for.)
Spider curls 50 lbs x 12/40 lbs x 6/30 lbs x 6 (Drop set)

I did a little bit of abs as well, but I haven't trained them much. I stopped wearing a belt even on 600+ lbs squats and 500+ lbs RDLs, which has really worked my core. My abs feel like they have gone through a sparring session with Mike Tyson with all the bracing they do. I actually credit this to being able to keep my waist fairly tight while putting on almost 50 lbs this off season. I only put an extra 1.5 inches on the waist, so I think it is working.

Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
Here is the current cycle.
40 mg test cyp ED
20 mg primo ED
8 iu humalog pre-workout
7 iu humalog post workout
18 iu GH on training days only (4x a week; arms don't count as training days)
.5 mg retatrutide 2x a week
40 mg Telmisartin ED
5 mg Cialis ED
500-750 mcg SLU-PP-332 ED (500 on training days and 750 on non-training days)
300 mcg MT2 3x a week
Nice log an encyclopedia on how to grow tons of lean tissue.
Couple of questions.
When did you drop the long acting insulin? I remember you were using 10 or 20 iu a day to supplement your natural levels? Is that still standard?
What is the 300 mcg M2 for other than tan?
I experimented with a nasal spray I made with m2 about 10 years ago. I need to go back and look at the dosing but I was using really low dose and it worked well .I started to get nasal irritation as I was mixing it with sterile saline.
Thanks for reviving the thread.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Nice log an encyclopedia on how to grow tons of lean tissue.
Couple of questions.
When did you drop the long acting insulin? I remember you were using 10 or 20 iu a day to supplement your natural levels? Is that still standard?
What is the 300 mcg M2 for other than tan?
I experimented with a nasal spray I made with m2 about 10 years ago. I need to go back and look at the dosing but I was using really low dose and it worked well .I started to get nasal irritation as I was mixing it with sterile saline.
Thanks for reviving the thread.
I will occasionally still drop some lantus in on my high carb days. Today is a high day, so I through in 20 iu before I went to bed last night then dropped my pre and post workout humalog to 5 iu. Fucking ended up getting a little hypo despite having 25 grams of intra-workout carbs. It wasn't bad enough to stop training, I just started sweating really bad and got a little chilly. I didn't even test it, as there were no shakes. I just rode the lighting. I always have Jolly Ranchers and Airheads in my gym bag, truck, wife's purse and several night stands around the house just in case. Haha.

MT2 has similar thermogenic uncoupling properties as tren. If I could handle a higher dose I would, but I already look like I am from the Middle East I am so dark.

Today was muscle round day. Every Saturday is dedicated to muscle rounds, 6 sets of 4-6 reps with 6 deep breaths between rounds. The idea is you choose a weight you would fail at around 12 reps and instead of getting a few muscle building reps you get 8-12, as those last couple rounds are max effort. Always take the last set to failure.

Rear delt fly machine 185 lbs x 5/5/5/5/5/6
Pec dec 205 lbs x 5/5/5/5/5/6
DC row using prime grips 120 lbs x 5/5/5/5/5/4
Smith Machine incline press 385 lbs x 4/365 lbs x 4/315 lbs x 4/295 lbs x 4/275 lbs x 4/275 lbs x 8 (Non-standard muscle round)
Neutral grip pull down upper back focus 225 lbs x 5/5/5/5/5/4
Seated dumbbell lateral raise 40 lbs x 5/5/5/5/5/5 (Arms straight, none of this bent elbows where your traps are doing all the work bullshit.)
Wide dumbbell upright rows 45 lbs x 5/5/5/5/5/5 (Focus on traps not delts.)
Swiss bar bench press 275 lbs x 4/4/4/4/4/7 (Need to increase weight next time.)
Hammer strength ground base squat row 237 lbs x 4/4/4/4/4/6 (Cannot go up in weight, as it doesn't hold anymore plates. Will go up to 5 reps.)
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Third arm day of the week.

Swiss Bar Close Grip Bench Press top set 315 lbs x 8/back off sets 275 lbs x 10/245 lbs x 10 (3 minutes rest between sets)
Dumbbell preacher curl drop set 30 lbs x 13/25 lbs x 5/20 lbs x 5 (Set the incline bench at nearly 90 degrees and bury the armpit in the top of the bench. Fully extend each rep until the dumbbell touches the bench at the bottom. I hate seeing guys do 45 degree angle and 1/2 range of motion with 50's and 60's. They still have 15 in arms. My arms have grown 1.5 inches in 2 years. Might want to try doing it my way and check the ego at the door.)
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Might want to try doing it my way and check the ego at the door.

Does not matter what you do, you do better if you ditch the ego. I had this GF back in college...well that is a story for another time.

I don't do curls but I have found that benching with lighter DBs and going FULL ROM has inadvertently increased my strength and pec size. By full I mean my shoulder blades could hold a cigarette pack between them and my elbows are inches from the floor (prob not but that close but feels like it)

Keep up the good work brother. You are killing it!
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Does not matter what you do, you do better if you ditch the ego. I had this GF back in college...well that is a story for another time.

I don't do curls but I have found that benching with lighter DBs and going FULL ROM has inadvertently increased my strength and pec size. By full I mean my shoulder blades could hold a cigarette pack between them and my elbows are inches from the floor (prob not but that close but feels like it)

Keep up the good work brother. You are killing it!
Haha. I am going to say, the women I coach are the worse when it comes to egos. Well, not all of them. They typically come in opposite ends of the spectrum. On one end their form is so perfect and tempo so slow they cannot possibly building muscle, because the weight needed to do it is ridiculously light. On the other end, they use weight they have not business touching with form that makes them look like they are twerking on the dance floor. The are infatuated with increasing the weight each session whether they performed good reps the last with the lighter weight. "I will show that man." Yep, you are going to show me all the joint problems you have.

It was heavy day today and when I say heavy, I mean it.

Rear dumbbell fly superset 25 lbs/50 lbs x 24/24 and 16/16 (Go full ROM with the smaller weight to failure, drop it then double the weight and do the same number of reps at 1/3 the ROM. These are worse than side laterals. You have to ensure you keep the focus of effort in the rear delts, which is difficult once you get tired on the heavier dumbbells and your traps want to take over.)
Single arm lat pull downs with prime grips top set 140 lbs x 8, back off sets 120 lbs x 8 and 100 lbs x 12 (The 140 lbs felt like my elbows were going to pull apart. I start with the handle facing away from me and rotate it to where the palm is facing me at the bottom. Digs super deep into the lat. Get a full stretch at the top. This is good for tall guys that struggle with a normal lat pull down, as the lighter weight will allow them to sit on the floor.)
Smith Machine incline press top set 405 lbs x 4, back off sets 365 lbs x 8 and 315 lbs x 8 (I haven't touched 405 lbs in a long, long time.)
Cable side laterals top set 45 lbs x 11, back off set 40 lbs x 12 (Use a cuff and go behind the back. Makes a huge difference! If you want to hit the side delt, this is the best way to hit it. You may need to lighten the load at first, but you will get back up to using heavier weights quickly.)
Single arm dumbbell row top set 155 lbs x 12, back off sets 120 lbs x 14 x 2 (I do these standing with my feet together to make it harder. I don't want my row foot to the rear where I use a lot of momentum to row the dumbbell. If I did that I would still be rowing the 155's in the gym, as I could go forever. It becomes a cardio session at that point.)
Decline machine press top set 450 lbs x 11, back off sets 410 lbs x 10 and 360 lbs x 10

3 minutes rest between the pressing sets and 2 minutes between the others. My pressing endurance sucks.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Nothing special, arm day with some abs. I don't work abs a lot since I started training without a belt. My abs are sore as hell after heavy leg and back day without a belt.

JM Press top set 135 lbs x 8, back off sets 125 lbs x 8 and 115 lbs x 10
Single arm cable curl 45 lbs x 16/7/6 (Rest pause set)
Cable torso twists
Decline weighted sit up (Alright on this one, stop doing them with a plate on your chest. Most people put a 45 lbs plate on their chest, but they hinge at the plate. You are really adding 10-15 lbs of resistance. Sure, you look cool, but I could probably do the same with 2 120 lbs dumbbells and the only thing I would work is my hip flexors. Instead hold the bar at full lock out like you are doing a decline press and do your sit ups. Now you have a full 45 lbs of resistance. Keep the arms locked through the entire movement. Add some 2.5's or 5's on for more resistance. If you jump to dimes, you might be surprised.)
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Rest pause day! I probably need a deload soon. My elbows and shoulders are starting to feel it. I have labs with the VA the first week of February, so I will probably take it then. Just need to push for another 1.5 weeks.

Rear delt fly machine 205 lbs x 13/7/6 (Rest pause set)
Smith incline press 365 lbs x 9/3/3 (Rest pause set)
Lat pull down using prime power bar and focusing on upper back 220 lbs x 11/5/5 (Rest pause set)
Arsenal Viking Press 230 lbs x 12/6/5 (Rest pause set)
Pinch press (2) 10 kg plates x 27/23/16 (Rest pause set. Used the kg plates, because they are smooth cast and thin AF)
Arsenal T-bar Row top set 180 lbs x 9, back off sets 160 lbs x 9 and 135 lbs x 9 (Neutral grip)
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Reverse hamstring curl one set to failure for 13 reps. I placed the box lower than the bench to get an extended ROM. I thought my hamstrings were going to pop.
Leg extensions 250 lbs x 15/8/5 (Rest pause set. I had the ladies watching, so I had to ensure I squeezed at the top of every rep, as I am always harping on people doing shit fucking reps on the machine.)
Hatfield Squats top set 701 lbs x 6/511 lbs x ??? (Widowmaker. I lost count and didn't video it. I did 12 continuous reps then took 5 deep breaths then performed 2 reps and repeated this until I could only get 1 rep then 5 deep breaths and 1 rep until I thought I couldn't do anymore. Set probably took 4-4:30 minutes.)
SSB standing calf raises 290 lbs x 20 (I don't know if my calves were done or my back was done. I did the Hatfields with no belt or wraps, just knee sleeves.)
Hip thrust machine 720 lbs x 8/6 (Why did I do this? No fucking clue. I was supposed to do adductors, but my Hatfields are so deep a 6 inch dildo would tickle my butthole and my adductors were destroyed. I haven't done this since August, so I figured I would give it a ride. I should have known better. I filled the machine in August, which is 10 pps, but in my second warm up of 8 pps I decided I better just take that one to failure, as I was smoked. Then decided to do it again. I could barely get in and out of the machine, which should have told me to just go home.)

I don't know if the Hatfield Squat is a WR at my weight, but it beat Stan Efferding's 660 lbs x 3, so I will take it.
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Reverse hamstring curl one set to failure for 13 reps. I placed the box lower than the bench to get an extended ROM. I thought my hamstrings were going to pop.
Leg extensions 250 lbs x 15/8/5 (Rest pause set. I had the ladies watching, so I had to ensure I squeezed at the top of every rep, as I am always harping on people doing shit fucking reps on the machine.)
Hatfield Squats top set 701 lbs x 6/511 lbs x ??? (Widowmaker. I lost count and didn't video it. I did 12 continuous reps then took 5 deep breaths then performed 2 reps and repeated this until I could only get 1 rep then 5 deep breaths and 1 rep until I thought I couldn't do anymore. Set probably took 4-4:30 minutes.)
SSB standing calf raises 290 lbs x 20 (I don't know if my calves were done or my back was done. I did the Hatfields with no belt or wraps, just knee sleeves.)
Hip thrust machine 720 lbs x 8/6 (Why did I do this? No fucking clue. I was supposed to do adductors, but my Hatfields are so deep a 6 inch dildo would tickle my butthole and my adductors were destroyed. I haven't done this since August, so I figured I would give it a ride. I should have known better. I filled the machine in August, which is 10 pps, but in my second warm up of 8 pps I decided I better just take that one to failure, as I was smoked. Then decided to do it again. I could barely get in and out of the machine, which should have told me to just go home.)

I don't know if the Hatfield Squat is a WR at my weight, but it beat Stan Efferding's 660 lbs x 3, so I will take it.
Had to lookup what a Hatfield squat was. You are a beast brother. You live up to your name. Back when we were at WCBB and you were doing those crazy workouts with insane runs after and such. Damn, if I had 1/2 of your genetics i would be happy with that. Keep it up. Not tryin to be gay or nothing but amazed at the transformation in your physique since you got serious at BB.
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