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genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
I wasn't sure how today was going to go, as I have been averaging just over 24k steps a day over the last few days, digging post holes, dismantling and putting in fence, cleaning up storm debris, still training clients and training. I did increase my calories. Still in a deficit, just not as deep. I would have to say, it went pretty well.

Leg extensions (10) sets of (8) reps going from 100 lbs to 235 lbs in 15 lbs increments with exactly 30 seconds between sets.
Laying leg curls (4) warm up sets
Hack squat 640 lbs + 170 lbs in bands x 10/510 lbs + 170 lbs in bands x 20 (Top and back off set)
RDLs 466 lbs x 10 (Top set. I decided to skip the back off set, as my hamstrings were super tight. I am pretty sure even consuming 2 gallons of water each day was not enough the last few days, being I was out in the sun for about 8 hours each day.)
Machine calf extensions 300 lbs x 20/20/20 (Myo Matching Sets with 45 seconds between sets)
Walking lunges 80 lbs dumbbells for 50 reps
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
I cranked my wrist pretty hard using the auger, my fault. It is a really big auger. I bought the highest horsepower you can find in a one person auger and it should be ran by two people, but in my neck of the woods, the ground is rock and you need the horsepower. Anyways, do not wrap your thumbs around it. Use a false grip and let the bitch spin. Don't try and stop it. Even as strong as I am, you will lose. So today I kind of worked around press.

Pec Dec (10) sets of (8) reps from 100 to 235 lbs with exactly 30 seconds in between sets. Well the last set was only 6 reps.
Single Arm Cable Extensions (6) warm up sets (Following advice from John Jewitt, I used the wrist cuff. All I can say, interesting.)
Incline Front Dumbbell Raises 30 lbs x 25 (Widowmaker)
Incline Dumbbell Lateral Raises 25 lbs x 12/20 lbs x 5/15 lbs x 5 (Drop set)
Reverse Grip Incline Smith Press 225 lbs x 12/185 lbs x 12 (Top/back off set. I wrapped the shit out of my wrists and went really wide. No issues.)
Pinch press (3) 10 lbs plates x 41


VIP Member
Jul 5, 2011
I cranked my wrist pretty hard using the auger, my fault. It is a really big auger. I bought the highest horsepower you can find in a one person auger and it should be ran by two people, but in my neck of the woods, the ground is rock and you need the horsepower. Anyways, do not wrap your thumbs around it. Use a false grip and let the bitch spin. Don't try and stop it. Even as strong as I am, you will lose. So today I kind of worked around press.

Pec Dec (10) sets of (8) reps from 100 to 235 lbs with exactly 30 seconds in between sets. Well the last set was only 6 reps.
Single Arm Cable Extensions (6) warm up sets (Following advice from John Jewitt, I used the wrist cuff. All I can say, interesting.)
Incline Front Dumbbell Raises 30 lbs x 25 (Widowmaker)
Incline Dumbbell Lateral Raises 25 lbs x 12/20 lbs x 5/15 lbs x 5 (Drop set)
Reverse Grip Incline Smith Press 225 lbs x 12/185 lbs x 12 (Top/back off set. I wrapped the shit out of my wrists and went really wide. No issues.)
Pinch press (3) 10 lbs plates x 41
Been there with the auger on our farm in WV that ground never gave an inch without a fight
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Of course pictures never do you justice, but abdominal vascularity is coming in nicely. Just a little over 12 weeks out.


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genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Been a while since I dusted this thing off.

I didn't do as well as I had planned this last summer. I got a wild hair up my ass at the last second to also do classic. The problem, I would have to pull another 4 lbs off to make weight. I already had to pull 7 lbs from my fasted morning weight just to make LHW and was going to try and pull another 4 lbs. I made the decision Sunday night when I arrived at 211 lbs. Normal fasted morning weight was 205 lbs. Weigh in was Tuesday afternoon. I did the math and figured fatal water loss would be around 192.5 lbs, so it only left me 1.5 lbs to be safe with. I took a diuretic and started walking the streets in full sweats when it was 98 degrees. I ended up walking about 18 miles total. Did the bathroom sauna trick and stepped on the scale Tuesday afternoon at 193.5 lbs. Barely able to stand.

I drank a gallon of water that evening into the morning and ate 1000 g of carbs and 150 g of fat. I stepped on the scale the next morning and had only gained .5 lbs. I was flat as a fucking pancake and there wasn't really anything I could do. The diuretic wiped me out and was still in full effect. I stepped on stage and took 6th, as a shell of myself.

I drank another gallon of water and ate another 1000 g of carbs and 150 g of fat. I nearly died that night. My body locked up when I was in bed and I couldn't move. I couldn't even cry out for help. I was there by myself, as my wife had work she couldn't miss. I laid there for FOUR HOURS with my body completely locked up. I was looking at my multimineral and new I needed to get there. After a bit I was just hoping my heart would seize up and end it, it was that bad. Then it just relaxed... Now it was like 1 am and the only thing I can do was sleep. I woke up and hadn't gained any weight. I figured my giant body contraction probably burned every ounce of glycogen in my muscles. I stepped on stage that morning and placed 12th. At least I wasn't last. Not even close to last.

Anyways, that will never happen again. I will never coach myself for a show and there is no way I will every try and do classic again. I am working on putting on so much muscle tissue it would be physically impossible to even get there even at 0% BF.

I took a couple months off and did some disaster relief down in FL. It kind of wrecked me a bit. I had some major fatigue coming out of it. I was working 16 hour minimums on my feet the entire time, literally never sat down, getting in 35k steps a day and it was hot as fuck. Surprisingly got fatter doing it, but that is probably because I came off everything when I was there. I didn't even bring my TRT. It was actually a blessing in disguise as went on a mitochondrial health kick when I came back.

Focusing on mitochondrial health has improved everything. Sleep, mood, fat loss, muscle gains, strength, health markers, etc... Even my test levels running the same doses in the past are up 30%. I am currently 241.2 lbs and leaner than I was this time last year at 217 lbs. I was going to stop the growth phase 1 February, but as long as things are still progressing, I am not stopping this train. In the last couple weeks I have hit 622x8 reps on squats to a 12 in box, 530x6 on stiff leg deadlifts, 8 ppsx10 on hack squat hitting the bottom each time (no one else in the gym can even do 7 pps for 1) and 365x6 on inclines 2:1 tempo. You can say things are going well.

Not sure if I am doing a show this year or not. Just kind of enjoying the process right now. Plus, I have several clients lined up for shows, so i am trying to focus on them.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Feedback from Tyler was that I need more chest thickness and to bring up my arms. Chest, absolutely. It sucks. All my shoulder problems throughout the years have altered the way I press and my chest is greatly lagging. My arms... it was only because I was flat. As a LHW my arms were over 18 in in stage condition, which is decent sized. If I would have been full, I doubt he would have said that. Anyways, you can never have too big of arms unless you are a SEO freak. I have always been told, I have pro level legs and the rest of my body needs to catch up, so with that being said, here is my current split.

M, W, Sa - Chest, back and shoulders
Th - Legs
Tu, F, Su - Arms

30 minutes of LISS every day and 5 minutes of HIIT cardio Tu, F and Su.

Mondays are my heavy days. This is my top and back off day. Wednesday is my high intensity day, rest pause and drop sets. Saturday is my medium intensity, higher volume day, muscle rounds.

Now that I only train legs once a week, the intensity has gotten kind of stupid. I can barely walk for 5 days post leg day. Of course, they are still growing faster than everything else. I would just have to stop training them for a couple years for everything else to catch up and I am not doing that. I love and hate leg day.

Rear delt fly machine 200x14/190x12 (I was supposed to go to 180 on my back off, but I can't count)
Incline dumbbell press 155x5/120x9/95x9 (The gym has nothing in between 155 and 120)
DC row 130x12/115x12/100x12
Seated Hanshaw lateral superset 40/80x18 and 30/60x15
Decline press 450x9/410x9
Corner bar row 280x8/210x12

All back off sets performed exactly 2 minutes after top sets and second back off sets performed 2 minutes after first back off sets.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Weighted dips top set 375 lbs x 12, back off sets 330 lbs x12 and 285 lbs x 12 (2 minutes between sets)
Double overhead cable curl 50 lbs x 15 x 3 (Myo Matching Sets, 45 seconds between sets)

That is it. Train them hard for one exercise 3x a week along with the half training from push and pull and that is more than enough. Arms are currently sitting at 19.25 inches, so I think it is working.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
Weighted dips top set 375 lbs x 12, back off sets 330 lbs x12 and 285 lbs x 12 (2 minutes between sets)
Double overhead cable curl 50 lbs x 15 x 3 (Myo Matching Sets, 45 seconds between sets)

That is it. Train them hard for one exercise 3x a week along with the half training from push and pull and that is more than enough. Arms are currently sitting at 19.25 inches, so I think it is working.
Curious how you do weighted dips with that weight. How do you load it up. I though I was good at weighted dips when I got over the 150 lbs dumbbell and had to go to plates. It was all hanging from a chain.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Curious how you do weighted dips with that weight. How do you load it up. I though I was good at weighted dips when I got over the 150 lbs dumbbell and had to go to plates. It was all hanging from a chain.
That is with my bodyweight factored in. It is (3) 45's + my 240 lbs.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
It was high intensity day, so every exercise is performed to an intensifier (rest pause, drop, widowmaker, etc...)

Pec dec 250 lbs x 11/5/5 (Rest pause set. Hips forward, chest out, taking the front delts out of the movement.)
Single arm rear delt cable fly 40 lbs x 18/8/6 (Rest pause set. I went too light on this.)
Weighted pull ups 285 lbs x 7/3/3/3 (Rest pause set.)
Single arm cable laterals 40 lbs x 13/8/5 (Rest pause set. Cable behind the back.)
Incline Smith press 385 lbs x 3/315 lbs x 7/225 lbs x 10 (Drop set. Slow eccentric and explosive concentric. Well explosive as you can be with 385 lbs. I wanted to start at 4 wheels, but I wasn't feeling it.)
One arm cable row 100 lbs x 10/7/5 (Rest pause set.)

This wasn't a difficult day, but I feel like I was hit by a bus. I think it was because I pushed the weight up on everything except the rear delt fly.

Here is the current cycle.
40 mg test cyp ED
20 mg primo ED
8 iu humalog pre-workout
7 iu humalog post workout
18 iu GH on training days only (4x a week; arms don't count as training days)
.5 mg retatrutide 2x a week
40 mg Telmisartin ED
5 mg Cialis ED
500-750 mcg SLU-PP-332 ED (500 on training days and 750 on non-training days)
300 mcg MT2 3x a week
120 mcg T4 ED (GH chews through it like a PES dispenser)
30 mg Methylene Blue ED
900 mg NMN ED
300 mg Ubiqinol ED
500 mg Inositol ED
8,800 iu Vitamin D3 ED
B 50 ED
2,000 mg Citrus Bergamot ED
4,000 fu Nattokinaise ED
1,200 mg Ashwagandha ED
6 g Triple Omega ED
GABA, 5-HTP, P5P (I forget the dose and I am too lazy to get up)

Axe and Sledge 212 Thermo and Mutant Mind F'k (I am addicted. Fucking crack.)
Mutant GEAAR (Aminos)
Mutant Creakong (Creatine)
Mutant Glutamine
Yep Strength Stupid Pumped (Pre-workout)
Troponin Field Rations (Intra-workout)


TID Board Of Directors
May 3, 2011
Catching up in here. I got the beginning and the recent and skipped most of the middle. I’ll be following along to learn.
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