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National Breast Implant Awareness Month Squeezer
Mar 18, 2012
@genetic freak You might appreciate my motto. I don't go to the gym to rest, I'll rest the other 23 hours.

I'll watch my HR when heavier lifts take my HR up into the upper 130's lower 140's and pace until I am in the teens, otherwise I do not rest.

What is your method of knowing when to rest between sets and when to resume?
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
@genetic freak You might appreciate my motto. I don't go to the gym to rest, I'll rest the other 23 hours.

I'll watch my HR when heavier lifts take my HR up into the upper 130's lower 140's and pace until I am in the teens, otherwise I do not rest.

What is your method of knowing when to rest between sets and when to resume?
For me, I guess it just comes down to years and years of trial and error. I do not really track my HR or BP during or after sets, except on stuff like widowmaker sets, because I want to see if the watch maxes out. Haha.

For all warm up and feeder sets, it is 45 seconds between sets. I will take 90 seconds between my last warm up or feeder set and my first working set.

If my working sets are top/back off sets then I take 2 minutes between sets. How I came up with this number, was my back off set is 75% of the weight of my working set and I want to fail at the same number of reps as my top set +/- 2 reps, i.e. if my top set was 400 lbs x 12, I want my back off set to be 300 lbs x 12. I found on compound movements 2 minutes is perfect.

Myo Matching Sets are pretty much the same idea. The first set I stop 2-3 reps short of failure, the second set at the same number of reps should be 1 rep short of failure and the last set should be failure right on the number. I found 2 minutes for compounds to be perfect for me on most movements, 90 seconds for delts and 45 seconds for arms.

Rest pause sets and muscle rounds, I just follow what Dante and Scott Stevenson came up with.

My rest between sets are active rest. I do not stand around waiting for the next set. I do a lap or laps around the gym. I have a perfectly timed route around the gym that takes 45 seconds to walk at a 3.2 mph pace. Really cuts down on how much cardio I need to do in contest prep. This adds about 5000 extra steps on the day.

The only exercise where I throw all the above out the window is John Meadows Bulgarian Split Squad Drop Set of Death. I wait for my breathing to return to normal before I start my other side, so I don't die.
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genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Pre-contest insomnia is in full swing. I woke up at 1:27 am awake and ready to attack the day... fuck. I did everything possible to get back to sleep and only started to feel tired around 5:30 am, when I would need to wake up anyways. Damn it.

I have no problem going to sleep. It is staying asleep. It doesn't matter how tired I am. I have taken pretty much everything with limited success. THC gummies with CBD/CBN helped for a short period. However, I found I built a tolerance very quickly. I have tried melatonin as high as 30 mg (Yes, I said 30 mg). Still doesn't keep me asleep, but makes me tired as hell. Recently tried Gorilla Minds Dream, which hit me like a freight train the first night I took it. I got 7.5 hours of sleep and it really took another 5 hours and 300 mg of caffeine to get me moving again. However, by the second night it did nothing.

Anyways, the numbers suffered a bit today.

Pec dec (4) warm up sets
Incline bench press 275 lbs x 9/4/3 (Rest pause set.)
Pinch press (3) 10 lbs plates x 41
Dumbbell skullcrushers 50 lbs x 14/40 lbs x 6/30 lbs x 7 (Drop set)
Laying incline dumbbell front raises 30 lbs x 15
Dusty Hanshaw lateral superset 30 lbs/60 lbs x 18/18/18 (Myo Matching Set with 1:30 between sets)

Current weight is 208.8 lbs. DEXA scan two weeks ago had me at 7% bodyfat at 212.9 lbs. Just a little over 14 weeks out.


TID Board Of Directors
Apr 2, 2013
Hell yeah man. I come back around in time to see you prepping for stage. I can’t wait to see that. Hope all has been well devil dog

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Heady Muscle

Heady Muscle

VIP Member
Oct 13, 2014
If you continue with the Gorilla Minds Dreams,. please keep posting about it.
Maybe the extra caffeine intake had something to do with it.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
If you continue with the Gorilla Minds Dreams,. please keep posting about it.
Maybe the extra caffeine intake had something to do with it.
The full dose is 4 capsules. I took 3 last night and was awake by 2 am, but fell back to sleep at 4 am to about 5 am. I am going back to a full dose tonight. One more variable that I left out about the first night at a full dose, I typically take 100 mg of theanine with my evening supplements. There is a strong possibility this impacted how hard it hit me. When I took the half dose and 3 capsules last night I didn't take the theanine. I will try 4 capsules and see how it goes. If it goes well then I will stick with that. If not, I will go back to 2 capsules and add the 100 mg of theanine back in.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Massive volume day for legs

Leg press feet as low on the platform as they can go (5) warm up sets (However, just because they are warm up sets doesn't mean it is light. I still did 910 lbs x 12)
Single leg RDL (5) warm up sets (Same as leg press, still go up to 155 lbs x 12)
Leg extensions 100 lbs to 235 lbs (9) sets x 8 with exactly 30 seconds between sets (4 count eccentric, 2 count squeeze at the top. Fucking murder. Do not use insulin on these days. The pump will kill you.)
Leg curls 110 lbs x 5/5/5/5/5/5 (Muscle round with 6 deep breaths between rounds.)
Calf extensions 250 lbs x 20/20/20
Adductor 95 lbs x 12 (4 count eccentric, 2 count squeeze. Some guys will laugh at the weight, but I have taken dozens of guys who do 200 lbs for crap reps and had them do it my way and they tap out. Then they tell me they couldn't sleep for days, because it hurt so bad.)
John Meadows Bulgarian Split Squat Drop Set of Death 80 lbs x 32/60 lbs x 6/40 lbs x 6/20 lbs x 7/BW x 7


Mar 6, 2024
Massive volume day for legs

Leg press feet as low on the platform as they can go (5) warm up sets (However, just because they are warm up sets doesn't mean it is light. I still did 910 lbs x 12)
Single leg RDL (5) warm up sets (Same as leg press, still go up to 155 lbs x 12)
Leg extensions 100 lbs to 235 lbs (9) sets x 8 with exactly 30 seconds between sets (4 count eccentric, 2 count squeeze at the top. Fucking murder. Do not use insulin on these days. The pump will kill you.)
Leg curls 110 lbs x 5/5/5/5/5/5 (Muscle round with 6 deep breaths between rounds.)
Calf extensions 250 lbs x 20/20/20
Adductor 95 lbs x 12 (4 count eccentric, 2 count squeeze. Some guys will laugh at the weight, but I have taken dozens of guys who do 200 lbs for crap reps and had them do it my way and they tap out. Then they tell me they couldn't sleep for days, because it hurt so bad.)
John Meadows Bulgarian Split Squat Drop Set of Death 80 lbs x 32/60 lbs x 6/40 lbs x 6/20 lbs x 7/BW x 7
Damn. Walking is definitely not going to be fun for a few days.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Damn. Walking is definitely not going to be fun for a few days.
Haha. It doesn't even phase me anymore. Literally, I do not get sore unless I try a new stimulus. The first time I did that leg extension ladder I got sore then it never happened again. Same with John Meadows' Bulgarian Split Squat Drop Set of Death. My body adapts quickly to training stimulus.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
This was Saturday's push session.

Pec Dec (4) warm up sets
TKO Decline Press 360 lbs x 8/8/9 (Myo Matching Sets with exactly 2 minutes between sets. Contest preparation and in a calorie deficit, but getting stronger. Hmmm.... I did just up my test dose from 20 mg a day to 30 mg a day. Yes, I use about 1/4 the amount of gear most do in a contest prep. Never go above 500 mg total AAS a week on any blast anymore. Haven't in the last 10-15 years.)
Landmine Press 100 lbs x 37
Single Arm Cable Extension (6) warm up sets
Close Grip Bench Press 275 lbs x 11/6/3 (Rest pause set)
Bennett Laterals 20 lbs x 17/8/6 (Rest pause set)
Machine Shoulder Press 200 lbs x 9/150 lbs x 9 (Top/back off set)
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Monday's Pull Session.

DC Row (4) warm up sets
Cable Rear Delt Fly 25 lbs x 18/20 lbs x 7/15 lbs x 6 (Drop set)
Lat Pull Downs 200 lbs x 9/9/11 (Myo Matching Sets with exactly 2 minutes between sets)
Cable Shrugs 215 lbs x 31/160 lbs x 30 (Top/back off sets)
Dumbbell Incline Row 80 lbs x 13/60 lbs x 15 (Top/back off sets)
Double Overhead Cable Curl (4) warm up sets
Cable Concentration Curl 30 lbs x 16/6/5 (Rest pause set)
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