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genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Someone loves pain! I’d be done after the fist excercise. Leg extensions are brutal. I usually do them last because of it. But it’s your warmup. Lol. Stop making us look like bitches would ya?
If I don't then the big compound movement can get a little out of control, like stacking dumbbells on top of the leg press or 8 pps hack squats.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Lat rows 80 lbs x 12/12/12 (Myo matching reps, 2 minutes between sets.)
Cybex pec dec 150 lbs x 12 (Warm up exercise)
Cybex rear delt fly 130 lbs x 12/110 lbs x 4/90 lbs x 4 (Drop set)
Nautilus overhead press 200 lbs x 17
Dusty Hanshaw laterals super set 30 lbs/60 lbs x 18/18/15 (Myo matching reps, 2 minutes between sets. Well almost matching.)
Cable shrugs 200 lbs x 25 (Trying a neutral grip. Works well.)
TKO incline press/push up super set 225 lbs x 8/20 pushups for 3 rounds (Myo matching reps, 2 minutes between sets.)
Double dumbbell row 60 lbs x 15
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Crossbody cable extension 40 lbs x 15 (Warm up exercise)
Seated overhead cable extension 160 lbs x 20/120 lbs x 8/80 lbs x 8 (Drop set)
Cable side curls 40 lbs x 15 (Warm up exercise)
Zottman curls 30 lbs x 14/25 lbs x 4/20 lbs x 4 (Drop set)
RDLs 506 lbs x 4/416 lbs x 8 (Done from a 1.5 inch deficit. Gawd damn that 506 lbs was heavy!)
Smith squats 405 lbs x 8/315 lbs x 8/225 lbs x 8 (Drop set. Heels elevated on a 2 inch wedge and squatted until my ROM literally stopped. Quads were tore the hell up!)
Seated calf extensions 90 lbs x 11
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Neutral grip lat pull downs 245 lbs x 10/200 lbs x 10/150 lbs x 14 (45 seconds between sets)
Single arm rear delt cable fly 30 lbs x 16/20 lbs x 16 (Top set, back off set)
Landmine press 135 lbs x 12 (Warm up exercise)
Bennet laterals 30 lbs x 14/20 lbs x 14 (Top set, back off set)
Cable shrugs 215 lbs x 30
Incline bench press 295 lbs x 5/245 lbs x 5/195 lbs x 5/145 lbs x 10/95 lbs x 20 (Strip set)
Double arm dumbbell row 100 lbs x 15/75 lbs x 15 (Top set, back off set)


VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
landmine press?

lol, finally a session close to mine, sans the lbs, only took 15 yrs
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
DC rows 90 lbs x 18/12/11 (Rest pause set. 90 lbs is hard as hell to keep from being pulled off your feet unless you are really heavy. For a guy just a little over 200 lbs, I almost need someone to hold my ankles.)
Bennett laying laterals 30 lbs x 17+5 partials
Cable rear delt fly 10 lbs/20 lbs/30 lbs/20 lbs/10 lbs x 8 (Pyramid set. This was way harder than we thought it would be.)
Nautilus overhead press 200 lbs x 21/155 lbs x 21 (Top set/back off set)
Cybex pec dec 150 lbs x 15 (Warm up set)
TKO decline 4 pps/3 pps/2 pps/1 pps x 8 (Strip set. These TKO machines are humbling. If these were hammer strength, I would have started with 6 pps.)
Cable shrugs 220 lbs x 18 (Finding new and interesting ways to stack additional weight on top of the cable stacks.)
Corner bar row (9) 25's x 15/(6) 25's x 15 (Top set/back off set)
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
RDL 497 lbs x 6/387 x I lost count (This felt and moved great. Much better than last week. Despite only getting 6, it didn't feel heavy.)
Leg extensions 170 lbs x 13/7/6 (Rest pause set. 4 count eccentric, pause at the bottom and 2 count squeeze at the top. Crazy pump.)
Adductor 125 x 10 (4 count eccentric, 2 count squeeze.)
Seated leg curls 110 lbs x 5/5/5/5/5/4 (Muscle round. 4 count eccentric, 1 count squeeze. I would cramp if I did a 2 count.)
Power squat 6 pps + 4 blue bands (25-65 lbs) x 15 (Full ROM. Buried each rep to the stopper. The machine only goes to 6 pps, so I figured out a way to band it. Started with 2 blues and now I am up to 4 blues.)
Seated calf raises 45 lbs x 14 (Nice and slow. I lean over the weights instead of away from the weights, like I see most people doing for two reasons. First, it makes it a lot heavier. Second, if I cramp or fail, I can self spot by leaning back. If you are already leaned back and fail or cramp, you are fucked.)
Rope extensions 120 lbs x 12 (Warm up)
Double overhead curls 40 lbs x 15 (Warm up)
Skull crusher/close grip superset 100 lbs x 10
Cable curl 30 lbs x 15/15/15 (Matching myo reps 90 seconds between each set.)
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
It has a been a busy few days. This is Thursday's workout that I am just now getting in here to log. I picked up 8 new clients in the middle of the week, 2 of which started prep yesterday, 1 of my longstanding clients started prep yesterday and I started prep yesterday. Usually, it takes a couple months to pick up 8 new clients. It happened in 2 days. I am getting to the point, I am going to have to turn clients away. I guess that is a good thing, but I hate having to tell people, "no." I pick up a lot of the clients from the other local coaches who get frustrated with their lack of communication or results. The gyms where I train at push me hard. I am the first person they refer and they even have staff members who trainers/coaches.

Single arm pull downs 100 lbs x 8/8/8 (Myo matching 2 minutes between sets)
Cybex pec dec 150 lbs x 5/5/5/5/5/7 (Muscle round)
Cybex rear delt fly 130 lbs x 17 + 5 partials
Dumbbell side laterals 30 lbs/60 lbs x 18/18 for 3 rounds (Dusty Hanshaw Superset. Absolutely destroyed.)
Dumbbell front raise 20 lbs x 51 (Usually I do these seated on the incline to isolate the delt, but I wanted to allow some cheating for the burn, so I did them standing both sides at the same time.)
Smtih Machine behind the back shrugs 185 lbs x 24/12/11 (Rest pause)
Pinch press (3) 10 lbs plates x 45 (These are coated plates. I wouldn't be able to do 3 plates if they were cast. Not at least for that many before the middle plate slid out.)
Double dumbbell row 100 lbs x 10/75 lbs x 14 (The 100 lbs was probably too much. I really couldn't feel the squeeze, but when I was done and squeezed my back I could feel it wrecked, so I don't know. I guess if you have good mind muscle connection and you lose it when you go up in weight, it might not matter if the rep is the same.)
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Crazy leg day. My training partner had to lay on the floor after the Sissy Squats for a few minutes and he was down for about 10 minutes after the Bulgarian Split Squats.

Spider curls 40 lbs x 13/30 lbs x 9/20 lbs x 8 (Drop set)
Drag curls 50 lbs x 15/15/15 (Myo matching reps 45 seconds between sets)
Reverse hamstring curls BW x 15
Smith sissy squat 315 lbs x 20/225 lbs x 20 (2 minutes between sets)
Bulgarian Split Squat Drop Set of Death 80 lbs x 22/60 lbs x 13/40 lbs x 6/20 lbs x 6/BW x 6 (Pause at the bottom and top)
Various cable extensions (6 warm up sets. I think I blew my load here or I was just exhausted from legs.)
Bar dips BW + 135 lbs x 8/BW + 90 lbs x 8/BW + 45 lbs x 8/BW x 8 (Drop set. This was a poor showing. I should have hit BW + 135 lbs for 12-13 reps, but I was smoked.)
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