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Freak's Training Log



VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
Yeah, you can say I have been busy. My own contest prep, dealing with clients, VLOGS for combat veterans with PTSD, etc... I only have 11 clients, but they are all untrained (to my standard) and undisciplined. They take way more time than they should.
Lol. Very, very cool man! When is your show?
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
We want pics!
Not on here. I keep my board life and real life separate. Only the mods from WCBB and a few other vets know who I am and I plan to keep it that way. Even though, I am no longer in the military, I am still eligible for the highest clearance, on the retired reserve list for several more years and have to worry about the VA.


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
Not on here. I keep my board life and real life separate. Only the mods from WCBB and a few other vets know who I am and I plan to keep it that way. Even though, I am no longer in the military, I am still eligible for the highest clearance, on the retired reserve list for several more years and have to worry about the VA.
What? You posted pics on WCBB log I thought? No face of course. Am I having a serious brain stroke right now? Lol. What about a current pic of your back, like in your avatar. Want to see how shredded your getting!
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
What? You posted pics on WCBB log I thought? No face of course. Am I having a serious brain stroke right now? Lol. What about a current pic of your back, like in your avatar. Want to see how shredded your getting!
Nope. Never posted pics on WCBB other than the one you see in my avatar. The tats on the front of my body give away who I am.
Dawgpound Hank

Dawgpound Hank

VIP Member
Mar 20, 2023
"Corner bar SLDL (4) feeder sets, 5 plates x 14 (Again, these hit a lot harder than regular RDLs or SLDL. When lowering the weight, with your hips pushed out the entire load is on the hamstrings.)"

Damn this is a great idea! Envious that I never thought of this long ago haha. I always noticed my hams get a good pump & stretch when doing corner T-bars, but never thought about doing SLDL's with it. Next leg day fosho!

Also, I miss reading your log amigo. I rarely read logs, but some of the unique exercises you do, and not to mention the insane weights you throw around makes for an interesting read. Keep killin' it man!
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Time to dust this thing off. The last 7 weeks of contest prep and 12 weeks post competition I was doing Fortitude Training, which was great. A lot of frequency with a little less intensity, which helped with recovery when I needed it most. Now that I am back to maintenance/growth phase, it is time to get back to basics and DC training has always treated me well.

I do a bunch of warm up/feeder sets, but I am just going to post my working sets.

Smith Machine Bench Press 365 lbs x 6/315 lbs x 6/275 lbs x 10 (Drop set)
Cable Scoops 40 lbs x 15
Hypertrophy Coach Cable Laterals 40 lbs x 8 (You need to watch Joe Bennet's YouTube channel to see how these are done. You are braced, so there is no swaying, momentum or cheating. Your delts are doing all the work.)
Behind the Neck Press 185 lbs x 10/4/3 (Rest pause set)
Reverse Grip Incline Press 275 lbs x 9/225 x 10 (Top set/back off set)
Rope Extensions 120 lbs x 11


VIP Member
Feb 4, 2023
I just found your log since you recently bumped it up yesterday.
Wow, I am very impressed. The consistent, detailed exercise logs with the short intros show a dedication to the sport that includes taking the time to share it. This would be hard to match.


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
I just found your log since you recently bumped it up yesterday.
Wow, I am very impressed. The consistent, detailed exercise logs with the short intros show a dedication to the sport that includes taking the time to share it. This would be hard to match.
Agreed. TID gained a lot when WCBB died (unfortunate irony). Many of them had been registered here for years but became more active here after that. GF brought the most activity the earliest, and it gets damned time consuming trying to make sure you don't miss anything .....
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