I've seen generalizations about Milo's protocol though I don't think I ever seen an exact protocol posted, I do remember him talking about taking slin both pre and post and taking carbs both during and after workout, if he posted an exact protocol I missed it. It doesn't make Mutant's protocol less valuable though.
Yes the pancreas is going to produce enough slin to cover the carbs ingested (actually a little more) but 6iu is still a very safe dose, I've learned over the years people are going to do what they are going to do for the most part so I'd rather see this person use 6iu instead of making a crazy jump.
The problem with Mutants protocol is if you dont have the genetics to handle that kind of weight gain you tend to gain a lot more fat than muscle.
Mutant has some great genetics for bodybuilding, something the average reader usually does not.
When he first posted that he was talking about making a huge weight gain in a very short period of time and was also involving IGF and HGH in his daily regimin and combining it as part of his protocol.
No one is taking anything away from Mutant, its just that the originator which he got the template from was Milos, and he never gave the guy credit.
The use of pre-workout slin was around even before milos came out with his intitial slin protocol.
I also noticed that Mutant takes in some fats with his carb+slin, somehting I wouldnt do myself, and I have used a shit ton of slin.
As far as dosages, its up to who ever does it. I have taken mega doses 15 ius 2x's a day and done 3ius 3'x's a day.
At the end of the day the one thing you have to make sure of with slin is being careful how much fat you take in with slin timing and how fat you will get from it.
If your a beginner to slin, its easiest just to learn the ABC's of slin, sure read the protocols, from both of them if you want, but for a first timer I know that would seem a bit overwhelming.