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Final fat loss push

  • Thread starter cockswole_gentleman
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VIP Member
Jan 29, 2023
The WCBB refugees may remember that I kept a log there for a time, documenting my weight loss and keeping myself accountable.

I had been 360 pounds, and when I started logging I was between 290-300. It's taken me a long time with several breaks over the years, but I'm down to 230.

But, now it's really getting hard. It seems the years of dieting has slowed my metabolism, even though I'm active and hit the gym 5-6 times a week. Even though most calculators tell me my maintenance calories should be 2700-3000ish, real life empirical evidence tells me it's 2300.

I could be happy at this weight, except my body has yet to tap into the love handles and lower back fat. So after all this work, I have a lean looking upper and lower body that doesn't taper. I still look wide.

I'm thinking of using a mini cut approach to get down further. Running about a 3 week deep deficit, about 1700 calories, 211g protein, 65g fat and the rest carbs. Then do a week or 2 maintenance, and repeating.

What do you think of this idea? Any different thoughts? Thanks!

Pictures are when I first started logging at WCBB and current.


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VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
hell yeah, do it

or save up for some surgery stuff, i've looked on line and prices down and light years from where they were, especially since it is localized in handles and lower back i'd treat myself u earned

fwiw, i did not know that was your journey, congrats


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
I posted before, but I ended up pushing my surgeries to September (wanted to bump to mid-summer but given total duration of procedures, September was next earliest slot). Not ideal, but I had to move unexpectedly and just have too much going on to be out of commission for even a week. Plus, it'll afford me more time to save up for the cost (pun intended) so I may not even have to finance or get a small loan to cover it. I should have already been there, but other things had other ideas. I also want to damn near as close to 8% body fat as possible when I get to the table.

You look fucking great, by the way. Totally different person.


VIP Member
Jan 29, 2023
Thank you for the input fellas! Beef, I read your post about mini-abdominoplasty, and made me think about it. I'm sure there will be some surgery in my future to fix the loose skin, which luckily, is localized from the belly button to the waist.

However, I'd like to be able to tap into this back fat and lose some it on my own before I submit to the surgery. Partly because I want to prove to myself I can do it. And partly, because I received my personal training certification this year, and I'd like to be able to help people with a lot of fat to lose. And I will be relying on my own experience to do that, so I'm ok with being a human lab experiment to see what works and what doesn't.


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
I'm with you on that back fat. That's my spot, too. Things got really out of control this past month, and I had a two-week bender of horrible eating and not working out (also pulled my right lat really bad). I can tell that even in those two weeks I've had volume increase in my love handles and lower back. Probably mostly fluid, but it's still annoying. Those two areas are very unforgiving. Love handles for the most part have all but disappeared, but that back area is a bitch and takes draconian dedication and unwavering patience to chip away.


VIP Member
Dec 11, 2022
First of all, congratulations on making it so far already. I bet you feel a lot better these days, too.
May I suggest Clenbuterol two weeks on two weeks off gets rid of my stubborn love handles and deep belly fat.
I’ve been 230 lbs many times and clen would get me below that weight and more cut at the same time.
It’s a thermogenic and I take it before bedtime and just sleep thru any sweats or shakes it might cause in the first week of a clen cycle.
Two weeks on two weeks off and some cardio and carb reduction does wonders for me.


VIP Member
Jan 29, 2023
First of all, congratulations on making it so far already. I bet you feel a lot better these days, too.
May I suggest Clenbuterol two weeks on two weeks off gets rid of my stubborn love handles and deep belly fat.
I’ve been 230 lbs many times and clen would get me below that weight and more cut at the same time.
It’s a thermogenic and I take it before bedtime and just sleep thru any sweats or shakes it might cause in the first week of a clen cycle.
Two weeks on two weeks off and some cardio and carb reduction does wonders for me.
I didn't think of that. I've used it before during my run, but not recently. I still have some too! Do you ramp up or just run 2 weeks at the same rate?


VIP Member
Dec 11, 2022
I didn't think of that. I've used it before during my run, but not recently. I still have some too! Do you ramp up or just run 2 weeks at the same rate?
I ramp up the first two week period 40mcgs to 120mcgs
Then I do the rest at 120mcgs two weeks at the same rate start to finish.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Alpha nailed it. Clen, cut the carbs and cardio. You do not necessarily need to reduce the calories, just cut the carbs out. I do the same clen protocol and it works great. I run an ECA stack for the two weeks I am off the clen.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
Yea, there's a few ways you can go about this. In addition to what was noted above, this is two ways i'd go about it (below)....

1) Keep protein the same, do not lower it. Then from either fat or carbs, or both, drop calories by 100kcal total. So drop overall calories to around 2200kcal from 2300kcal. Keep gradually dropping until you reach your goal. Do not drop down to 1700 kcal right off the bat. Keep cardio the same until you reach a sticking point.


2) What is your estimated bodyfat%??? This is more precise than above, at least for me it is. If you are 230# right now, lets say you are an even 12%. Let's say that is about 25# of bodyfat overall (just guestimating here). This would put you at or around 205#. I'd take that 205# and multiply by 1.3-1.5 as a tyarget goal of protein, so (266g-307g of protein per day). Right now you are just a tad over 1.0g per # of Bodyweight.

This leaves you with about 1200kcal to split up between either fats and carbs (by using your empirical work of 2300kcal as a limit) . As long as I am getting 1.8-3.2g of EPA/DHA for fats, I like going slightly higher on carbs and just going with trace fats from my foods....but I would not get too anal about this, protein and overall kcals are what matters most when cutting, so go with what works best for you and what you will follow more easily long-term.

Follow that for however long that it works, then drop another 100kcal from fats/carbs....and so on.

Adjust cardio for more expenditure, especially if it does not effect strength and leg size. I like simple treadmill walking or stationary bike. If you have a physical job, then yuou may not need much. I usually am a 30-min per day guy starting out (or 4-5x/wk). I gradually increase my cardio from there, except I will skip cardio on leg day. If you have tree trunks for legs, then it may not matter....I lose leg size quickest if I do too much leg cardio.

Clen works well, but I am more sensitive to the sides these days as i';ve gotten older, so i prefer an Ephedrine/Caffeine stack long-term more. I also like YOHIMBINE orally. Start out low and increase gradually. I actually start out with Yohimbine first these days, along with caffeine, before adding in ephedrine at low doses (12.5-50mg/d). I can tolerate Yohimbine much more with E/C than with Clen, so that's another reason why I use these compounds.

T3 can help. I never go above 75mcg/d, and I only use it at the end of a cut if I need it. I start out at 25mcg/d, then increase gradually as needed.


After that, you are basically adjusting calories down from carbs/protein, and adjusting cardio and thermos needed and tolerated.

The goal is to always make small adjustments so you continue to have tricks leftover in the bag to pull out when things slow down.

Anyway....that's how I roll:cool:
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