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Failed Assassination attempt on Trump



Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
But for the head of the SS, no one else has resigned, been fired, or demoted (at least that I am aware of). There were failures all up and down the chain of command. There should be a significant number of people that should no longer be working for the SS. But my confidence that anything will be done is low.

Just goes to show, in the eyes of the feds, you work for them, they don't work for you.


VIP Member
Aug 14, 2012
So many shit shows all at once the last couple months it's just in your face. It's like the parent company running the united States Corp and Western countries is saying "what are you going to do about it ?" Well I guess nothing because nobody ever is held accountable and anybody that speaks up is a conspiracy theorist or a loon, gets deplatformed, loses their job, gets charges with some BS crime, dragged through the mud, destroyed, suicided etc...etc...etc...
Kind of sounds like what Maduro is doing on Venezuela... he is even planning on building re-education camps, kind of like Hillary Clinton suggested.


VIP Member
Dec 10, 2013


VIP Member
Oct 10, 2010
Sounds like a wasted vote to me. Just an opinion, what do I know?
EVERY (presidential) vote is a “wasted (useless) vote”. Particularly because it’s rigged to be (among other things) decided by the electoral college, not public / popular vote.
And the fact that “Presidents are selected not elected” FDR


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
EVERY (presidential) vote is a “wasted (useless) vote”. Particularly because it’s rigged to be (among other things) decided by the electoral college, not public / popular vote.
And the fact that “Presidents are selected not elected” FDR
In 2016, Hillary won the popular vote, Trump won the Electoral Vote, and he won the White House. Nobody complained, nobody cited a rigged election, it was just how the Constitution works.

In 2000, Clinton's VP Al Gore wound up in a virtual Tie with Texas Governor Bush junior. The final tiebreaker was decided by how Florida's Electoral College votes would go ... in a State where W's baby brother Jeb was Governor. Bush jr won, Gore bowed out w/o using words like "rigged," and the USA went on.

The Electoral College sucks, it does not reflect the will of ALL the people, but it's what the revered "Founding Fathers" left us as a playbook.

Late 1700s, the main goal was a divorce from King George's England. Main problem was the less populated "Slave States" of the plantation South and the more populous States of the North had trouble agreeing on things quickly enough to gather momentum vs. King George.

Deals were made to facilitate things, less populous States were given disproportionate clout via the Electoral College, "We" kicked King George's ass, and we've had the Constitutional playbook ever since.

It wasn't ever 100% fair, but America got through the 1860s US Civil War, WW I, the Great Depression, WW II, and after, with it in place medium smoothly until recent decades.

Today's problems may be more with who is playing by what rules than they are with an imperfect playbook that served us well for 200 years.


VIP Member
Oct 10, 2010
In 2016, Hillary won the popular vote, Trump won the Electoral Vote, and he won the White House. Nobody complained, nobody cited a rigged election, it was just how the Constitution works.

In 2000, Clinton's VP Al Gore wound up in a virtual Tie with Texas Governor Bush junior. The final tiebreaker was decided by how Florida's Electoral College votes would go ... in a State where W's baby brother Jeb was Governor. Bush jr won, Gore bowed out w/o using words like "rigged," and the USA went on.

The Electoral College sucks, it does not reflect the will of ALL the people, but it's what the revered "Founding Fathers" left us as a playbook.

Late 1700s, the main goal was a divorce from King George's England. Main problem was the less populated "Slave States" of the plantation South and the more populous States of the North had trouble agreeing on things quickly enough to gather momentum vs. King George.

Deals were made to facilitate things, less populous States were given disproportionate clout via the Electoral College, "We" kicked King George's ass, and we've had the Constitutional playbook ever since.

It wasn't ever 100% fair, but America got through the 1860s US Civil War, WW I, the Great Depression, WW II, and after, with it in place medium smoothly until recent decades.

Today's problems may be more with who is playing by what rules than they are with an imperfect playbook that served us well for 200 years.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
Kind of sounds like what Maduro is doing on Venezuela... he is even planning on building re-education camps, kind of like Hillary Clinton suggested.
Venezuela has massive oil reserves. That country should be like fucking Dubei in riches. But the powers that be in the West have run coups there etc for decades. There is a battle right now between the BRICS nations and the Western powers to control Venezuela for their riches and you can bet no matter who wins the battle the people will continue to suffer. People are nothing to the Eastern and Western powers. The East harvests Yueger organs en mass and the West runs child trafficking pedophile networks. The West is happy to commit genocide on multiple fronts and wash it through the Western Media. The East enslaves billions and kills swaths of their own populations the second the power structure is threatened in the least. There is no shortage of evil. I'm just waiting for the time when good strong men have nothing left to lose and the heads of the Western and Eastern elites are on pikes in front of their luxurious houses.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
Yikes, read about the English partnering with the Portuguese to run opium into the East. This was all put in place in the 18th century and from there into the 19th century. Just follow where the central bankers ran their power from and you will find more evil than you can stand to read, such as the Bank of England.


VIP Member
Aug 14, 2012
Venezuela has massive oil reserves. That country should be like fucking Dubei in riches.
This why a few have taken over using socialism and an excuse. Like Castro, they go in am make promises to take the wealth from the rich and distribute it equally. The poor and uneducated love this concept because now they won't have to do anything to live a better life. Hugo Chavez got voted into office under the Fifth Republic Movement (MVR) which is nothing more than a socialist take over. This is when the wealthy and upper middle class started leaving in droves. Once Chavez completely took over government he changed his party affiliation in 2007 to the National Socialist Party of Venezuela. Nicholas Maduro was Chavez VP and now carries the torch. Once Chavez took over he began to nationalizing heavy oil projects taking over companies like Exxon, Chevron and Conoco. Chavez then started using revenue from these nationalized companies like his own personal piggy bank. His social policies resulted in overspending that caused shortages in Venezuela and allowed the inflation rate to grow to one of the highest rates in the world . Sound at all familiar? The same thing happened in Cuba, the same in Argentina, and if we open our eyes enough we can actually see this taking place right here in America.

"Chávez was not the first president in Venezuelan history to be mesmerized by the promise of oil, but he was the one who allowed the sector to decline the most", with most statistics showing deterioration of the industry since the beginning of his presidency. So while the people were promised great lives through Chavez taking the oil industry from the rich American companies, in the end he destroyed the industry, over spent money on an extravagant life for himself, his family and inner circle meanwhile the people went broke and stood in line to get bread. All of this done under the disguise of Socialism which always means everything for the dictator, his family and circle of friends while the people remain broke, hungry and uneducated. This same thing was done in Cuba and Argentina by the Peronist. All of these were very prosperous countries before the greedy too over with offer of a sandwich and a glass of wine to the poor and uneducated. The policies and tactics of Chavez are now carried on by Nicholas Maduro. Chavez use to tell his country that once said that it is "bad" to be rich. Sorry to tell you guys but the same thing is being done in the USA. How does a poor military officer rise to be come a $billionare while the people are starving. How did Fidel Castro, who told his people he was living in a poor fishing village become a $billionare? How did Juan Perez of Argentina become one of the wealthiest leaders in the world?

Chavez daughter now living the life of the rich and famous


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
This why a few have taken over using socialism and an excuse. Like Castro, they go in am make promises to take the wealth from the rich and distribute it equally. The poor and uneducated love this concept because now they won't have to do anything to live a better life. Hugo Chavez got voted into office under the Fifth Republic Movement (MVR) which is nothing more than a socialist take over. This is when the wealthy and upper middle class started leaving in droves. Once Chavez completely took over government he changed his party affiliation in 2007 to the National Socialist Party of Venezuela. Nicholas Maduro was Chavez VP and now carries the torch. Once Chavez took over he began to nationalizing heavy oil projects taking over companies like Exxon, Chevron and Conoco. Chavez then started using revenue from these nationalized companies like his own personal piggy bank. His social policies resulted in overspending that caused shortages in Venezuela and allowed the inflation rate to grow to one of the highest rates in the world . Sound at all familiar? The same thing happened in Cuba, the same in Argentina, and if we open our eyes enough we can actually see this taking place right here in America.

"Chávez was not the first president in Venezuelan history to be mesmerized by the promise of oil, but he was the one who allowed the sector to decline the most", with most statistics showing deterioration of the industry since the beginning of his presidency. So while the people were promised great lives through Chavez taking the oil industry from the rich American companies, in the end he destroyed the industry, over spent money on an extravagant life for himself, his family and inner circle meanwhile the people went broke and stood in line to get bread. All of this done under the disguise of Socialism which always means everything for the dictator, his family and circle of friends while the people remain broke, hungry and uneducated. This same thing was done in Cuba and Argentina by the Peronist. All of these were very prosperous countries before the greedy too over with offer of a sandwich and a glass of wine to the poor and uneducated. The policies and tactics of Chavez are now carried on by Nicholas Maduro. Chavez use to tell his country that once said that it is "bad" to be rich. Sorry to tell you guys but the same thing is being done in the USA. How does a poor military officer rise to be come a $billionare while the people are starving. How did Fidel Castro, who told his people he was living in a poor fishing village become a $billionare? How did Juan Perez of Argentina become one of the wealthiest leaders in the world?

Chavez daughter now living the life of the rich and famous
Don't forget the IMF role in every South American shit show, granting loan engineered to never be paid back so country's hard assets are forfeit. This whole thing is many layers deep. Marxism plays a big part. He wished to be the destroyer of humanity and it may yet come to pass.

“The Pale Maiden” (1837)
With disdain I will throw my gauntlet
full in the face of the world,
And see the collapse of this pygmy giant
Whose fall will not stifle my ardour.
Then I will wander godlike and victorious
Through the ruins of the world.
And, giving my words an active force,
I will feel equal to the Creator.

by Karl Marx
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