In 2016, Hillary won the popular vote, Trump won the Electoral Vote, and he won the White House. Nobody complained, nobody cited a rigged election, it was just how the Constitution works.
In 2000, Clinton's VP Al Gore wound up in a virtual Tie with Texas Governor Bush junior. The final tiebreaker was decided by how Florida's Electoral College votes would go ... in a State where W's baby brother Jeb was Governor. Bush jr won, Gore bowed out w/o using words like "rigged," and the USA went on.
The Electoral College sucks, it does not reflect the will of ALL the people, but it's what the revered "Founding Fathers" left us as a playbook.
Late 1700s, the main goal was a divorce from King George's England. Main problem was the less populated "Slave States" of the plantation South and the more populous States of the North had trouble agreeing on things quickly enough to gather momentum vs. King George.
Deals were made to facilitate things, less populous States were given disproportionate clout via the Electoral College, "We" kicked King George's ass, and we've had the Constitutional playbook ever since.
It wasn't ever 100% fair, but America got through the 1860s US Civil War, WW I, the Great Depression, WW II, and after, with it in place medium smoothly until recent decades.
Today's problems may be more with who is playing by what rules than they are with an imperfect playbook that served us well for 200 years.