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dosage for tren

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Sep 9, 2010
I did start with 700mg EW of tren ace shooting 100mg ED, it wasnt my first cycle(very far from it) but it was the first time I used tren. I had read about the sides and the recommended doses and time on and everything so I knew what to expect from that. I got tren cough 2 times, out of all the shots I think I came out pretty good with that! I will say that I heard about the tren cough and read about it but nothing can prepare you for when it happens to you, it sucks!


Wow, that's a ballsy first tren cycle dose. I applaud you for making it through that. I've never had the Tren cough before. Is it something that happens right away after you pin? I've heard theories that it's due to the BA concentration needed to make Tren soluble at more than 75mg/ml. Said BA is then expelled through the lungs which causes the cough....just a theory I've heard though. I don't think it's scientifically backed.


Sep 5, 2010
The tren cough has nothing to do with the BA content, the BA content is the exact same as used in just about every preparation, 2%. It does happens soon after you pin it and if your not quick it can come on while you are still pinning, as it almost happened to me the second time. I was almost done pinning and I felt it coming on and I quickly hurried and pushed the rest in real fast cause you dont want to get the tren cough with a pin in you!! I learned after that to load the tren first in the pin and then load whatever you are shooting with it, I was shooting 1cc of tren ace and 1cc of test prop, so the tren goes in your body last and not first cause if you shoot it in first and the cough comes on you would still have the other compound to push in, so always shoot the tren in last, thats my words of wisdom!

I believe it is the tren compound combined with nicking a vein or going through a vein when pinning that gives the cough. I have always shot 2% BA/ 20% BB compounds and tren is the only thing that ever gave me the cough, but I can say I got tren cough like symptoms from prop before, so maybe it is lower dose gear that does it but I wouldnt understand why as the BA/BB concentrations are the same in almost everything be it a 250mg dose or 100mg dose.



Sep 11, 2010
I like to take my Tren A ED at a dose of about 50 - 75 mg. Any higher and I start to get rather agressive and mean. I like ED because I feel the same each day unlike EoD or E3D where I get high and low surges.

Regarding the Tren cough. Since I always stack my Tren with Test, I load the Tren first. I do this because I feel that I need to be more accurate with my Tren dosage than the Test. Also, it seems to help with the Tren cough. When I do get it, I feel it almost immediately after the injection. It's not so bad...a little burning in the lungs and coughing for a couple minutes. I assume this is from passing through a vein because of the quick reaction to the injection, and the fact that it rarely happens. If I did not aspirate and I shot right into a vein I assume that it would be an absolute terrible experience.




Sep 5, 2010
I like to take my Tren A ED at a dose of about 50 - 75 mg. Any higher and I start to get rather agressive and mean. I like ED because I feel the same each day unlike EoD or E3D where I get high and low surges.

Regarding the Tren cough. Since I always stack my Tren with Test, I load the Tren first. I do this because I feel that I need to be more accurate with my Tren dosage than the Test. Also, it seems to help with the Tren cough. When I do get it, I feel it almost immediately after the injection. It's not so bad...a little burning in the lungs and coughing for a couple minutes. I assume this is from passing through a vein because of the quick reaction to the injection, and the fact that it rarely happens. If I did not aspirate and I shot right into a vein I assume that it would be an absolute terrible experience.



Accuracy with the tren dose is a good idea and loading it first with the pin up will read better and more precise, but if you load just the tren and you want to be accurate remember that from the tip of the pin to the line on the syringe where the readings start is .2mls, so say you load your pin and you fill it up to say the 1ml mark it is actually 1.2mls and to check that you can then tip the pin upside down and you will see that it is over by .2mls I learned that from a pharmacist along time ago!



Friends Remembered
Sep 12, 2010
daily 100mg shots.. I started looking into making it stronger so i could do eod.. Pinning multiple times a day just plain sucks and is inconveinant.. especially considering, I just do it for myself and have no aspirations of competing.

I have ran it alone and I don't believe any real sides were bad.. But i mainly run my profina combo .. no real sides there... some acne.. but nothing that can't be controlled


Sep 5, 2010
daily 100mg shots.. I started looking into making it stronger so i could do eod.. Pinning multiple times a day just plain sucks and is inconveinant.. especially considering, I just do it for myself and have no aspirations of competing.

I have ran it alone and I don't believe any real sides were bad.. But i mainly run my profina combo .. no real sides there... some acne.. but nothing that can't be controlled

I will agree that the ED shots suck!



Sep 15, 2010
Oak i started out low on Tren A and now for the second time using it i'm running 600mg pw and no sides at all.


Sep 15, 2010
For first timers new to AAS 50-75mg EOD would be a good start and work from there, Tren IMO is the strongest mg/mg of any AAS out there. I was happy at 150mg EOD.


Sep 19, 2010
I did start with 700mg EW of tren ace shooting 100mg ED, it wasnt my first cycle(very far from it) but it was the first time I used tren. I had read about the sides and the recommended doses and time on and everything so I knew what to expect from that. I got tren cough 2 times, out of all the shots I think I came out pretty good with that! I will say that I heard about the tren cough and read about it but nothing can prepare you for when it happens to you, it sucks!


To me, this just sounds wrong. I am of the belief that you should always use the least amount of gear required to get results. I just do not understand for your 1st time starting at 700mg/week, thats just nonsense. For all you know you could have yielded the exact same results with 4 or 500 per week. I'm not taking a shot at you so please don't get defensive about this but for anyone who is considering Tren for the 1st time this is NOT what I would recommend.


Sep 5, 2010
I dont take it as a shot just an opinion and there is nothing wrong with having an opinion, no harm done bro. I wasnt recommending it though, just giving what I had done personally. I have done 30+ cycles and I felt comfortable with doing it at that dose for my first time with that compound, I know the half life is short and I wanted to keep somewhat stable levels in my system, every other day probably would have done well too but I chose to do it at the higher end cause I have done so many cycles.



Sep 15, 2010
75-100mg EOD like anything its a tool, if your competing its a must in your tool box IMO..
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