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Does this change in blood work sound normal?



VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
Agreed. Not only do you get more accurate results, but you don't have to stop training. I can train legs the day before and my AST/ALT will be 3x the reference range, but my GGT will be 10.
Your CK is probably 5000. Mine usually runs between 1500 - 2000 and I don't even lift heavy anymore. With that ALT/AST is usually 2x UNL. The only time I was WNL was after 3 mo off for my back surgery, even then CK was still 800.


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
I really appreciate you guys. I trust you all's opinion way more than I'm going to trust most doctors. You know you have blood work that's off a little bit and all of a sudden they want to put you on a bunch of pills and change stuff without really looking into why and how. I'm going to have her do blood work again in 90 days it's cheap enough to do online.
As mentioned above, I wouldn't wait 3 mo. Have her take a week off lifting and run a general chem panel with CK. Walk in labs through either Lab Corp or Quest if available in your area has a Wellness Express for $59. Covers everything except CK. Then you know. If she loves Mast redo the chems, then add the Mast, give it 3 mo, take another week off and recheck. When I tested my E2 that normally runs 100 ish with a total T of about 1000, 10 mg/d of var or 60 mg/wk of Mast E had no effect. 60 mg/wk of Primo E, cut my E2 in half.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 16, 2010
So quick question, what has she been eating? And what did she eat the days before her tests? Has she ever had B12 tested?

I have a theory on b12 and cholesterol.

Also my sister is a vegetarian, doesn’t do gym workouts, but is very active, probably around menopause and has high cholesterol too recently.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
It could be menopause possibly. Work has been busy as hell so we've been kind of grabbing stuff but she doesn't eat much fried foods and she doesn't eat a lot of cheese until now. But she always has.

Make sure it's a lot about vegetables than I do.

We take weekly injections of B12.

When we do the next blood work I'm going to go ahead and have her test that also.
It's strange her diet hasn't been that much different from prior years when her blood work has been spot on other than kidney levels just over normal.

She is training for a marathon and runs 12-14 on weekends plus does hard cardio on the elliptical during the week


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
It could be menopause possibly. Work has been busy as hell so we've been kind of grabbing stuff but she doesn't eat much fried foods and she doesn't eat a lot of cheese until now. But she always has.

Make sure it's a lot about vegetables than I do.

We take weekly injections of B12.

When we do the next blood work I'm going to go ahead and have her test that also.
It's strange her diet hasn't been that much different from prior years when her blood work has been spot on other than kidney levels just over normal.

She is training for a marathon and runs 12-14 on weekends plus does hard cardio on the elliptical during the week
"She is training for a marathon and runs 12-14 on weekends plus does hard cardio on the elliptical during the week" that is the likely culprit to the elevated LFTs, check CK.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
"She is training for a marathon and runs 12-14 on weekends plus does hard cardio on the elliptical during the week" that is the likely culprit to the elevated LFTs, check CK.
Thank you sir! Will do. I honestly didn't know the specific difference between the two but that makes sense to test that. Thank you thank you


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
Thank you sir! Will do. I honestly didn't know the specific difference between the two but that makes sense to test that. Thank you thank you


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