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Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
Brilliant day lads. Did one called Blencathra in the Lake District. We went over a ridge called Sharp Edge. Proper knife edge ridge and it had been raining earlier on, the rock is all completely smooth and my mate almost fell off the side. Probably shouldn’t have tackled it while it was wet but it’s a lesson learned. Took us just under 4 hours all in all. I can feel my cardio improving a lot and the mobility work I did this week definitely helped minimise the pain in my lower back and shins.


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
22nd October


  • 30 minutes cycle
  • Wide grip pull-up (paused) 3 x failure
  • Low row 3 x 8
  • Iliac pull 3 x 8
  • Hypertension 3 x failure
  • Preacher 3 x 10 + 1 triple drop set
No pump and low energy today. Didn’t get enough carbs in me since yesterday’s walk. Will get some solid meals down me today and hopefully back in to train legs properly tomorrow.


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
23rd October


  • 15 x bike interval
  • Hack squat 3 x 6-8
  • BB squat narrow stance 3 x 6-8
  • Leg extension 3 x 8-12
  • Single leg curl 3 x 8-12
  • Standing calf raise (paused in stretch for 15 seconds on final rep each set) 4 x 12
Still feel a bit drained. Woke up with a dry and scratchy throat yesterday and have felt a little fatigued since. My parents have had COVID but they both tested negative a couple of times before I last visited. Hoping it’s just a cold and clears up by tomorrow. Going to try to get an early night go and slam a lot of Vit C and water today.

Went out for a meal with my Mrs’ family last night and had an amazing steak. Was hoping to avoid dessert but couldn’t help myself and got this, really good actually. Gut wasn’t too thankful but making up for it today and intend to keep everything pretty clean this week.

Still cruising and going to get full bloods in a week and a half. I will be ready to run a little cycle/blast from there so going to have a think about what will work best for me. Probably moderate Test with a dry oral or a little touch of another oil, will avoid Tren/Nand though.


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
24th October


  • 15 minutes stationary bike 160BPM
  • Slight decline DB press 3 sets 10, 10, 9 (top set was 130’s which I had to bail out on 9. Spent some time readjusting body partway through as I felt unevenly distributed on bench)
  • Hammer Strength seated press 3 sets 10, 8, 8 (top set 67.5KG each side)
  • Machine dip pause reps 3 x failure (stacked machine)
  • Banded lateral raise 3 x failure
  • Rope pushdown 3 x failure
  • Pec deck 3 x failure
Feeling a little bit under the weather today. Dry throat, aching etc. Not a bad session considering.

My Mrs has hit the gym today too. Not usually her thing but she said she’s felt a bit anxious lately and wants to start doing a bit more. Said she’ll come walk up a small mountain nearby this weekend but we’ll see. Also wants to cut down on the wine. Positive changes so she’s got my support. ☺️


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
No time to train tonight as I’m at a concert with my Mrs so done some mobility during downtime at work today and went out for a run. 30 minutes continuously but pace was abysmal. Stuck to grass/uneven terrain rather than road so I can help train my ankles/feet for the hills/mountains.


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
Got a little strain on the inner thigh. Not sure if it's from overstretching or running yesterday. Going to do what I can to ease it off today. Pain seems to have dulled down a little bit since waking up at least.

Training pull tonight so hoping it's back to normal in time for legs tomorrow.

Went to a concert last night and had 3 drinks. Not ideal but back to clean living today, plenty of water and good food.


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
26th October


  • 30 minute cycle
  • Weighted wide grip pull-ups paused reps 3 x 6 (+100lbs)
  • Chest supported row 3 x 8
  • Iliac pull superset straight arm pull-down 3 sets
  • Barbell curl 3 x 10-12
  • DB hammers 3 x 10-12
Dark by the time I was done training, and I wasn’t in long. Winter is definitely on its way. Need some sun back in my life.

Going to hit up a bit more stretching this evening to loosen off this inner thigh/groin pain. I actually have a yoga mat now, previously I was stretching on the rug in my lounge which smells like dog and left me covered in hair after every session, so that’ll be much better.

And kind of random but I bumped in to an old friend in the gym today and was talking about his routine and he was actually following my split I posted on my page earlier in the year. Still find it crazy when the online persona crosses over into real life. A lad in the gym came over and asked if I was Manc Muscle last week too. Mate is a former Manchester City player so has a super athletic background, he’s promised to shoot some before and after pictures while following the split for my page.


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
Randomly got this cool and flattering message from a lad who used to train in the gym I did when I was 23-24, back in the high Tren days. Says I gave him a kick up the arse and looks as if he’s made some major gains since. Definitely seems to have surpassed me size wise.


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2018
Brilliant day lads. Did one called Blencathra in the Lake District. We went over a ridge called Sharp Edge. Proper knife edge ridge and it had been raining earlier on, the rock is all completely smooth and my mate almost fell off the side. Probably shouldn’t have tackled it while it was wet but it’s a lesson learned. Took us just under 4 hours all in all. I can feel my cardio improving a lot and the mobility work I did this week definitely helped minimise the pain in my lower back and shins.
Man this had me sweatin, as climbing rocks with no rope scares the hell outtta me!! You guys have some balls to do this!!


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
Man this had me sweatin, as climbing rocks with no rope scares the hell outtta me!! You guys have some balls to do this!!
It was scary and probably stupid to attempt with how slippery the surface was, but we survived and it was fun.


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
27th October


  • 15 minutes stationary bike 150BPM
  • Barbell SLDL 5 x 3-6
  • Hamstring curl 3 x 8-12
  • Hyperextension 2 x failure
  • Plate loaded leg extension paused reps with 10 second hold final rep 3 x 8-12
  • Calf raise 4 x 10-15 (played with different foot positioning)
Cracking on with another hamstring focused leg day. As mentioned previously, they’ve been neglected for a while and quad training has taken priority in most workouts. I’m pretty much guaranteed to be able to milk easy/free gains with some of these movements as they’ve not been focused on in a long time.

Hip and leg mobility feeling noticeably better during training after daily mobility and stretching work too!


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
28th October


  • 15 minutes stationary bike 150BPM
  • Flat barbell bench 2 x 8, 1 x 7.5 (top set 150KG)
  • Anterior delt DB press 3 x 6-8 (top sets 105lbs DBs)
  • Dip 3 x 10 (+110lbs DB)
  • Rear delt fly 3 x 10-12
  • Crossbody triceps 3 x 10-12
  • Cable fly 3 x 10-12
Honestly happy to be maintaining the strength I have for my working sets considering I’ve been cruising for a while and doing lots of cardio. Was surprised by how easy the first 6 reps of the final set of bench went up.

Cooking me and the Mrs a pad Thai and having a chilled night. We’ve bought a book each from Amazon so we can have some downtime which doesn’t involve phones or TV, will try to get through a chapter or two tonight.
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