Had L5/S1 fused and a Prodisc L placed between L4/L5. Came out WAY better than I was. ROM is unchanged if not improved. If they fuse L5/S1 you don't lose much and it provides a base for the Prodisc level above that maintains ROM and preserves discs above that level. My procedure was a hybrid ALIF. Brace off in 3 months, pretty much back to normal in 6 and full activity in one year. No pain and feeling and function has returned in the right foot dosiflexion, left side drop foot is permanent as I waited too long. Getting the right neuro and general surgeon is key. Fusion is always the default if they get in and can't do a Prodisc bc the vertebra are too far gone.
I remember when I asked my neurosurgeon if I'd lose range of motion with my l4-s1 360 fusion... He asked how my rom was now lol...
Anyway... Very similar situation.
Terrible back from the military for 15 years. Finally couldn't take it anymore.
Back home in 4 days... 6 weeks in brace. 3x/week physical therapy, and hired a personal trainer to just focus on range of motion.
I also took a therapeutic dose of gh for 6 months, about 3iu/day.
Surgery was in December. Brace off mid January (when I also stopped taking pain meds after several SEVERAL years), done with pt by march. By June I was jumping and bouncing all over the place. I also grew about 1.25" from the 2 spacers.
They went in the front and back, and wrapped my fusion with a cage?
Disc replacement seems so awesome, but you can only do it for 1 disc and you better not have degenerative disc disease above or below. They also make several different types.
Regardless, my fusion was the best thing I've done in like 20 years