Had the BC Knob Creek Anniversary, $50 beer, was not as good as the regular BC this year, sad.
I diner there with the family last Saturday night ;-) Peeper is great I also like the vanilla stoutDinner.......... from the Maine Beer Company <- does not suck.... F what anyone says... Its real nice. better than allot of so called good beers we have drank.. lol
Check this out... I have not had 98% of these beers... you could make many jealous boasting about drinking these.. lol
Top Rated Beers: Maine, United States
What are the best beers from: Maine, United States? Here's a list of the highest rated beers from brewers in: Maine.www.beeradvocate.com
Lunch is ok as well.. but not amazing at all.. has a great mouth feel a bit heavy for an IPA. I like it.
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