Looking good. That means I have no excuse to get back in there when I recover from surgery. I'm 10 years younger than you, Good luck and thanks for the motivation.Thanks man. Ok so here's the deal. I was at 204.8 as of Sunday morning, might get down to 200 or less. I am doing the Masters 50+ Division. I am 53 now, 54 in November. This is the only show I am doing. I got involved in, and have been doing, Dorian Yates' DY Academy since he started it in July 2020. I was a whopping 255 back then, got back into shape for a few reasons, mainly to be around for my wife and kids...had kids later in life, they are 11 7 10 now...and didn't wanna be the Dad who couldn't do anything because I was out of shape.
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