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Crashing your E2/estro levels



Jan 8, 2015
Okay so i recently had a little bit of gyno flair up but quickly have knocked it out using 60mg Raloxifene pre day and 25mgs Aromsin. I live in a state now where its not always easy to get bloods done. Far drive to the next state and i work long hours. Esp during this time of year so its hard sometimes.

Why question is, i have been taking Aromsin everyday for over 6 weeks. Was taking 20mgs Nolva, 12.5 mg Aromsin and 50 mg try and knock out the gyno. THe past 12-14 days have been taking 60mg Ralox and 25mgs Aromsin. Want to try and crash my e2 levels and stay on the Ralox for at least another week just to make sure the gyno flair up is history(which is appears to be.

Now if i crash my E2 levels to much and i cant get bloods done for at least a week of so sue to work and the way it is out here. Whats the worst that will happen with having estrogen too low? Is this nessisaryly a terrible thing? I know we need some estrogen in our bodies. But if it turns out i have competly crashed my e2. Whats the worst that could happen? Will there be side efects? I mean i feel fine. My chest looks great. just wondering what your thoughs is on this. I'm dry and hard as can be.

Gear at the momment is just 750mg Test E week!

Wanted to get the gyno situation undercontrol and blood done before adding in an oral and cont. with mast or prov or something else to finsih this run off. This will be my final PCT!

Any input is welcome thanks!



Jul 28, 2015
basically id imagine you will notice things like lack of girth in the member, possible lack of interest in sex, possibly some joint creaks and cracks, mood can be affected in two way, you get depressed in your test levels are normal to moderate or you go into a rage if they're high. orgasm can be weak , less enjoyable, you can have issues maintaining erections. id not bottom it out Aromasins good at knocking it down by 80 % so focus on the targeted meds as you're doing

then go get that shit cut out
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