Is extreme weather becoming more frequent? Here's an article that discusses it:
Mike Pence: “With regard to hurricanes, the National Oceanic (and Atmospheric) Administration tells us that...
Short answer: NO. Hurricane frequency hasn't changed in the last 100 years, but climate scientists are predicting that future strong hurricanes will be more intense. Of course, their models also predicted more frequent hurricanes, LOL
Interesting quotes from the article:
"Phil Klotzbach, a scientist at Colorado State University, said scientists are continuing to disentangle questions about climate change and hurricanes. But it’s clear that skyrocketing population growth along the coast means storms today are more costly and destructive than 100 years ago, and sea level rise means more dangerous flooding from storm surge."
The fact that more people live on the coasts, resulting in more insurance claims has NOTHING to do with climate change.
"Computer modeling results of Atlantic hurricanes are inconclusive on whether or not climate change will cause an increase or decrease in the number of Atlantic hurricanes in a future warmer climate, with some models showing a decrease, and some showing an increase," Masters said.
This quote is buried in the article and doesn't support the headline that suggests you should be very afraid. The article stated that the number of category 3 storms since 1979-2017 increased by 15% in the last half of that period. Why pick half the period? Perhaps because if you pick the entire period there's no increase. Hmmm.... What about category 3 storms in the 70s? Perhaps there were too many to get the "conclusion" you wanted.
Just provide this info to support my contention that with "climate change", I can make the stats say anything I want. The "experts" want to use this issue to increase government action and control of the global economy. Heaven help us....