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Climate Change - Real or Not?



Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 16, 2010
Thank you to "Don't look up" and Everyone's sidetrack at Climate change, Trumpers, Dem's and Republicans.

With that said, climate change is a hot topic. I had to study Climate change back in the early 2000s as part of a research project. Back then I thought it was all a bunch of garbage and that it's just a hotly debated issue between both sides. Fast forward twenty years, it is still a hot topic.

What is everyone's thoughts about Climate change? have you seen differences in weather from when you were a kid to now?

I'll be honest, twenty years ago I did not believe in Climate change. However, now, seeing the differences in weather patterns and I have to say that something is happening. For example, where I grew up used to always get snow starting in November and run though to March. Now the winter is warmer and they are getting more rain. It's also the same thing with Thunderstorms. 30 years ago there was long rolling thunderstorms and slow rain. Now all the storms seem to be violent, fast moving, and massive rainfall amounts.


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
It will become more real when residential and business property owned by rich powerful people who routinely invest in Politicians is increasingly threatened by all the natural disaster stuff we've already been seeing.

"climate change is a hot topic?" C'mon, Jack, restrain yo'self :D


VIP Member
Mar 17, 2011
My opinion. It's real. But it's gradual. It's not the immediate life or death scenario that some believe. However, it's not a non-issue like the Trumpies pretend it is.

Some of the changes are too far along to stop, too. Even with drastic action it may be too late. But we can take modest measures to reduce it's effect while safe guarding jobs and the economy while we transition to more efficient and cleaner power.

At the very least making gradual changes will result in less air and water pollution. That's a win. Another upside is that it will encourage new technological innovation and create the next generation of economic growth opportunities.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
Is climate change real? Yes of course it is!

The question would be better ask is is climate change being sped up due to what we as humans are doing to the environment? That should be the real question.

The Earth is gone through many ice ages freezing and thawing freezing and thawing the Earth is thousands and thousands of years old millions probably I'm not a paleontologist nor am I a geologist but just looking at skeletons from dinosaurs and people that live thousands of thousands of thousands of years ago proves that we have gone through many cycles of life and death on this planet. Geologist learn rock formations based on freezing and thawing freezing and thawing over millions of years. So what does that tell us? In my mind it tells us that climate change isn't always constant evolving thing and yes climate change is real.

Like I mentioned I think the better question is are we speeding things up? That question is highly debatable more than is climate change real. Probably the first time in history of this planet do we have all these machines cars pollution making refineries etc etc but does that really affect anything? In my opinion I'm sure to some degree it does it traps gases within the atmosphere which heat up the temperature around the Earth which melt glaciers at a faster speed than if the air was clean.

Now everybody's screaming about getting rid of gasoline and natural gas and everything else that's in the Earth which was created by other ice ages freezing and melting. Electric cars is that the answer?? How can that be the answer when most electricity is created by fossil fuels? I hear so many people say I'm doing so much for the environment because I drive an electric car and it's 100% clean. How can it be 100% clean when a giant refinery is processing stuff coming out of the ground, fossil fuels, and turning it into electricity to plug in your car you're using fossil fuels not directly but indirectly you still are.

In addition to electricity electric cars require lithium and other rare Earth minerals which means we have to dig into the Earth tear it up and guess what kind of machines are used to mine these rare Earth minerals?? You got it folks trucks that run on fossil fuels. So if we drill for oil to run our cars we're bad but if we drill for oil convert it into electricity and then run our electric cars that we dug and pulled out rare Earth minerals and left big holes in the Earth then we're good, I don't follow that logic.

I'm not saying that I'm right and everybody else is wrong I just don't understand the mentality of I bought an electric car I'm saving the environment because in my opinion the footprint from electric cars starting from where the electric comes from, to where the rare earth minerals come from to build the car and then what happens when the battery is dying you have to throw them away and buy new batteries then you're going to double whammy.

So overall my opinion is their global warming is there environmental changes yes they're always has they're always will be. In my opinion also the Earth is going to rite itself which means sooner or later something will happen that will wipe out mankind and then the Earth will be barren for millions of years and then all of a sudden new life will pop up and it'll start all over again and then 10 million years from now A bunch of people like us will be sitting around saying do you believe in climate change? And it'll start all over.

Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
We have come a long way in reducing pollution since the 1970s when a lot of the smog reducing laws were implemented. I remember as a kid watching all those pollution commercials and the crying Indian.
Polluted lakes steams and smog filled skies. We still have aways to go but none of the climate policies put in place by the democratic socialists will do anything. The other side of the world China Russia and India pollute a million times more than anyone else and until they are brought under control it's all in vain the pain they will inflict will be terrible.
Lizard King

Lizard King

Staff Member
Sep 9, 2010
To keep it simple: Climate change is a real thing. Human influenced climate change is bullshit. And Greta Thunberg and suck my left nut.
Would you pay her or would you expect it for free?

I have no idea how old the crazy little bitch is btw, just making a statement.

Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
Would you pay her or would you expect it for free?

I have no idea how old the crazy little bitch is btw, just making a statement.

Would you pay her or would you expect it for free?

I have no idea how old the crazy little bitch is btw, just making a statement.
I wouldn't let the exorcist anywhere near my nuts not matter how much she paid me.


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