GF, it's better that you hear this from a friend lol ... you were not "her first."Thanks brother, but she gets extreme with it sometimes. Kind of embarrasses me. Haha.
I haven’t finished going thru this thread yet but had to reply. TSC was my first board. Rawdeal, I remember so many good dudes when I first joined. Remember Maak? He was like the Law around there. Always bustin guys balls for any little thing. Used to crack me up. I’ll never forget his rule about Tren. Anything less than 400mg per week is a waste! Such bad advice! Lmao. Others I remember were Zeus of course, Lurch, Birdman, Warreng, Greenzone, DrIron, Pakina9. Dam. There were so many more. Just can’t remember. So many good dudes over the years! A lot of names mentioned already I have seen around too. I became a Mod there after you had already left. But I remember seeing you around at other boards here and there. Around the time u left the board was falling apart pretty much. Not getting any tech support for the forum and issues kept happening that weren’t getting addressed. I’m pretty sure this was around same time Zeus sold TSC to Bigwhite! Aka, UXL. And UXL was listed soon after. From what I remember Zeus house got flooded from some hurricane down south. And that’s around when he sold it to Bigwhite. I have good intel that was the case. When UXL got raided he shut TSC down to protect himself. So I’m the end Bigwhite was not only himself on TSC but UXL and Zeus also! That’s also when Zeus had us Mods vote to allow Sources to post on the board. Before that sources were not allowed to post. I was kinda mad about Bigwhite Not telling us and pretending to be Zeus also but all and all I really like Bigwhite and considered him a friend. Was a good dude. Anyone know what ended happening to him? I never really heard much after that.THANK YOU, @Massive G for op'ing this thread. This has been kinda like old folks sitting in their rockers, talking about the good old days ....... srs!.
. . . . rawdeal don't know shit.
Others might, but I don't see them anymore. Maybe a few on BK's or Lift's boards, maybe on Whey's board, dunno.
rawdeal discovered this world a little before ORD with another, totally noobish, handle ... Anasci first, then a split off from there when some disgruntled members followed Pincrusher to his kinda small MuscleManiax board. "Pin" referred to his bowling skills, btw. He and I are Yanks, but MMx seemed to be mostly Canadians. Pin was a GenXXL rep, and he and I had a quiet falling out when I asked what I thought was an innocent question about one of their products on SSB.
Then came ORD. I was a tiny "little fish," but I got skeered and went to ground. Needlessly cleaned house of some Swisher inventory, something I resented then, and still do. Opted for my present handle later as my double digit salute to the people who brought us ORD. Hung out in the designer steroid/pro-hormone world for a while. Primordial Performance was an out-in-the-open business that sold transdermal ph before the FDA got stricter. Their website had a "Friends of .... " list, and I saw TheSourceCheck there. SourceAuthority was very similar to TSC, many common members, sources, and some common Mods too. I was never clear on ownership, however, or on how the 2 boards came about before I registered 2009 - 2010. I was a rookie Mod on TSC from 2012 till I got less fond of the board, or of being a Mod, or both? Bigwhite was a Mod there as well, and it was he who suggested I join TID in 2013. I never knew what else (UXL) that rascal was up to until the bust. I did go lurk on TSC a few times after I became less active ... saw UXL had been added to their source list. When TSC vanished, I figured Zeus may have pulled the plug for fear of UXL leading back to TSC, but I do not know that ... only guessing.
TSC was not an open source board ... unless you paid a membership fee, and then it was wide open, no matter who you were, or weren't. Just 2 levels of "Status," paid or not paid.
I remember cupcake. Haha.GF, it's better that you hear this from a friend lol ... you were not "her first."
Whenever the subject of mg comes up, it always amazes me I never see her mentioned by her first handle, especially among guys who've been in the game longer than I have. I showed up about 2006 as a stereotype Noob who gravitated to the non-private, open source boards ... of course, and the same very busy, very needy board groupie was on SSB and the GenXXL house board as VinDiesel. She had a special thing for "English," who seemed to be the head man at GenXXL, and it got so bad she was banned at their board. She re-registered as cupcake, but her written voice outted her, and she was re-banned. Stayed busy on SSB in the days when ORD was fast approaching, and was briefly banned there for embarrassingly detailed accounts of her romantic misadventure w/one of the other GenXXL boys. Gymace and TightBooty were even motivated to offer kindly advice before she was briefly banned, then reinstated by a sympathetic Gymace.
I was new then, went to ground for a year or so during ORD, and when I came back under my new handle, some boards were gone, and so was "VinDiesel."
You bastard! I knew they fucked up when they did mine! No shot. Just lasered mine off with no numbing first! I was in my early 20s and remember just lying there in agony! Just be glad they did stick one in ya is all I have to say! HahaI had too (and I probably told the story about it on It wasn't recreational for me, it was to have a thromboid hemorrhoid removed. Fucker had to put in a local TWICE right on my O-Ring in order to numb me up before cutting the fucker open.
It was one of the most painful healing processes I ever went through. Took 2 10mg Valium and had 3 vodka on the rocks and slept it off for 14hrs.
So unless there's some sick fuck who's doing O-ring shots for "fun." Maybe I'm the old timer who mentioned it.
BTW, I got that after doing my heaviest leg press (or it swelled to its max), 45lb plates fully loaded sled, no wraps for 5.
I'm not sure what ever happened to Big WHite/UXL after was busted. He also posted here, and so did Zeus....though maybe he was also Zeus here as well. I thought he was a good guy as well, but he could have made some kind of awareness of what he was going through at the a heads up, or had somebody fill people in. It would have been a stand-up mov e and helped a lot. I think his son was selling Kratom after all that as well. Kurt Angles's brother was caught up in it as well, lol.I haven’t finished going thru this thread yet but had to reply. TSC was my first board. Rawdeal, I remember so many good dudes when I first joined. Remember Maak? He was like the Law around there. Always bustin guys balls for any little thing. Used to crack me up. I’ll never forget his rule about Tren. Anything less than 400mg per week is a waste! Such bad advice! Lmao. Others I remember were Zeus of course, Lurch, Birdman, Warreng, Greenzone, DrIron, Pakina9. Dam. There were so many more. Just can’t remember. So many good dudes over the years! A lot of names mentioned already I have seen around too. I became a Mod there after you had already left. But I remember seeing you around at other boards here and there. Around the time u left the board was falling apart pretty much. Not getting any tech support for the forum and issues kept happening that weren’t getting addressed. I’m pretty sure this was around same time Zeus sold TSC to Bigwhite! Aka, UXL. And UXL was listed soon after. From what I remember Zeus house got flooded from some hurricane down south. And that’s around when he sold it to Bigwhite. I have good intel that was the case. When UXL got raided he shut TSC down to protect himself. So I’m the end Bigwhite was not only himself on TSC but UXL and Zeus also! That’s also when Zeus had us Mods vote to allow Sources to post on the board. Before that sources were not allowed to post. I was kinda mad about Bigwhite Not telling us and pretending to be Zeus also but all and all I really like Bigwhite and considered him a friend. Was a good dude. Anyone know what ended happening to him? I never really heard much after that.
Yea....pretty much goes in the retard section of the trash bin.The KING of all douchebags.............ready for it?
NEEDTOOGETAAS from EF back in the day
I remember Maak fondly, think Maakshiff or some similar spelling was the full handle. He was a tough love Mod, word was that Zeus and other of his Mod peers (b4 I got Modulated) worried he was driving new members away. Not sure if they pressured him out or just did not support him when shit occurred. I remember a snot-nosed punk named "comeatmebro" or something very similar catching some of Maak's tough love and deciding to make antagonizing Maak his life's work. It puzzled my pre-Mod ass why the other Mods remained silent ... I wanted to ban him to support Maak, but I was just a member then.I haven’t finished going thru this thread yet but had to reply. TSC was my first board. Rawdeal, I remember so many good dudes when I first joined. Remember Maak? He was like the Law around there. Always bustin guys balls for any little thing. Used to crack me up. I’ll never forget his rule about Tren. Anything less than 400mg per week is a waste! Such bad advice! Lmao. Others I remember were Zeus of course, Lurch, Birdman, Warreng, Greenzone, DrIron, Pakina9. Dam. There were so many more. Just can’t remember. So many good dudes over the years! A lot of names mentioned already I have seen around too. I became a Mod there after you had already left. But I remember seeing you around at other boards here and there. Around the time u left the board was falling apart pretty much. Not getting any tech support for the forum and issues kept happening that weren’t getting addressed. I’m pretty sure this was around same time Zeus sold TSC to Bigwhite! Aka, UXL. And UXL was listed soon after. From what I remember Zeus house got flooded from some hurricane down south. And that’s around when he sold it to Bigwhite. I have good intel that was the case. When UXL got raided he shut TSC down to protect himself. So I’m the end Bigwhite was not only himself on TSC but UXL and Zeus also! That’s also when Zeus had us Mods vote to allow Sources to post on the board. Before that sources were not allowed to post. I was kinda mad about Bigwhite Not telling us and pretending to be Zeus also but all and all I really like Bigwhite and considered him a friend. Was a good dude. Anyone know what ended happening to him? I never really heard much after that.
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