Cialis for me. Works great but don't keep a full hard on 24/7 with it. Only used either recreationally though. Wake up with a mild headache like a hang over though.
Once you read and learn more and how it all works, where it comes from etc, youll have a better understanding. There is certainly real Liquid Orals of all kinds.
In the legit Rx stuff, I like Levitra 20mg then Cialis. I haven't had any Rx Viagra. I haven't been impressed with the liquid versions of Cialis or Levitra I've tried unfortunately.
Cialis by far Viagra to many sides,friend of mine is pharma said Cialis is best ive read says Cialis builds up in system ,may increase test somewhat to.i use Cialis in cycle and for preworkout works better than any NO products out there.
Cialis, hands down. I can't tolerate the stuffy nose/headache and flu like feeling Viagra gives me. I don't get that feeling with Cialis, just minor stuffy nose.