Agreed. You are right, this case is with someone who is on a whole different level.@969C1 Do not double her dose! I hope another vet or two backs me up on this.
The subject in this thread is a seasoned veteran with a professional trainer monitoring every macro/micronutrient and supplement.
The highest dose of Test Cyp used in post meno women was 25mg/wk Huang et al . It's like the GLP-1 drugs, if the dose you are using is doing what you need and sides are minimal, don't mess with it. Remember 50 mg/wk is what many docs now prescribe for women transitioning to be men. This person was a competitive Master's Physique and her data is there for informative purposes, not a guide for dosing.Agreed. You are right, this case is with someone who is on a whole different level.
I think with my wife and hitting the mid 50's, she is realizing that our youth is slowly leaving us. It has been a game changer for her doing 10mg TC x 2 a week. With the positive results, she has questioned if it would improve even more by upper her dose. It was wrong for me to state doubling what she is doing now. The approach to increasing would be by 5mg x 2 per week, taking her from 20mg a week to 30mg.
I do believe in allot of cases that, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!". However, I understand her questioning it. She is due for more blood work in another 3 weeks. So far at 20, everything is good!
Thanks for your concern and good input CFM.
By the way, thanks for the two studies. Interesting stuff but I think there was a posting on PM by an IFBB Pro that explain the loss of testosterone and mTor for bodybuilders, he said it is kind of like driving a Farrari at top speeds and worrying about a fly landing on the headlight and slowing you down. I doubt either GLP-1 drug will slow anyone down who trains intensely, take in plenty of protein, uses PED, and including some hGH. The benefits far exceed the negatives. Keep up the work you do. It is very informative.IMO you have to understand mechanisms of actions to be able to put pieces of a puzzle together. Most MDs do not unless they have a PhD as well or are taught to think that way. We have a wealth of potential information on this board, things that will never be studied or published. We have to leverage that to educate, inspire new thinking, bust myths and bro science, reduce risk, increase benefits and get others to think about labs, body comp, etc. to figure out exactly what is going on in themselves and stay as safe as possible while achieving their goals.
I had a debate with a guy about how 50mg is going to cause a woman to be a man. I showed him pictures of my wife past and present and ask if she looked at all like a man. Of course not. She also doesn't like women at all. Its not so much the dose of the testosterone these trannies are using but the way they think. Lots of female BB'ers have done much more than 50mg/wk and even used anadrol and tren and are still women.The highest dose of Test Cyp used in post meno women was 25mg/wk Huang et al . It's like the GLP-1 drugs, if the dose you are using is doing what you need and sides are minimal, don't mess with it. Remember 50 mg/wk is what many docs now prescribe for women transitioning to be men. This person was a competitive Master's Physique and her data is there for informative purposes, not a guide for dosing.
For sure, the 50 mg/wk is what docs think is enough, for most they need at least 100 mg/wk, the right genetics to go in that direction and a lot of time. Given what I've seen women physique and BBs, (even figure and bikini) use over the past 3 decades and still don't look like men is way more than most trannies would be prescribed. Having said that, the less one has to take to achieve the look they want, the better. Most of the women I train on pellets are in the 150 - 300 ng/dl range, some much higher. They feel great and don't look like men and still look like women. I remember Melissa Coates from decades ago at the Arnold. I was at her table leaning on it, never heard her talk I was on one of the Arnold Committees at the time, anyway she turned to a fan and answered a question and her voice made James Earl Jones should like a second tenor. The table vibrated from the bass. Up close, she sure didn't look like a guy, but it was a brain twister when she opened her mouth.I had a debate with a guy about how 50mg is going to cause a woman to be a man. I showed him pictures of my wife past and present and ask if she looked at all like a man. Of course not. She also doesn't like women at all. Its not so much the dose of the testosterone these trannies are using but the way they think. Lots of female BB'ers have done much more than 50mg/wk and even used anadrol and tren and are still women.
No, had a few ask about the W7 handle, the twin I don't know about LOL.By the way, thanks for the two studies. Interesting stuff but I think there was a posting on PM by an IFBB Pro that explain the loss of testosterone and mTor for bodybuilders, he said it is kind of like driving a Farrari at top speeds and worrying about a fly landing on the headlight and slowing you down. I doubt either GLP-1 drug will slow anyone down who trains intensely, take in plenty of protein, uses PED, and including some hGH. The benefits far exceed the negatives. Keep up the work you do. It is very informative.
By they way do you post as Wilson7 on ExcelMen's forum for TRT?
Agreed.The highest dose of Test Cyp used in post meno women was 25mg/wk Huang et al . It's like the GLP-1 drugs, if the dose you are using is doing what you need and sides are minimal, don't mess with it. Remember 50 mg/wk is what many docs now prescribe for women transitioning to be men. This person was a competitive Master's Physique and her data is there for informative purposes, not a guide for dosing.
My wife turned pro and immigrated to the USA. When she met the gals here she wanted to quit. We use to be friends with Betty Pariso and her husband Ed. We put on a powerliftiing meet ad the 1st EUROPA in Dallas. When my wife saw Betty she was stunned. She is larger than her husband Ed. My wife loves the sport but didn't want to go any further with the drugs. My wife actually used 250mg of test enanthate when she won the Nationals along with Primabolin enanthate at 100mg/wk. The wife has a pretty thundering voice too and still does about 700lbs on the leg press for reps. My wife met Gaspari at a meet once and was bigger that Gaspari. But she has definitely maintained her femininity.For sure, the 50 mg/wk is what docs think is enough, for most they need at least 100 mg/wk, the right genetics to go in that direction and a lot of time. Given what I've seen women physique and BBs, (even figure and bikini) use over the past 3 decades and still don't look like men is way more than most trannies would be prescribed. Having said that, the less one has to take to achieve the look they want, the better. Most of the women I train on pellets are in the 150 - 300 ng/dl range, some much higher. They feel great and don't look like men and still look like women. I remember Melissa Coates from decades ago at the Arnold. I was at her table leaning on it, never heard her talk I was on one of the Arnold Committees at the time, anyway she turned to a fan and answered a question and her voice made James Earl Jones should like a second tenor. The table vibrated from the bass. Up close, she sure didn't look like a guy, but it was a brain twister when she opened her mouth.
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