Alright, got it. Like I said earlier I use an app to guide me. It says to eat 2,800 calories a day. 145g of protein, 363g of carbs, and 97g of fat. I normally get 2,800 calories of a few 100 more sometimes since it tells me to eat a little more when I burn calories from weightlifting, 120g of protein, 270g of carbs, and 120g of fat. So I just gotta cut back on fat and a little bit of carbs?
Everybody has different nutritional needs and metabolism. Without a nutrition coach, it can be hard to navigate in the beginning to figure out what works for your body. This is where I recommend a structured meal plan as a baseline and make changes from there to learn how your body responds.
I am not a nutrition expert, but high fat and high carb is not an approach I would take. Personally I use carbs as my primary energy source and keep fats low (50-60g/daily). I get a little bloat from carbs, but it’s manageable. fat is needed for health but I do well where I’m at.
protein is what builds muscle tissue. You need enough protein to sustain and a little extra to support additional growth. General guidance is ~ 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass. 200lbs @15%BF is 170lbs lean. Protein should be in the 170 gram range. Excess protein is not stored in the body and doesn’t convert to fat storage.
quality of food matters so much. Avoid processed food as much as possible. Fresh veggies, chicken, fish, lean red meats, rice, oats, etc are the staples. Avoid boxed food, frozen dinners, etc.
nutrition is something that took me a while to learn. I focused on basics and my body does better with fewer calories. I have better health and energy, stay leaner, and just look/feel better. Eating the junk had no value for me.