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Bulk or cut for a bulky 15 yo



New Member
Jan 18, 2025
I am 15 and i have been going to the gym for around 16-17 months now.

i weigh 80kgs and my height is 170cm. i used to weigh around 60-62kgs when i had just started lifting. it wasn't a constant bulk but i'd say it was definitely a "bulking" period in general.

Now im 79kgs and my height is 170cm. i have some muscle but my body fat is also decently high (i'd guess 20-23%). i would really really benefit from losing some fat in terms of achieving a better physique.

I already went down from 82kgs to 79kgs since the start of the current half assed cut. i still want to continue but im scared of 2 things:

1- A lot of people (including my best friend) tell me to keep lean bulking to maximize muscle gains especially since im in the peak of puberty.

2- Im afraid that cutting will affect my height potential and i don't want to risk it because im already on the shorter side.

But at the same time i REALLY REALLY want to get shredded. what should i do ? i can link some pictures if needed


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
Cut the junk out and eat clean. It might be tough to do since you are living with your parents and mom makes the food I am assuming. But you can definitely cut out the junk and replace with natural foods and whey protein. Start tracking your nutrition. I use Cronometer. It's free online. Weigh your food and count everything so you can adjust and make lean gains. Your hormones should be raging at your age. Now the thing is to feed your body plenty of solid nutrition, lots of protein, and train hard with good form and base your workouts around compound movements including bench press, squats, dead lifts, bent rows and military presses from the rack. Try to get in at least 200g a day.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Glyco gave you some good advice. I also use Cronometer and advise it for all my clients. It is by far the best nutritional tracker out there. Just about every top level coach in the game attests to that.

If you can grow it, pick it or kill it, eat as much as you can handle. If it comes in a package and has more than a couple ingredients, don't fucking eat it. Most people have a really hard time getting fat eating fruits, vegetables, nuts and lean meats. However, you can grow a metric shit ton of muscle (scientific term).

Train your ass off. Train as hard as you can and as often as you can. Train chest, back and shoulders (U) one day and legs and arms (L) the next. Then train them again as soon as you feel like you can. It may look like UL rest UL rest or ULU rest LUL rest or maybe your legs don't recover that quickly and you do ULU rest ULU rest.

Focus on the compound movements and train them hard. Accessories when you can. If you train compounds hard enough accessories may not be necessary.


Mar 16, 2024
If you eat right which is clean protein and get a good mix of fruits/veggies you can’t eat too much. I would personally try to lean down to under 15% so you can actually see the results of your work. The visual reward can be motivating in and of itself to keep propelling you towards your goal. Hiding a bunch of muscle underneath a soft layer is deceiving and can make you feel like you aren’t actually getting results for your hard work. Calories don’t make you taller, feeding your body the nutrition it needs will.


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
The 3 posters above have given you what you need.
Bust your ass like no other, all the rest of those fuckers should think you are nuts to train like that, I am 59 and still train like a fucking animal, it works.
Protein and quality sleep.
NO DRUGS or ALCOHOL that shit is for idiots.
BD Cool

BD Cool

VIP Member
Dec 1, 2011
At 15 years old I wouldn't worry about a bulk or cut. As others have said, get to the gym, train like a madman, and have fun doing it... results will come.


VIP Member
Dec 20, 2017
It is not easy to bulk and lose fat at the same time. I would focus on getting your body fat % under 15% as previously recommended. Running 3-5 mi. 3-4 times a wk. with upper body lifting 2-3 times a wk. will send you in that direction with clean eating. Once you reach your body fat goal you can start to change your workouts cutting back on running and starting light weight high rep. squats and dead lifts once per wk. adding in some type of aerobics for 20-30 minutes after your work outs. I would highly recommend Dante C. Dogg Crapp workouts, rest / pause, once you get your body fat under control. I would recommend googling Dante's w/o and start studying it so your ready when it's time to start. I'm sure there's lots of info. on utube also. It's good to ask questions but so much better to do your own research and start to learn what works best for you. Stimulate, DO NOT, annihilate! Best of luck to you young man.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
He's 15 y.o. At that age they can drop a bomb and they will sleep right through it.

Stop giving old people advice to young pups. lol ;)
Yeah, but they also spend most of the night on their phones and playing video games. They keep doing it into their 20's. I know, I have a couple of them.
The other Snake

The other Snake

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2016
Yeah, but they also spend most of the night on their phones and playing video games. They keep doing it into their 20's. I know, I have a couple of them.
Same here. Dinner table rules are No technology at the table. There's plenty of times I say, Put it way. Doesn't help the wife is just as bad
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