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Dec 28, 2011
Back & Traps at PF October 17 [PXE]


Bent Over DB Rows 10,20,30,40 x 15,12,12,12
D-handle OH cable Pulldowns 35,42.5,50 x 12
Single arm cable sword rows 10,15,20 x 15,15,12
Seated Cable Rows 70 x 12,12,12 + dropset

Narrow Grip Pulldowns 90 x 15,15,15

5min elliptical @ 3

(20000 steps)

Shoulders & Quads at PF October 18 [PXE]


Seated lateral raises 10,20,25 x 15,15,12
Seated front DB raises 10,15,20 x 12
Seated DB OHP 45,50,60 x 15,12,8
Cable rear delt flies 5,10,15 x 15,12,10
Rear delt cable pulls 15 x amrap

Leg Extensions 70 x 12,12,12,12
Seated Leg Press 140 x 12,12,12,12

5min elliptical @ 20%

(21000 steps)
Chest & Hamstrings & Glutes at PF October 19 [PXE]

Warmup + 5min stationary bike

Pec Deck Flies 65,70,75,80 x 15
Cable Uppercuts 15,25,35 x 12,12,12
Incline DB Bench 50,55,60 x 15,15,12 + dropset
DB Flat Bench 40,45,50 x 15 + dropset

Glute Bridge Machine 50,55,60 x 12
DB RDL 40,45,50 x 12
Lying Leg Curls 100 x 12,12,12

(8000 steps)

The 18th of October marks the sixth month in a row I’ve been hitting the gym. No more than two days off a week & most stretches were about one rest day every two weeks. I’m pretty fucking impressed to be honest. Taking it day by day has been key & this log has been super beneficial in holding myself accountable.

October 11th officially began my Winter Arc. Let’s fucking go.
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Dec 28, 2011
Arms at PF October 20 [PXE]

Warmup + 10min stationary bike


Seated v-bar cable curls 5,12.5,20,27.5 x 15
Triceps Pushdowns 50,70,85,100 x 15 + dropset

Hammer curls 25,30,35 x 15,12,12 + dropset
Rope Pulldowns 55 x 15,15,15 + dropset

PF Curl Machine 40,45,50 x 15 + rest pause amrap
PF Tricep Extension 120,125,130 x 15 + rest pause amrap

(5000 steps)
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Dec 28, 2011
REST October 21 (15000 steps)

Back & Traps at PF October 22 [PXE]


Bent Over DB Rows 10,20,30,40 x 15
Lat bar cable rows 55,70,85,100 x 15,15,15, + dropset
Single arm cable sword rows 10,15,20 x 15,12,12
Seated Cable Rows 75,85,95 x 15,12,12 + dropset

Yellow LF Narrow Grip Pulldowns 105,120,135 x 12,8,8
Rope pulls 20,25,30 x 15

5min elliptical

(21500 steps)

Shoulders & Quads at PF October 23 [PXE]

Warmup + 5min stationary bike

Cable lateral raises 5 x 12,12,12
Cable front raises 5 x 12,12,12
Seated DB OHP 15,20,25,30,35,40 x 12
Cable rear delt flies 15,25.35 x 15,12,10
Reverse pec deck flies 50,60,70 x 15

Leg Extensions 75,90,105,120 x 15,12,12,12
Seated Leg Press 140 x 12,12,12,12

5min elliptical @ 20%

(17500 steps)

Chest at PF October 24 [PXE]


Pec Deck Flies 60,70,80,90 x 12
Cable Uppercuts 10,15,20 x 12,12,12
Incline DB Bench 50,55,60 x 15,15,15 + dropset
Smith Machine Flat Bench 50,90,140,180 x 15,12, + dropset
HS Incline Iso press 20 x 12,12,amrap

(21500 steps)

Arms at PF October 25 [PXE]

Seated v-bar cable curls 25,30,35 x 15
PF Tricep Extension 100,110,120 x 15

Hammer curls 25,35,40 x 12 + drop set
Triceps Pushdowns 65,80,95 x 15 + dropset

EZ Bar Spider Curls 40 x 12,12,12 + rest pause amrap
Rope Pulldowns 50 x 12,12,12 + rest pause amrap

5min elliptical @ 3

(20000 steps)
REST October 26 (2500 steps)
REST October 27 (2400 steps)

Back & Hamstrings & Glutes at PF October 28 [PXE]

Yellow LF Row Machine 45,60,75,90,105,120 x 12
Seated Cable Rows 120,140,160 x 12 + dropset
LF Row Machine 70,80,90,100 + dropset
Single arm cable sword rows 15,20,25 x 12 + dropset

Seated Leg Curls 70,85,100,115 x 12
DB RDL 40,45,50 x 12
Lying Leg Curls 100 x 12,12,12
Hamstring rope pull throughs 35,42.5,50 x 12

(15000 steps)

Still at it, still grinding. Seeing results from lowering volume on arms which is cool as hell & am back training legs after the achiness in my knees subsided.

Gonna only have one day off a week now that peak season has officially started & am actually kinda worried about how that’ll affect my joints. This job has me feeling my age more than ever. I keep looking at these much older, much heavier dudes that are getting it in around me & am trying to use that as motivation to keep pushing but holy fuck this has not been easy.

If anyone has advice they can pass along to me I’m all ears. I ice my knees almost every evening, take glucosamine chondroitin, fish oil, krill oil, collagen & glutamine & have upped my protein to 300g+ daily & get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, 8-10 on weekends. Thoughts?
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Dec 28, 2011
Shoulders at PF October 29 [PXE]


Seated DB Laterals 15,20,25 x 12 + dropset
Cable Upright Rows 15,20,25 x 12 + dropset
Yellow LF Shoulder Press 60,75,90,105 x 12 + dropset
Reverse pec deck flies 55,65,75 x 15
Cable rear delt rows 10 x 12,12,12

5min elliptical @ 3

(20500 steps)

Chest & Abs at PF October 30 [PXE]


Pec Deck Flies 65,75,85,95 x 12
Cable Uppercuts 10,15,10 x 12,10,12
Incline DB Bench 50,55,60,65 x 15,15,15,12 + dropset
HS Incline Iso press 30 x 12,12,12

Rope Crunches 105,115,130 x 15

5min elliptical

(24000 steps)

Arms at PF October 31 [PXE]

5min stationary bike

Seated ez bar cable curls 15,25,35,45 x 12
Tricep Pushdowns 110,130,145,160 x 15

Hammer curls 25,35,45 x 12,12,10 + drop set
Rope Pulldowns 130 x 12,12,12 + dropset

Yellow LF Curl Machine 45,60,75 x 15,12,10
Yellow LF Triceps Machine 105 x 15,15,15

5min elliptical @ 3

(18800 steps)

Wake up, gym, work, shower, cook, eat while watching an episode of a comedy, sleep, repeat. Fuck. Minus the fucking haha. Damn.
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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011
Still fucking getting after it.

Back at PF November 1 [PXE]

Warmup + 5min elliptical @ 3

D-handle seated rows 25,40,55,70,85,100 x 12
Seated Close Grip Lat Pulldowns 70,85,100 x 12 + dropset
Seated Lat Bar Pulldowns 55,70,85 x 15,15,15 + dropset

EZ Bar Lat Pulldowns 60,70,80 x 12
Single Arm Cable Swords 10 x 12,12,12

5min elliptical @ 3

(21500 steps)
REST November 2 (5800 steps)

Shoulders & Chest at PF November 3 [PXE]

5min stationary bike + Warmup

Pec Deck Flies 65,75,85,95 x 15,15,12,12 + dropset
Cable Uppercuts 10 x 12,12,12
Incline DB Bench 50,55,60,65,70 x 12

Cable Upright Rows 20,25,30 x 15
Reverse Pec Deck Flies 55 x 12,12,12
Seated OHP DB Press 30,40,50,60 x 15,15,15,12

(3000 steps)

Arms at PF November 4 [PXE]

5min stationary bike

Tricep Pushdowns 50.5,138,158 x 12
Ez bar cable curls 38,48,58 x 16

Tricep pushdown machine 190,205,220 x 15
Hammer curls 30,35,40 x 15 + drop set

Assisted tricep dips 85 x 15,15,15
Bent over Ez bar curls 40,50,60 x 15,15,15 + dropset

(16000 steps)
REST November 5 (20000 steps)

Back & Traps at PF November 6 [PXE]

Lat bar seated rows 40,70,100,120,140 x 15,12,12,12,12 + dropset
High Rope Pull rows 30,40,50,60 x 15,12,12,12
Rope sword pulls 30,40,50 x 12 + dropset

Narrow pulldown machine 100 x 12,10,8 + dropset
DB front shrugs 50,55,60 x 12 + dropset

5min elliptical @ 3

(21500 steps)

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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011
Chest at PF November 7 [PXE]


Pec Deck Flies 55 x 15,15,15 + dropset
Cable uppercuts 10 x 12,12,12

Incline DB Press 30 x 12,12,12
Incline DB Hex Press 30 x 12,12,12

Incline DB Flies 20 x 12,12,12

5min elliptical @ 3

(20000 steps)

Arms at PF November 8 [PXE]


Tricep Pushdowns 40,85,130,160,175,190 x 12 + dropset
Ez bar cable curls 20,30,40,50,60,70 x 12 + dropset

Rope Cable kickbacks 40,30,20 x 12,15,20
Hammer curls 30,35,40 x 12 + drop set

(22800 steps)
REST November 9 (15500 steps)

Back & Traps at PF November 10 [PXE]

Seated Cable Rows 50,70,85,100,120 x 15,12,12,12,12 + dropset
Lat bar seated rows 100,120,140 x 12 + dropset
High Rope Pull Rows 30,40,50,60,70 x 12
Rope sword pulls 30,40,50 x 12 + dropset

Narrow pulldown machine 105 x 12,10,8 + dropset
Angled Rope Cable Shrugs 70 x 20,20,20

(4000 steps)
REST November 11 (20000 steps)

Shoulders & Chest at PF November 12 [PXE]


Pec Deck Flies 65,75,85,95 x 15,12,12,12 (3sec)
Cable Uppercuts 10,15,20 x 12
Incline DB Bench 40,45,50,55 x 12 (3sec)

Cable Upright Rows 30,40,50 x 15
Reverse Pec Deck Flies 60 x 15,15,15 (3sec)
Shoulder Press Machine 50 x 15,15,15 (3sec)
DB Lateral Raises 20 x 15,15,15

(14700 steps)

Arms at PF November 13 [PXE]

Warmup + 3min elliptical @ 3

Tricep Pushdowns 130,145,160 x 12 (3sec)
Seated Ez bar cable curls 25,40,50 x 12 (3sec)

Rope Cable kickbacks 30,40,50 x 15,15,12 + dropset
Hammer curls 30,35,40 x 12 + drop set

OH Tricep Extensions 100,115,130 x 12 (3sec)
DB Spider curls 30,40,50 x 15,12,10 (3sec)

Lower half/psoas stretches

5min elliptical @ 3

(22200 steps)


VIP Member
Dec 9, 2011
Dude! 320?! We need to catch up soon.
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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011
REST November 14 (18500 steps)

Back & Traps at PF November 15 [PXE]

5min elliptical @ 3
Posterior chain foam roll/stretch

Seated lat bar Rows 50,70,100,120 x 12 (3sec) + dropset
Seated OH Cable Rows 120 x 12,12,12 (3sec) + dropset
High Rope Pull Rows 50,60,70 x 12 (3sec) + rest pause amrap
Rope sword pulls 30,40,50 x 12
Angled Rope Cable Shrugs 85 x 20,15,12 (3sec)
Narrow grip Pulldowns 75,90,105 x 12

(19800 steps)

Chest & Tibia at PF November 16 [PXE]


Pec Deck Flies 75,85,95,105 x 15 (3sec)
Cable Uppercuts 10,15,20 x 12 + dropset
Incline HS Press 30,40,50 x 15 (3sec) + dropset
Incline DB Bench 35 x 15,15,15 (speed) + dropset

Kettlebell tibia raises 5 x 20,20
Standing tibia raises x 20,20

(10000 steps)

Rest days are now for when I feel beat up after a long day & want 8 hours of sleep instead of 6 with an early morning gym trip. They’ll be pretty random going forward.


VIP Member
Dec 9, 2011
Yooo! Whats good man? We def need to catch up.
Whats the 320 referring though? Haha it’s been a long week bro
Haha your weight was up to 320. I’ll Shoot you a note with my new #
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Dec 28, 2011
Arms at PF November 17 [PXE]

Warmup + 5min stationary bike

Tricep Pushdowns 135,150,165 x 15 (3sec)
Seated Ez bar cable curls 25,40,55 x 15 (3sec)

Rope Cable kickbacks 40,50,60 x 15,15,12 + dropset
Hammer curls 35,40,45 x 12 + drop set

OH Tricep Extensions 130,145,160 x 12 (3sec)
DB curls 30,40,50 x 12 + dropset

At home Lower half/psoas stretches

(3000 steps)
REST November 18 (21500 steps)
Month Seven

Shoulders & Traps at PF November 19 [PXE]

Warmup + 5min stationary bike

Ez bar Upright Rows 30,40,50 x 15
Reverse Pec Deck Flies 65 x 15,15,15 (3sec)
DB Lateral Raises 20 x 15,15,15 (3sec
Seated DB OHP 35,40,45 x 15 (3sec)

Rope Cable Shrugs 65 x 20,20,20 (3sec) + dropset of Narrow Row Pulldowns amrap

5min elliptical @ 3

(19000 steps)
REST November 20 (13500 steps)
REST November 21 (11000 steps)

Back & Abs at PF November 22 [PXE]


Seated d-handle cable rows 40,50,70,80 x 15 (3sec) + dropset
Wide grip Pulldowns 100,120,140,160 x 12,12,12,8 + dropset
High Rope Pull Rows 100 x 15,15,15 + dropset
Rope sword pulls 40,50,60 x 12,10,8 + dropset

Rope crunches 105,130,145,165,185 x 12

5min elliptical

(16000 steps)

Arms at PF November 23 [PXE]

Tricep Pushdowns 145,160,175 x 12 (3sec)
Straight bar cable curls 40,50,60 x 12 (3sec)

Rope Cable kickbacks 40,50,60 x 15,12, + dropset
Hammer curls 35,40,45 x 15,12, + drop set

OH Tricep Extensions 130,145 x 15 (3sec)
DB curls 20 x 12,12 (3sec)

(16600 steps)

Evening session:

Flat Bench
Bar x 8 x 3
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1

REST November 24 (3200 steps)
REST November 25 (16600 steps)

Legs at PF November 26 [PXE]

5min stationary bike @ 3

Kettlebell Tibia raises 10 x 12,12
Standing tibia raises x 12,12

Leg Extensions 55 x 12,12,12 (3sec)
Seated hamstring curls 55,65,75 x 12,12,12 (3sec)
DB RDL 25 x 12,12,12 (3sec)
Seated Leg Press 1pps x 12,12,12 (3sec)

Foam roll + Lower half/psoas stretches

(22000 steps)

Shoulders & Traps at PF November 27 [PXE]


Ez bar Upright Rows 40,50,60,70 x 12 + dropset
Reverse Pec Deck Flies 70 x 15,15,15 (3sec)
Seated DB Lateral Raises 20 x 15,15,15 + dropset
Seated DB OHP 40,45,50 x 12 (3sec)

Rope Cable Shrugs 50 x 20,20,20 (3sec)
Pulldown machine narrow grip 50 x 12,10,8

Foam roll/psoas/lower stretches

(24500 steps)
REST November 28 (3100 steps)

Back at PF November 29 [PXE]


Seated d-handle OH cable rows 40,50,70,80 x 12 + dropset
Seated cable rows 70,90,100,120 x 12 + dropset
High Rope Pull Rows 100 x 12,12,12,12 (3sec)
Rope sword pulls 40 x 12,12,12 (3sec)

5min elliptical

(20000 steps)

Chest at PF November 30 [PXE-ish]


Smith Machine Flat Bench 50,100,150 x 12 + dropset
Incline DB Bench 30,40,45,50 x 15 (3sec) + dropset
DB uppercuts 20 x 12,12,12 + dropset
Pec Deck Flies 70,85,85 x 15,12,12 (3sec) + dropset

5min elliptical @ 3
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