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Bottom of the Ninth



TID Board Of Directors
Apr 2, 2013
Love seeing and hearing about the progress man. Enjoyed seeing your boy kill the ball this weekend too. He's a stud like his dad. good luck this week brother, I know it is a big one! Stay focused on the new changes and your fitness goals. Let's go!
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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011
Shoulders at PF September 4 (PXE Session 5)


Seated Lateral Raise 10,15,20 x 15,15,15

LF Shoulder Press 55,70,85 x 15

EZ bar upright rows 40,50,60 x 12,12,12

Reverse Fly Machine 80,90,100,110 x 15 + dropset

5 min elliptical

(16000 steps)

In & out this morning so only one drop set.
Yesterday was my first day of delivery training & hit 16000 steps but didn’t lift.

Today I felt achy & @IronSoul suggested a light dynamic workout which was 5 min on the elliptical. Made all the difference today. Crushed the workload & was one stop away from where they want me after my 30 day probationary period. I can do this job no problem.


TID Board Of Directors
Apr 2, 2013
Awesome man, I am glad that it made it a difference for you. It is wild how some of the simplest tweaks can be so beneficial.
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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011
Chest at PF September 5 [PXE Session 4]


Pec deck flies 40 x 15,15,15,15

Cable flies 15 x 15,15,15,15

DB uppercuts 10,15,20 x 15,15,15

Yellow LF Chest Press 75,90,105 x 12,15, + dropset

5 min 20% elliptical

(18000 steps)

My fucking feet hurt haha. Seriously.
Ran all but 30 minutes of a 10 hour residential route & absolutely killed it. Tomorrow I’m completely on my own. Should be interesting. Knees & ankles are a little stiff & my right hip is wonky because of pivoting onto that foot over & over to get into the bulkhead door but I’m leaning out still & kicking ass.
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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011
Active Recovery September 6 (first day solo on package car)


Single set, light weight circuit of back machines & leg machines

6min elliptical at 20%

(20000 steps)

Legs & Abs at PF September 7

Bike for 10 min

Lying Ham Curls 45 x 15, 120 x 12,12

Seated leg curl 100,110,120 x 15 x 3

Leg extensions 100,115,130 x 12

Yellow leg extensions 105 x 12,12,12

Giant set x 3:

Abductor machine 100 x 12

Adductor machine 100 x 12

Back extensions BW x 12

Rope Crunches 47.5 x 15,15,15

LF Abdominal Machine 100 x 15,15,15,15

7min elliptical 20%

(10000 steps)
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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011

Not too bad for a 41 year old balding MFer
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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011
Back at PF September 8 [PXE Session 4]

5 min elliptical backwards


Chest supported DB Rows 20,25,30 x 15,15,15

Neutral Grip Lat Bar Pulldowns 80,100,120 x 15,12,10

Single Hand Cable Lat Pull Down 10,15,20 x 15,12,10 + dropset

LF Lat Pulldown Machine 60 x 12,12,12

Assisted Pull-ups 70 x 10,10

(6000 steps)

35 minute workout before heading to a one day baseball tournament. Pull-ups were a PR for sure. Great back pump leading into great weather & good games followed by great food. About to nap, go to therapy & crash early leading into my first full week as a temporary cover driver. Super excited. Last paycheck was the fattest I’ve ever gotten… next one will be even better. Only up from here.


TID Board Of Directors
Apr 2, 2013
Hell yeah man. You are doing awesome, considering everything that you are enduring and managing. Keep killing it brother, happy for you and proud of you.
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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011
Hell yeah man. You are doing awesome, considering everything that you are enduring and managing. Keep killing it brother, happy for you and proud of you.
Thanks Big Homie. It’s fucking happening. Time to level up.
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VIP Member
Dec 28, 2011
Shoulders at PF September 9 [Quick Session, 30 sec rests]


Giant set:

Side cable raises 5 x 12,12,12
Front cable raises 5 x 12,12,12
Bent over cable raises 5 x 12,12,12
Smith shrugs 50,70,90 x 15

Rear Delt Pec Deck 110 x 15,10,8

6 min elliptical @ 20%

(17000 steps)

Early start time on Mondays (8:50) had me in the gym with less time than I expected. Soon-to-be-ex bitching about me being around in the mornings & I’m getting really fucking fed up with trying to be nice for the sake of the kids so I just ducked out instead. It sucks staying here because she’s ramping up the fuckshit heavily but I’d rather stack bread & see my kids & dogs than do anything else currently. Gotta save bread for a lawyer & to rid myself of debt so my credit jumps before divorce or a separation agreement is finalized so I don’t have to rent a shanty in the hood as my first move. She maxed my credit card out last Winter & refused to pay on it as she was the breadwinner. Pure evil. I’m trying to give all this turmoil to God & trust His plan & it’s not easy at all… but I do trust it. Even convinced me to get a vasectomy months before announcing she wanted a divorce. I hope she shits legos for life.

Obliques are starting to come in & my originally tight delivery driver shorts are starting to fall off of me nearing the end of every shift. I bet she’s big mad witnessing this glow-up haha. Swallow a cactus.


VIP Member
Jul 5, 2011
Hope you get through the personal stuff as unscathed as possible I hate that shit and guys almost always get the short end!
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