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Body Composition Challenge



VIP Member
Apr 8, 2015
This is where I’m going to post my program and bullshit for this Body Composition Challenge. Starts Feb 14th and April is the last photo check in. Sunday mornings we have to send in pics of progress. The rules guy or girl who wins will have made the biggest change in their appearance in the 8 weeks. There is also a most shredded completion that winner gets 5k. Body comp male winner gets 10k and female winner gets 10k.
When I get my diet and supposed sorted I’ll post it here and weekly program if u guys are interested. If nothing else it will be entertaining to watch me fail.....

As always all comments and help and criticism welcome...



VIP Member
Apr 8, 2015
Ok Here is my before week one stats... I bought one of those cool scales that tell you all you metrics after you set them up.
296 Lbs
19% Body Fat
226 lean muscel, 10.4 bone to total lean mass 236.4 This is the number I’m going to base my protein, carbs, fats numbers off .
It said my BMI is 37.4 but this has never been accurate form me.. At 6’-2” they want me to be 190lbs... lol I have not weighed that since junior high..


I will water fast till Tuesday this week to flush all the shit out then do the Option @Mcgyver is talking about PSMF diet. Basically gutting all fats and carbs for energy and running at about 1000 calories of zero fat and carbs.

Work outs Ill keep my split as I have it 3 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on 1 day off. Upper body’s is kind of hard, since my shoulder is not 100%. So I have been work on high reps lighter weight upper body and then blasting my legs, I’m going to focus on compound movements the first 4 weeks then add some of the isolation moves last 4 weeks...

Ultimate goal loose 4o lbs, and at least get my muscle memory back from a year ago,


VIP Member
Apr 8, 2015
First day of PSMF diet I kind of screwed up. I made ground turkey no thinking and though it would be low fats... Well 12oz of ground turkey has 24 grams of fat, so I just rolled with it..

Food for the day 2 whole eggs, 4 egg whites and 12 oz gound turkey for breakfast, Dinner was a bone in chicken breast with out the skin on ... So totals for the day...

1018 calories, Protien 140g, Carbs 2 grams, fats 46 grams. What I found if I can lower my fats and I eat higher volume of protein and maybe not feel hungry.

Exercise for today. Load, unload and stack 36 - 50lb bags of cubes, load, unload and stack 35 100lbs bales of hay, brisk 45min walk, pretty much did not stop or sit down from 12 noon to 430 pm....

Went to bed early to try get some rest and not feel like snacking.... I’m just going to have to get use to being hungry...



VIP Member
Mar 21, 2017
I saw a trick someone posted I think here. For when you can't stand starving anymore eat some sugar free jello. Its not totally calorie-less but its small.


VIP Member
Apr 8, 2015
First week progress pictures and weigh in done...

Started at 296lbs one week later 281lbs. I’m using this today as a referee, then back to the diet Monday morning.

Training is about an hour a night weights with lots of pump work outs, low weight higher reps.. I keep it this way this week, maybe push the weight a little higher... I’m doing 10 min walkers every 3 hours at work, and 30min post work out each night. I’m going to bump cardio by 10 min this week.

Diet Last week I was a 1000 calories a day, this week I’m going to bump it with an extra meal and additional 500 calories a day for 1500 calories a day, See how I do, for a week. If I have to Ill cut it back next week again.

I’m sure a lot of the weight lost this week was water. 15lbs lost I’m sure at least 8 to 10lbs was water... I’m hoping I can do another 5 to 7 Lbs this week.

If anyone has suggestions please let me know... My Proviron, and DNP should be here at the end of the week. So next week Ill try that so see how it goes.


VIP Member
Apr 8, 2015
Second weeks Photos and weigh in done. Down 3 more lbs to 278lbs. I guess this is the tough part, where all your water weight is mostly gone, and now its down to burning fat....

going to stick with the current food plan, bump cardio by 10 min a day to 40 min total walking or biking to rowing.. I was thinking about doing morning cardio before work, I may try that, and then just lift at night.

Since my goodies are not here yet, Ill just be adding Tren A to my HRT dose at 50mg EoD.... I can always bump the does next week if I feel its needed.
My proviron and DMT should be here some time this weeek.


VIP Member
Apr 8, 2015
I’m starting to get over my feet or pushing weight with my new shoulder. It’s still a bit acky and now and then I get a twinge, but it seems to b e holding together. My left biceps that they did a tendinitis on and reattached it to my bone under my biceps is not doing so great. I wish they would have just pinned it in place in my shoulder like they did the right one. I have never had 1 problem with my right biceps. This left one, is sore a lot, hard to feel a contraction, like I’ve lost the connection to it. Where it ties into my forearm is also very sore. I not even training the bicep-tsp directly yet. I’m hoping there is nothing wrong with this insertion point.

It’s hump day for me, food is good, exercise is better now that I’m pushing in the 8 to 10 rep range. Not doing the 15 to 20 reps with light weight any more. Cardio just sucks but I’m doing it... The low calories I seem to be adjusting too. Only bummer is it takes about 4 to 5 days for the soreness in muscles to go away. Taking longer to recover on low calories. I’m hoping the Tren A will help with that.


VIP Member
Apr 8, 2015
Sunday morning weigh in and photos....

274.6 lbs last week 279lbs, body fat 24% per the scale..

Last week I felt like I stalled and only lost 3 lbs, this week I did the same diet, just moved the weight from 15 to 20 reps to 8 to 10 reps... and I added Tren A at 50mg EOD. I’m going to say the combination of work and added Tren A did the trick...

Monday Ill be doing the same thing as this week just adding 200 mg masteron E, and Monday night though friday night 200 DNP for this week.


VIP Member
Apr 8, 2015
Week 4 photos and check in completed.

Weight last week was 274.6lbs This week I’m the same 275lbs

Not sure what happened with my weight his week, The mirror looks different that last week though. the diet is still the same 1000 calories a day, low fat, zero carbs.

What’s changed this week, added 200 a night of DNP, 50mg Tbol a night, and 200mg Mastron E this week. Will any of these stop the weight loss, or hold waster?

Only thing I’m changing this week is Ill bump the DNP to 300 a night and see how I do... I might bump calories to 15oo a day. I wandering if I’m not eating enough, My work out s are harder and longer and Ive been doing 45min of cardio a night too. Which is more than I have been doing. Did I go into starvation/hoarding mode.. ?

Input and help appreciated.
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