Poor Fasttwich can only spout off "Trumpies" as his vote slaps him in the face daily.................LMAO
Anyone against little Hitler is a "Trumpy"
Colleges today are brain wash centers go to one and check it out yourself, these fucks will NOT think for themselves or research ANYTHING at all.
Just feed em shit and watch them eat it and puke it back up to anyone that will listen, it discgusts me, but it is a brilliant plan to create a society of losers and followers.
Any debt needs paid back by whoever got the cash.
Just because some shit was forgiven in the past whatever it was why make the same mistake again and again?
If our votes counted we would vote against it but we all know they do whatever they want anyway so WTF?
I should have been a politician, cocktails and blowjobs and vacations to exotic locales with no one shooting at me this time.
Man did I fuck up.
Did you actually mean to mention another name than Fasttwitch? I didn't vote for Biden. I consider Biden to be a demented old statist sell out. So who are you are talking about?
I own my own business. I do very well for myself.
I paid for college myself (with some help from my parents)
I was a father at 17 years old, worked 2 jobs through college supporting my daughter.
I joined the military at 18.
I was a young republican / Reaganite. Then libertarian. Now I have no designation like all intelligent people. Partisanship is for the idiots.
I own guns.
I've never taken a government check of any kind in my life.
Tell me what a commie I am though because I think we need a well educated population to meet the demands of the future. Sheesh. And political views tend to lean liberal in college students. So what? It's the natural order of education. Taking a wide and expansive view of things is NOT something that most conservatives are known for.
Do you even look at the nonsense you post before you hit the send button?