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Bidens Student Loan Forgiveness (Thoughts?)



VIP Member
Mar 17, 2011
Dem's have fucked themselves hard. by voting for these fucks. these Communist cunts must die. an Army of IRS agents are coming. this screws Brandon's base, lmfao! is he expecting college kids will come to the polls for him?. this guy is a dead man.. they can run a Pig with lipstick against him and win.

Both Trump AND Biden should be shot in the head.


VIP Member
Nov 12, 2012
Its nuts I think that a couple who makes up to $250K a year will get up to a $10K "forgiveness" that must be paid by tax payers making so much less.


VIP Member
Oct 10, 2010
Its nuts I think that a couple who makes up to $250K a year will get up to a $10K "forgiveness" that must be paid by tax payers making so much less.
Well, that’s already the case with tax dollars used for a lot of truly wasteful and destructive bullshit (“foreign policy” for example; the military industrial complex; bailing out the banks; on and on and on it goes).
The resolve? How about ZERO tax.


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
If you want to appropriate $1T to pay off the debts of select Americans, then have the Congress, who has the Constitutional power to make appropriations pass a bill, and the President can sign it. The President does not have the power to do what he's doing. The simple fact that he doesn't care and is willing to take an unconstitutional action when he thinks he can get away with it does not make it correct.

It has nothing to do with whether you voted for a narcissistic jerk or a senile jerk with dementia.
That is what this motherfucker is all about him and his crackhead kid apples and trees my friends
Hopefully some guy will be on a grassy slope LOL


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
Though I think BOTH parties are a threat to our freedom and hastening the US down the road to authoritarianism, I'm not sure how this instance of debt forgiveness is an indication of fascism?

I just googled the question whether Biden has the legal authority to forgive student debt. The answer may shock you. Not. All the left leaning sites say he does have the authority. All the right leaning sites say he does not have the authority.

Just as one might expect. There's a huge grey area in which people can argue all day about this issue. Like all other issues people will cherry pick the answer that serves their worldview.

But here's the thing. From the right winger's view colleges are the enemy. This is what this really is about. For decades right wingers have viewed higher education as a gateway to liberalism. This is why conservatives really are against this. Just be honest Trumpies.

Poor Fasttwich can only spout off "Trumpies" as his vote slaps him in the face daily.................LMAO
Anyone against little Hitler is a "Trumpy"
Colleges today are brain wash centers go to one and check it out yourself, these fucks will NOT think for themselves or research ANYTHING at all.
Just feed em shit and watch them eat it and puke it back up to anyone that will listen, it discgusts me, but it is a brilliant plan to create a society of losers and followers.
Any debt needs paid back by whoever got the cash.
Just because some shit was forgiven in the past whatever it was why make the same mistake again and again?
If our votes counted we would vote against it but we all know they do whatever they want anyway so WTF?
I should have been a politician, cocktails and blowjobs and vacations to exotic locales with no one shooting at me this time.
Man did I fuck up.


VIP Member
Mar 17, 2011
Poor Fasttwich can only spout off "Trumpies" as his vote slaps him in the face daily.................LMAO
Anyone against little Hitler is a "Trumpy"
Colleges today are brain wash centers go to one and check it out yourself, these fucks will NOT think for themselves or research ANYTHING at all.
Just feed em shit and watch them eat it and puke it back up to anyone that will listen, it discgusts me, but it is a brilliant plan to create a society of losers and followers.
Any debt needs paid back by whoever got the cash.
Just because some shit was forgiven in the past whatever it was why make the same mistake again and again?
If our votes counted we would vote against it but we all know they do whatever they want anyway so WTF?
I should have been a politician, cocktails and blowjobs and vacations to exotic locales with no one shooting at me this time.
Man did I fuck up.

Did you actually mean to mention another name than Fasttwitch? I didn't vote for Biden. I consider Biden to be a demented old statist sell out. So who are you are talking about?

I own my own business. I do very well for myself.
I paid for college myself (with some help from my parents)
I was a father at 17 years old, worked 2 jobs through college supporting my daughter.
I joined the military at 18.
I was a young republican / Reaganite. Then libertarian. Now I have no designation like all intelligent people. Partisanship is for the idiots.
I own guns.
I've never taken a government check of any kind in my life.

Tell me what a commie I am though because I think we need a well educated population to meet the demands of the future. Sheesh. And political views tend to lean liberal in college students. So what? It's the natural order of education. Taking a wide and expansive view of things is NOT something that most conservatives are known for.

Do you even look at the nonsense you post before you hit the send button?


TID Board Of Directors
Oct 17, 2010
What’s everyone bitching about?? We’re ALL debt slaves — we live in a debt slave system. And we ALL take breaks / advantage from it in just about every possible way that avails itself. NO ONE is getting off free, so stop the bullshit hypocritical “pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps!” whining.

This is true - sadly. Even if you think you own everything and everything is paid for, it is subject to regulation, licensure, and taxation. If you do not pay the appropriate tax to the appropriate authority, the government (at every level) can claim their property. (This is no different than the King owning everything and granting you a license to use property).
You are only granted an interest in property that is actually owned by the corporation that is the United States of America, Inc. Also, fiat currency, debt forgiveness, credit cards - all heroin and morphine. The Fed stops printing and passing out the heroin and morphine and it is painful.

I prefer to break people down into two groups: Producers and Parasites. Most are parasites in one way or another until they can produce and support themselves. That is the 'finance capitalism' system we are stuck in.

Specifically, I take issue with the TIMING of the loan forgiveness and the total silence towards those that did pay their loans back on their own. This is wrong.


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
Did you actually mean to mention another name than Fasttwitch? I didn't vote for Biden. I consider Biden to be a demented old statist sell out. So who are you are talking about?

I own my own business. I do very well for myself.
I paid for college myself (with some help from my parents)
I was a father at 17 years old, worked 2 jobs through college supporting my daughter.
I joined the military at 18.
I was a young republican / Reaganite. Then libertarian. Now I have no designation like all intelligent people. Partisanship is for the idiots.
I own guns.
I've never taken a government check of any kind in my life.

Tell me what a commie I am though because I think we need a well educated population to meet the demands of the future. Sheesh. And political views tend to lean liberal in college students. So what? It's the natural order of education. Taking a wide and expansive view of things is NOT something that most conservatives are known for.

Do you even look at the nonsense you post before you hit the send button?
Allright, personal insults you are THE KEYBOARD KING bro............I don't see the word Commie in my post but alas you read that into it.
I think we need a well educated population but if you were to look at the facts that is not what we are producing compare the US globally in education.
I joined the Military at 17 1/2 on a parental consent form.
I own an investment firm and do very well for myself as well that is upon retiring from the US Military after 23 years with a 25 year retirement.
I own a LOT of guns.
I paid for college after retiring with my GI Bill which I EARNED .
I was late to realize how fucked up and corrupt the Govt is and it sickens me that I would wrap myself up in the Flag to sleep every night for a bunch of assholes and citizenry that take it all for granted.
I do NOT want to pay for every lazy bitch to get an education you paid for yours I paid for mine so it is possible to do.
Blah blah blah this shit gets no one anywhere so fuck it anyway and have a great day and I will look at my "nonsense" before sending this out to the World with my feeble and under-educated brain.............. I hope yo do the same.


VIP Member
Oct 10, 2010
Allright, personal insults you are THE KEYBOARD KING bro............I don't see the word Commie in my post but alas you read that into it.
I think we need a well educated population but if you were to look at the facts that is not what we are producing compare the US globally in education.
I joined the Military at 17 1/2 on a parental consent form.
I own an investment firm and do very well for myself as well that is upon retiring from the US Military after 23 years with a 25 year retirement.
I own a LOT of guns.
I paid for college after retiring with my GI Bill which I EARNED .
I was late to realize how fucked up and corrupt the Govt is and it sickens me that I would wrap myself up in the Flag to sleep every night for a bunch of assholes and citizenry that take it all for granted.
I do NOT want to pay for every lazy bitch to get an education you paid for yours I paid for mine so it is possible to do.
Blah blah blah this shit gets no one anywhere so fuck it anyway and have a great day and I will look at my "nonsense" before sending this out to the World with my feeble and under-educated brain.............. I hope yo do the same.
However LG, not everyone (including myself) would choose for their (My) tax dollars to go to funding all the endless BS that the military (military industrial complex in its entirety) is used for across the globe. BTW, I’d have far less issue with it IF it simply stuck to homeland / domestic defense rather than the mayhem of empire it’s used for.

Point being, YOU didn’t directly pay for your schooling — the public’s extorted tax dollars did. Your pay and bennies were all tax funded.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
You make a good point TB. I do agree with that. Get politics out of the military, and keep the military for DEFENSE. But... IF you want to be foolish and use the military, at least go into those places and take their stuff!!!

I thought it was so funny when Bush was accused for going into Iraq for their oil. Well, if that was his goal, he sucked! LOL We should have cordoned off their oil fields, sold the commodity, and stuck the cash into our coffers!

Same thing with Afghanistan. The place is a complete hell-hole, but at least they've got some decent natural resources. Did we take any? No. What a bunch of dip shits we are....


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
However LG, not everyone (including myself) would choose for their (My) tax dollars to go to funding all the endless BS that the military (military industrial complex in its entirety) is used for across the globe. BTW, I’d have far less issue with it IF it simply stuck to homeland / domestic defense rather than the mayhem of empire it’s used for.

Point being, YOU didn’t directly pay for your schooling — the public’s extorted tax dollars did. Your pay and bennies were all tax funded.
True Boner and I don't agree with all the shit nor did I ever agree with all the shit, some of it I did agree with and had a unique perspective on some events as well.
The "benefits" in my contract were well paid for by ME in blood and broken bones and a blown up skull and face so YES it came from tax dollars but again why keep fucking the dog if it bites you once?
Why would you possibly think these assholes deserve a free anything?
You earned your way and paid your dues let them and as Twitch was stating "we would love and should have a well educated population" or something close to that,( which I agree with BTW) these idiots in college the past 10 years don't no anything and refuse to learn so that argument does not fly.
Anyway I have to be done with any of these whacko Political threads cuz they can fuck up the program, I never had a problem with Twitch before and don't need Bidens bullshit to fuck up my enjoyment on the boards.
TB we have known each other a VERY long time and I do respect your thoughts and opinions, I believe mine and all of ours should be as well.
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