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Bidens replacement? Thoughts on the new ticket?



Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
IMO, as of right now, there is a tug-o-war of power going on behind the scenes of the democratic party between the Obamas and the Clintons. The only reason the Clintons are even in the picture is because Hillary feels she is entitled to the throne. If not, then there would be no issues.

Obama hates Biden.
Hillary hates Biden.
Kamala hates Biden.
Everybody in the world hates Biden except far-left loonies.

Biden hates Obama for pressuring him out.
Obama hates Kamala.
Biden hates Kamala, but not as much as he does Obama at this point. He will go against Barack now. So he endorses Kamala as a result and as a fukk you to Obama.

Hillary hates everybody, but she wants power, and she will do everything in her power to get her title on the throne, which means the Obamas are in her way. While she supported Obama during his reign, she is still bitter over him beating her in 2008.

Joe probably doesn't realize he dropped out yet.

Kamala is dumber than everybody except maybe a few in their party like the squad (AOC et al).

Obama has the media under his hand, but the Clintons may still as well. The Obamas are people of color, so that will factor into it. However, Kamala is sort of black too, and the black community has already stated they will be pissed off if the party overlooks Kamala, so this may swing into her hand.

My prediction, as of right now in this mess, is that it will be a HARRIS/CLINTON ticket for 2024.

Now you also have Pelosi, Schumer and electorates who will get involved. The Squad was embracing Joe, so will they now go with Harris since Joe is also endorsing her?

Also, you have the DOJ and CIA, what will they do?

Will Big Mike come out and run if it gets too personal?

Regardless, whoever the nominee is, if there are debates, they will get the questions ahead of time because "Trump is a existential threat" according to the fear-mongers on the left and the MSM. It's not like Garland and the DOJ or FBI are going to stop any foul play involved.....because Trump is bad orange man.

I am just wondering who will follow who in all this. I'm loving all this mess and just laughing at the mess the democrats put themselves into, lol.

If Hillary is VP to Harris and they win 2024, Harris will have committed suicide within a year or two....and thank God Hillary is there to run the country:rolleyes: LOL!!! It's inevitable....if they win.


VIP Member
Nov 11, 2022
Left or right, she is pure corrupt politician (in my opinion). She will say or do anything, align with anyone that achieves whatever she wants. And above all, serves herself by fomenting and supporting more conflict.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
It would have to be a strong democratic governor from a swing state. Or a safe bet with no record and therefore nothing to target like Michelle O. All girl ticket. all black ticket. Pretty woke. Plus one fucked her way to the top and the other might be a hermaphrodite like Baphomet. win win win... all win. They can run on the seven deadly sins only name them something progressive.

The Seven Ruling Concepts of the New World Order
Jealousy: They didn't make that

Gluttony: Fat is beautiful

Greed: Tax all unearned income and inheritance

Lust: Party of the pansexuality; LGBTQIA+, which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual, and more like minor attracted persons.

Pride: Be proud of your perversion.

Sloth: Universal basic income for all.

Wrath: We will protect you from misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation by destroying those misaligned with the narrative.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Left or right, she is pure corrupt politician (in my opinion). She will say or do anything, align with anyone that achieves whatever she wants. And above all, serves herself by fomenting and supporting more conflict.
I agree with ya but that covers all politicians to some degree lol I dont think any of them are full on legit honest.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
Maxi Waters for Treasury Secretary!!


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
Seems like going with Harris is "easiest" for the Dems. They're already leaking black voter support. While the black community doesn't really identify much with Harris, the visual of a black woman getting dumped for a white male is tough for a party that has made everything about skin color the last 6 years.

So the question is who is Harris' VP? Most likely someone who can help them out in a state that is in play, such as PA. Sen. Casey or Gov. Shapiro in PA are dems, and could help in PA.

Harris has a tough road. She was put in charge of the border, which has been a disaster. She can't point to anything that the Dems have done over the past 4 years that has resulted in a positive change for middle class America. And post-assassination attempt, the Dem strategy of painting Trump as Hitler and an existential threat to democracy has gotten taken away. That was their entire campaign strategy... Trump = EVIL. Now they have to put forth some vision for the country. Will be interesting.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
Wake me TFU when it's 2018 again. I was enjoying myself. Now I'm stuck in something between a B-movie and the Apocalypse.


TID Board Of Directors
Oct 17, 2010
Ever heard of a game called "Switch?"
Democrats put one thumb in their ass and one candidate, I mean, thumb, in their political 'mouth' and SWITCH when needed.

Seems they love the game.


VIP Member
Oct 10, 2010
o_O You guys put WAY too much thought into all this stuff — almost as though you believe public votes actually have any say whatsoever over what truly happens :oops:
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