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Bidens replacement? Thoughts on the new ticket?



Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
Man, I can't believe someone actually likes Raskin. Are you being funny, Yano? He looks like Gargamel off the Smurfs or Inspector Gadget.

I just can't take him seriously. It's like watching Saturday morning cartoons all over again.
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Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
I agree with almost everything you said. But, no matter who runs the election will be razer thin by November. All the polls look one way months out and then tighten up towards November. We can be honest.. The conservatives will vote for Trump , no matter what. And the Liberals will vote for whatever person the Democratic party put in front of them. No matter who it is.

All that matters is the true independents Not the angry disaffected conservatives who say they are independents or the angry disaffected lefties who say they are independent. These people are independent in name only. They are disillusioned optimists. But I mean the real independents. They are typically 1) low information voters. These people only tune into politics right before decision time. 2) they don't usually do polls 3) They decide who to vote for very close to election day 4) They often vote personality (how they feel about the person)

These people decide. Everyone else is a wasted vote. Take all the conservatives votes and liberals votes and just toss them into a garbage can. They do not matter.
Agreed. The independents will decide this thing. How many of those people actually exist at this point? LOL


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Man, I can't believe someone actually likes Raskin. Are you being funny, Yano? He looks like Gargamel off the Smurfs or Inspector Gadget.

I just can't take him seriously. It's like watching Saturday morning cartoons all over again.
haahha oh shit I never saw that until you said it ,, baaahahaha ok thats fucking funny Gargamel which is perfect cus he hangs out with Moskowitz and Comer called him a fucking smurf haaahaha.

Raskin is one of the smartest guys going thats the sad part. His grasp of congressional history, law and cases just astounds me. I'm not fond of all his politics , don't get me wrong I dont want him stripping folks guns away or making everyone pick a fucking pronoun and sing kumbye - ya

It's his brain and his ability to not only recite case law but get it right without injecting spin on it. Ive watched him for a while and looked up a ton of shit hes said and he's on the fucking money ,, dude is holy shit smart.

History and Govt were the only two classes I ever got all A's in , Im a govt geek yeah i know its funny cus im so fucking antiestablishment and spent my whole life an outlaw hahaaha but its true.

I think he would be good at the diplomatic side of things and when dealing with the Senate or House ,, but no I dont agree with all his left views , we would need a good Senate or Republican controlled House to keep his nuttier ideas in check for sure.

I'm a big business small govt Republican by nature , make money for the country and stay out of my private life.

I'm just not a trumper. He makes my skin crawl.

Romney/Cheney was my pick before all this ,, too bad they both turned tail and ran like scalded dogs.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Man, I can't believe someone actually likes Raskin. Are you being funny, Yano? He looks like Gargamel off the Smurfs or Inspector Gadget.

I just can't take him seriously. It's like watching Saturday morning cartoons all over again.
The dude i can not take seriously right now from either side is Hakim Jefferies ... I listen to him talk and im like ok , dude is intelligent , a good orator , he gets his point across well.

Then I watch him and all I end up doing is yelling ,, STOP FLAPPING YOUR HANDS AROUND !!!

I dunno if hes autistic or has ocd or WTF his issue is but hes like a drunk southern baptist preacher imitating a bird with broken wings ,, dude just put your hands in your pockets.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
Pete and Michelle, would be a win for the D's. There would be a massive gay, black and woman turnout, a landslide would be an understatement.
Pete is an idiot I don't care what his education background is. He was appointed because he's gay nothing more. He's done nothing but bow down / bend over to the environmental Bozo's.

It would be a tough ticket to beat though
Lizard King

Lizard King

Staff Member
Sep 9, 2010
Harris & Barack and something "happens" to Harris....


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
What a wild thought. That is technically possible, isn't it? To have Obama as VP even though he already served two terms as President?

Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
All I know is I am enjoying the chaos!
Crowdstrike shit shut down our site basically couldn't print any documents.
Republicans are falling into a trap and still in chaos and democrats will come out on top because they have all the power.
My bet is on Harris not sure who the VP will be.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
What a wild thought. That is technically possible, isn't it? To have Obama as VP even though he already served two terms as President?
Nope not without some fancy law work trying to get around the 12th Amendment

Under the Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution, "no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice President of the United States"

So being Obama has served twice as President and is no longer constitutionally eligible to be President again , he is not eligible to be VP.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
Man, I can't believe someone actually likes Raskin. Are you being funny, Yano? He looks like Gargamel off the Smurfs or Inspector Gadget.

I just can't take him seriously. It's like watching Saturday morning cartoons all over again.
He doesn't like your guns.

H.R. 6981: Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act of 2024
Sponsor: Rep. Jamie Raskin [D-MD8]
Jan 11, 2024 Cosponsors
13 (13D) Prognosis

H.R. 569: Handgun Permit to Purchase Act
Sponsor: Rep. Jamie Raskin [D-MD8]
Jan 26, 2023 Cosponsors
5 (5D) Prognosis
H.R. 5853 (117th): Private Prison Information Act of 2021
Sponsor: Rep. Jamie Raskin [D-MD8]
Nov 4, 2021 Cosponsors
33 (33D)
H.R. 2707 (117th): Handgun Purchaser Licensing Act
Sponsor: Rep. Jamie Raskin [D-MD8]
Apr 20, 2021 Cosponsors
1 (1D)
H.R. 2426 (117th): State Access to Firearms Evading Revocation Act
Sponsor: Rep. Jamie Raskin [D-MD8]
Apr 8, 2021 Cosponsors
H.R. 7468 (116th): Stop Home Manufacture of Ghost Guns Act of 2020
Sponsor: Rep. Jamie Raskin [D-MD8]
Jul 1, 2020 Cosponsors
11 (11D)
H.R. 3285 (116th): Handgun Purchaser Licensing Act
Sponsor: Rep. Jamie Raskin [D-MD8]
Jun 13, 2019 Cosponsors
2 (2D)
H.R. 5652 (115th): State Access to Firearms Evading Revocation Act
Sponsor: Rep. Jamie Raskin [D-MD8]

He is very protective of Jews

H.Res. 183 (116th): Condemning anti-Semitism as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values and aspirations that define the people of the United States and condemning anti-Muslim discrimination and bigotry against minorities

He is very concerns we get enough sleep.

H.Res. 232: Recognizing the importance of sleep health and expressing support for the designation of the week of March 12 through March 18, 2023, as “Sleep Awareness Week”.
Sponsor: Rep. Jamie Raskin [D-MD8]
Mar 14, 2023 Cosponsors
6 (5D,1R) Prognosis
H.Res. 984 (117th): Recognizing the importance of sleep health and expressing support for the designation of the week of March 13 to March 19, 2022, as “Sleep Awareness Week”.
Sponsor: Rep. Jamie Raskin [D-MD8]
Mar 15, 2022 Cosponsors
2 (1D,1R)

He is very concerned that we know how much pharma spends on clinical trials.

H.R. 3160: Pharmaceutical Research Transparency Act of 2023
Sponsor: Rep. Jamie Raskin [D-MD8]
May 9, 2023 Cosponsors
1 (1D) Prognosis

He is very concerned that government track the impact of media on children.

H.R. 1367 (116th): CAMRA Act
Sponsor: Rep. Jamie Raskin [D-MD8]
Feb 26, 2019 Cosponsors
97 (92D,5R)

He is very concerned that dogs have food enough to keep their neighbors awake.

H.R. 4750: Bring Animals Relief and Kibble Act of 2023
Sponsor: Rep. Jamie Raskin [D-MD8]
Jul 19, 2023 Cosponsors
58 (47D,11R) Prognosis
H.R. 5684 (117th): BARK Act of 2021
Sponsor: Rep. Jamie Raskin [D-MD8]
Oct 22, 2021 Cosponsors
42 (34D,8R)
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