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VIP Member
Jan 29, 2023
Alright guys, I'm about to have a shoulder workout focusing on front and side delts.

I was wondering what exercises do you guys know about, that are good for side delt development?

I feel like I just do the same thing everytime. The exercises I use are upright row, and side lateral raises (dumbells and bands/cable) which I typically do as giant sets.

Beyond that I cant think of anything to add for variety?!

So could you help by telling me anything you recommend

Cheers and beers, lads and lasses

Joe Bennett has some interesting ways to change it up.


Senior Member
Mar 9, 2015
++Quick note before I begin; I knocked the exposure settings on my camera part way through the workout, I've tried my best at making them watchable, but the video for the most part is deffo on the ugly side lol you've been warned!++

Focusing on front delts for the majority of today's workout, I opened up with seated rear delts. Aiming for 2-3reps each set, on an ascending bar until failure. It took a long time to warm up today, being freezing cold in the gym (the bar was giving my hands freezer burn lol), but I managed to get up to 120kg for a single (following a decent amount of work on the way up). Before then dropping the weight down to 90kg

It was on 90kg where I did the majority of the work, the final rep on the final set was immense! A proper fight, and I was beginning to black out going for the lockout. So I deffo called that weight perfect, getting 2 sets of 4 heavy duty style reps (I was aiming for 3-4 reps on these sets)

I then did dumbell presses. I was very tired at this point and was worried about overtraining the front delts. So I Limited myself to one set. I did this set on 30kg dumbells. I did my reps heavy duty style, trying to focus on the Street h atthe bottom of the lift - which was the primary reason I was doing dumbell press for. The range of motion is far superior to Olympic bar press.

Then a pyramidal giant set on side delts followed by a rear pyramid giant set.

Hoping that I can break the 120kg boundary, convincingly and ASAP, so I stand a chance at breaking my old pb of 145kg But I still have at least 4 if not 6 weeks before I need to go for absolute max. I think it will be a tall order, and tbh this year I'll be happy with 130kg (still a reasonable amount to put on top of today's 120).

Onwards and upwards. Thanks for reading my weights journal. Big Al



Senior Member
Mar 9, 2015
Biceps day. Glad to be making arms now a regular thing. Having trained them only a dozen or so times, over the last 10ish years. Now I'm training them on average about once every 10days.

Hopefully all the compound work I've done over the years, has worked them indirectly so they are not too far behind, but deffo need to make up for lost time.

Opened up the workout with some prone banded curls. It took a little while to find my sweet spot regards the weight to be used, but settled on 150lb. Did three working Sets (heavy duty style).

The pump of that was amazeballs. I could have even left the workout there, as my arms were all kinds of messed up. But I couldn't resist my fave arms movement - Preacher curls.

I warmed up one set, on 12kg for 10reps per arm, before doing two working Sets on 18kg dumbells. The second set I went for 8reps per arm, forcing through with my spare hand, any reps I couldn't do. I made a point of adding a twist to each rep also. To work the pronation aspect of the biceps movement.

Finally I finished off on ez 21s. This was to chase the pump and make sure I had worked the biceps to max. If I'm totally honest, at the time this felt greedy. I felt like I should have stopped on preachers. I do have the tenancy of overtraining, which is why I opted for an ez rather than straight bar. As the angled ez bar puts less strain on the pronation, and all the focus just on the flexors of the arm.

I'm aching now, so regardless it was a good workout. Hopefully I didn't do too much and my recovery as a result, will be as quick as possible ready for the next work.

Cheers and beers and thanks for reading my weights journal. BIG AL



Senior Member
Mar 9, 2015
stripped back down to basics, this workout is all about going for a one rep max attempt on bench press. nothing fancy and no frills, just pure competive style warmups and no energy wasted.

I've failed 160kg 355lb on both my last two workouts. it's time to correct that and blow 160kg out of the water



Senior Member
Mar 9, 2015
Today was a good day to deadlift.

My last back workout was a proper lil failure. Struggling on weights that should have been easy, but today made up for it in spades.

Started off with my pre workout conditioning on lower back, abs and core and I then did pre exhaustion work on leg extensions, leg curls and calf raises.

Then the big boys - deadlift. Went up steady with warmups on 70kg and 120kg. Before then starting my first working set on 170kg.

For this working set I did heavy duty style, with eccentric pauses and negative descents. This was way beyond my initial expectations. As a result, I decided to leave the workout on a high, rather than batter myself with volume. So I went up just a little bit, up to 180kg, and did a normal set of reps. I managed a nice and breezy, lemon squeey set of 8 reps.

I left it there, not seeing any point in burning more energy than needed. Walking out of the gym with loads of energy to grow, and on a high from my success.

Thanks for reading my weights journal. Big Al



Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
Lifting for the sheer joy of Lifting.
Hard to argue with that.


Senior Member
Mar 9, 2015
Today was a good day to deadlift.

My last back workout was a proper lil failure. Struggling on weights that should have been easy, but today made up for it in spades.

Started off with my pre workout conditioning on lower back, abs and core and I then did pre exhaustion work on leg extensions, leg curls and calf raises.

Then the big boys - deadlift. Went up steady with warmups on 70kg and 120kg. Before then starting my first working set on 170kg.

For this working set I did heavy duty style, with eccentric pauses and negative descents. This was way beyond my initial expectations. As a result, I decided to leave the workout on a high, rather than batter myself with volume. So I went up just a little bit, up to 180kg, and did a normal set of reps. I managed a nice and breezy, lemon squeey set of 8 reps.

I left it there, not seeing any point in burning more energy than needed. Walking out of the gym with loads of energy to grow, and on a high from my success.

Thanks for reading my weights journal. Big Al



Senior Member
Mar 9, 2015
Tested my current strength levels, on seated rear press today. Started on 100kg (2 sets of singles to warm up) before then going up 120kg. I didn't feel 120kg at all, making it much easier than last weeks effort. As such I jumped up to 130kg. I felt very confident and approached the bar with a relaxed disposition.

130kg flew up, perfectly even. Was tempted to push for more, but 10kg improvement in a week is more than enough.

I didn't want to tire my body. My Mrs has covid at the mo, and I don't want to make myself ill by burning the midnight oil too much. But I still wanted to hit side delts at least a wee bit. So I did a new exercise taught to me by my matey Skully Karlani. DB Discus. I used to be a discus thrower when I was younger, and it's nice to know that it must be like riding a bike, you never forget. Style felt smooth and the 9kg dumbell felt like a good choice. Overall I did 2 sets on each arm.

Thanks for reading my weights journal. Big Al



Senior Member
Mar 9, 2015
Chest workout from 20/12/23

I went in focused to do 2 reps on 150kg 330lb bench press. This was the sole aim of the workout, and I was planning to go on the fly afterwards, doing whatever felt right according to how easy the 150kg felt (and whether I got it or not)

Warmups were simple and focused. No wasted energy.

70kg x 3reps [with pauses]
100kg x 2reps [with pauses]
130kg x 1rep

150kg x 2reps

I felt tired slightly before training today. Was looking after the Mrs last week as she had covid, so less sleep and more stress than when I flew the 160kg up last week. As such I feel like if I went in feeling as good as possible the 150kg would have flown up on both reps. But as I felt a little loose under the bar, the 2nd rep was a good ol fight. So success, and I believe that this isn't deffo me at my best, so a good amount of wriggle room to improve.

So I winged it after this, feeling like a wee set of volume on a light weight. Just to focus on building a small pump in the chest to stimulate what growth I can before when I hopefully peak in roughly 4 weeks

100kg x 25reps

And then I did some close grip Olympic bar tricep press to work on locking and pushing through power

100kg x 5reps
100kg x 3reps [heavy duty]

I did the second set heavy duty style, with eccentric pauses and negative descents, so that I would work the muscle to the max in my final set. If I dint do that I would have had to do at least 5 sets to pump up, and I wanted to call it a day.

Long term goal (deffo not this year hopefully this time next year) is to be able to do 3x sets of 5reps on 150kg. This is what I was doing as a regular workout when I could rep out 180kg (before my pec tear)

Once I hit this target I'll feel confident on trying the big 180 (for the darts players out there that's how I say 180 hahaha)

Cheers and beers. Big Al



Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
Here on this side of The Pond, where Players describe The Big 180 as 1 RCH below 400 Pounds, it looks like you will get it, and soon. As your Mrs heals, your progress will accelerate. Keep us posted, and yourself focused.


Senior Member
Mar 9, 2015
Here on this side of The Pond, where Players describe The Big 180 as 1 RCH below 400 Pounds, it looks like you will get it, and soon. As your Mrs heals, your progress will accelerate. Keep us posted, and yourself focused.
Aww cheers my man, with any luck I will :) I think part of the barrier has always been a mental one, as it was on 180kg when I tore my pec. So once I break through that, I think I should make some extra gains on top. I remember when I was trying to break the 225lb bench, I was stuck on 90kg 200lb for about a year, I could rep it and fly it up, but 225 always flattened me, and it became a mental as well as physical barrier. but once I managed the 225 I just made constant gains until I hit a new plateau on 310lb lol

With any luck you're right! Hope so my man, the grind continues regardless!
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