Been a hectic few days. Between this arctic blast and needing to get my sewer lines glued up and to grade in my pad for my slab I've been a busy boy. Got rained on when it was 26 degrees(didn't know that was possible). Then we set up tents and propane heaters to keep us and the pipe warm. Ditch getting filled in this afternoon and pex for the water lines going in as well.
Below are the last 2 workouts. Ended up skipping leg day, I wanted to cry, since the roads were iced over and the back still wasn't 100%.
Hanging Leg Raises 4x30
Ball Crunch 4x30
Crunch 4x30
Incline DB Press 4x10(60), 10(65), 10(700, 10(70) + 5 partials
Flat Bench DB 4x10(50), 10(55), 10(60), 10(65)
Machine Incline 3x10(120, 130, 140)
Machine Press 3x10(110, 120, 140)
Pec Deck 4x10(120, 140, 150, 160)
DB Incline Fly 4x10(45, 50, 55, 55)
Cable X-over SS with Cable Press 7x10(50, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 65)
DB Pullover 4x10(45, 50, 60, 65)
Reverse Crunch 4x30
Romanian Chair Crunch 4x30
Cable Crunch 4x30
Wide Grip Pullup 4x10
Rev Grip Pulldown 4x10(110, 140, 145, 150)
Cable T-Bar Row 4x10(95, 105, 107.5, 107.5)
Rev Grip BB Row 3x10(155, 205, 205)
Deads (Just 2 light sets) 2x10(225, 275)
High Angle Pulldowns 4x10(50), 10(65), 10(75), 7(80)/18(40)
Straight Arm Pulldown SS with Bent Over Face Pulls 7x10(30/70, 30/70, 30/70, 30/70, 32.5/70, 30/70, 30/70)
Pics are after back day and at the end of the day so a little fluffy.