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Auto Warrantee's



VIP Member
Dec 20, 2017
I have a 2019 Ram 1500 that I plan on paying off and keeping. I have just over 30k miles and have been checking into getting a warrantee. I checked out recommendations from consumer reports but I can not get any of them to send me the quotes via email. They want to bully me into buying something immediately. One guy did call and i told him that I don't do business over the phone with a salesman. Send me a contract with the pricing and if I see what I want I'll buy it. I have received nothing.
Do any of you have any experience buying a warrantee?


Senior Bacon VIP
Nov 1, 2010
If it’s paid off, you will be saving that payment every month and can afford to self insure against future repairs.

if you are determined to buy one, do not buy it from a dealership. 80% of the cost is commission. You can buy the same policy on line
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VIP Member
Dec 10, 2013
Never buy a warranty from a dealership. Personally I would bank the money that you are no longer putting toward a payment & pay out of pocket. If nothing happens you keep ALL your money. I just traded in a 2014 Ram 1500 with 222000 miles & upgraded to a 2020 that’s got wat more options. On the 2014 I did brakes & one front hub, that’s it except for maintenance.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
You have to be very careful with those extended warranties. The ones that you buy through the dealership of course are overpriced but if you go back to that dealership to have work done they kind of have to take the warranty. The ones that you can buy aftermarket you're supposed to be able to go to any mechanic you want to as long as they're certified. I've heard of horror stories of people buying the extended warranty needing work done and the extended warranty company will send out their own person and deny a claim saying that that wasn't the issue even though you're going to a certified mechanic. Read as much as you can look on trust pilot for reviews. I want to buy one for my wife's car that's now out of warranty and all of them sound like at some point or another people have had bad luck. Now they probably sell tens of thousands of them and some people have issues it's hard to tell but I decided just to keep the money in the bank that I'm not making payments on and just pay if something goes wrong.


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
Or no one will accept the warranty issuers claim as they don't pay in a timely manner, I have seen that happen as well then he customer is PHUCKED
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Yeah, Monsoon said it best. Those warranties normally only cover stuff like an alternator or even a transmission but not the stuff that goes wrong like a sensor or a something electronic like a computer or such. Change the oil and trans fluid on proper intervals, both of those will go 150K miles. Same with diff fluid 1x at 80K miles. Change your belts when they are supposed to be changed and the truck will last a long time.

Ram trucks biggest problem is with their CAN bus and electronic parts. 99% of warranties will NOT cover this stuff. Save your $$$


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 16, 2010
I wouldn’t waste your money on an aftermarket warranty but in turn repeat what everyone else said and save that money and use for future repairs. Additionally, you have to pay for all the maintenance anyways.


VIP Member
Aug 14, 2012
I had one of these warranties once and every time I took my piece of shit Ford Bronco in to get repairs, the company found a way to get out of converging that particular problem. I later on had the same thing start happening with a home warrantee. Both a waste of money. My policy with autos is ......when I start paying more than the monthly payment was to repair them I might as well be making monthly payments and driving a new car that I know I can depend on.


VIP Member
Nov 11, 2022
I have been trying to reach you about your vehicle's extended warranty.


VIP Member
Dec 20, 2017
Thanks men! I'm not gonna buy one thanks to your comments but I will send you all the bill if something big breaks down (;
My 1500 is a reg. cab Classic Tradesman so its really basic with the electronics. I don't even have a volume control on my steering wheel. The screen is maybe 6x4, no navigation, manual seats which I know will last longer than an electric seat. Couple of things that I don't like is the auto window is 1 touch for going down but not for going up. How much more can it cost to have 1 touch up on 2 doors? No volume or station change on the steering wheel. And the damn drive by wire. Dodge vehicles all have it and it has the worst delay of all the vehicles I've ever driven. And I worked for Enterprise for 3 yrs. driving vehicles from office to office across the state.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 16, 2010
Thanks men! I'm not gonna buy one thanks to your comments but I will send you all the bill if something big breaks down (;
My 1500 is a reg. cab Classic Tradesman so its really basic with the electronics. I don't even have a volume control on my steering wheel. The screen is maybe 6x4, no navigation, manual seats which I know will last longer than an electric seat. Couple of things that I don't like is the auto window is 1 touch for going down but not for going up. How much more can it cost to have 1 touch up on 2 doors? No volume or station change on the steering wheel. And the damn drive by wire. Dodge vehicles all have it and it has the worst delay of all the vehicles I've ever driven. And I worked for Enterprise for 3 yrs. driving vehicles from office to office across the state.
Haha several different ways to look at it, you can get the Auto warranty and see if it ever covers anything, and then at the end you’ll know whether or not that money spent was worth it…. It’s really your choice.
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