I believe free choice is in play, as we grow up we have the ability to understand or at least reasonably think of the consequences or rewards of actions which is a learned behavior. I think we are born bad then taught how to act. The degree of accountability we were held to tends to follow us. crimes of passion or pure rage we loose the ability to think and resort back to primal brain then its oh fuck what did I do now I feel bad. What about feeling bad only because we were caught.The thing I find most fascinating about this debate (born good, bad, or blank slate) is that it almost presupposes that you are stuck with whatever you get.
If you were born bad, not much you can do about it. Blank slate? How you turn out depends on how you were treated by others and environmental factors beyond your control. Not much you can do about that, in fact, that’s the point of the “blank slate” theory.
No room for free choice. Even if you turn out “good” it’s not because you made good choices; you made good choices cause you were born good. Nothing to be proud of. You just did what you were preprogrammed to do.
Does free choice play a part at all?
I usually get that when I'm in social situations. I get unique alot but I know what they really mean.It's moments like this I stop and smile as I think back to my own childhood and reflect on the endearing timeless words of my dear sweet mother when she said ...
Jesus Christ !! What the Fuck is wrong with you !!??
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