Sorry that was abut vauge on my part.Yes, in what manner, that is VERY ambiguous.
Ok funny costs maybe 8%-10% to move money. We had to move a VERY LARGE sum across international lines. He has a simple solution, and walked right through TSA with it and never raised an eye.Sorry that was abut vauge on my part.
1st link options of USPS towards the end mentions de minimis exemption, link brings us to section 321 which is posted below.
My understanding is 800usd a day per person, no fees, vat, or duty. Correct
Section 321 Programs
Section 321, 19 USC 1321 is the statute that describes de minimis. De minimis provides admission of articles free of duty and of any tax imposed on or by reason of importation, but the aggregate fair retail value in the country of shipment of articles imported by one person on one day and exempted from the payment of duty shall not exceed $800. The de minimis threshold was previously $200, but increased with the passage of the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act (TFTEA).
Sorry 800 worth of product/inventory per day via USPS. Im just running ideas in my head for stat up. If I follow through and it prospers I would have to pay customs fees and or custom broker fees. I was wanting to make sure I was reading and understanding the rules correctly.Ok funny costs maybe 8%-10% to move money. We had to move a VERY LARGE sum across international lines. He has a simple solution, and walked right through TSA with it and never raised an eye.
Question is, before I say how, is how much are you looking to move?
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