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Anybody else do a lot of family genealogy?



Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
I think i've asked this on every forum i'm on, lol!!! Just got done sending text messages back and forth with RFG too, haha.

Any of you get into doing genealogy?

I spend so many hours doing it. It's like a great big never-ending puzzle. I like the stories, the pursuit of researching, learning history, and meeting people...or new family members. If i'm home not posting on these message forums, i;m either cooking or eating, playing around with the kiddos, or i'm doing genealogy research. It's such a challenge, and it's time consuming as well. However, it so much fun for me.

If I had got into it all 25-30 years ago, i'd have drank less, done less stupid shit, and not got as many STD' <------i'm joking, i'm squeaky clean:D

Any of you do the DNA testing?

I know some of you haven't because you are scared of the 'government,' LOL! Not that I don't blame you, but at this point, i'm using my own self for the sake of my family's research, heh heh heh:)


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
I'm not sure I buy the bit about not having STD's. You've talked about your dirty pussy encounters before. You haven't really talked about them enough in my opinion, but I'm patient.

I did a long time ago and occasionally get people wanting to connect who are supposedly blood relatives. I also signed up at and was pretty interested for a while but then got bored when I couldn't find any more information than I could Google... and when you're talking about this stuff, there is very little Google will produce. I did send off for some muster records of my great-great-great-grandfather who was in the Civil War. It wasn't very remarkable, and he was discharged with an injury. I couldn't really find anything further back than 1833 or so, but I'm guessing that's where the real work begins. I was told my whole life that I had full-blooded Indian on both sides of the family and that I should be at least 1/8th Indian. But guess what? Someone was talking major amounts of shit, because not only was that nowhere to be found in my ancestry, but my DNA showed me virtually 99% northeastern European with 1% Sub-Saharan African, which accounts for my BBC.


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
My parents have done a lot. My dad did his stepdad side and not his real dad though. That would be neat to get into. I have done the 23&me. It’s kinda strange how it has changed over the years though. Used to say I was more Irish Now it says I’m more English? It also now says I’m 2.2% Italian. And my stepdaughter that is half Italian says she doesn’t have any Italian. Her last name is Amoroso. Lmao. How accurate is it really? I have my doubts.


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
I think they've gotten more accurate over the years as they've gotten more data, so when you see the changes, I think it means it's been updated to reflect that accuracy. I actually did have like 1% African when I first did it, but now there's nothing.


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
Hey Beef, you mentioned a relative from the civil war. My grandmother told me before she died that we had a relative that died in the civil war. But he didn’t die during a battle. He was struck by lightning. Lmao. Idk if it’s true but it’s a good story.


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
I think they've gotten more accurate over the years as they've gotten more data, so when you see the changes, I think it means it's been updated to reflect that accuracy. I actually did have like 1% African when I first did it, but now there's nothing.
That’s what I have heard also. I mean it does say the different ethnicities are likely or very likely so it’s still just a guess really. The more profiles they get the more accurate it gets I suppose but it’s definitely not 100%


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
Yea, the more samples and testing they get in, the more accurate and refined the results are for different regions. For example, the German regions (Germanic) are more refined now, as are some of the peninsular regions, etc. A lot of Portuguese will have a lot of French, and it depends on the time frame they are testing back to. Some of the Azores islands of Portugal will have a lot of Flemish in them (Horta and Flamengos of Fayal), despite living in the Azores.

It also depends on how your DNA is transferred from each parent every generation. You only get 50% DNA from each parent, so that means that 50% is also lost in each parent. Let's say your father has 33% German, 33% Portuguese, 33% French and he was born and lived in can technically get 50% from just the German and French passed to you, and not any of the Portuguese.......despite your dad living there with a native tongue. That's not taking into account the 50% that you would also get from your mother, which will water it down even further.

That's what happens a lot of times when you hear people complain that the testing is inaccurate. The DNA they received from each parent was randomly passed to them and they do not understand it.

Now if both parents had like 90% Portuguese, and you only received say 10%......well, then that can nopt be explained and would be discussion for error....or there was funny play involved and mom was messing around with the milk man, heh heh heh:D


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
Shit. Maybe Nikki is mine! Lmao. She’s not. Lol. She looks just like her brother and her real dad.
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
I am adopted, I found my Bio mom,, bros and sis. No one on my Bio dad's side, he was a dick.

Bio mom said her grandparents immigrated from Ukraine, She said Bio dad's parents came from Russia. Go figure. But my profile says the same thing.


VIP Member
May 24, 2017
I am fortunate. My family, has a record keeper ledger especially on my fathers side has our family tree recorded for just shy of 300 years(1727). My mothers side, we have since 1889. This is as late at the Austrian and German(nazi) occupation of the former Jugoslavija(Yugoslavia aka Kingdom of Yugoslavia) to Socialist Yugoslavia to what is now FINALLY Hrvatska aka Croatia.

We haven't had to report anything from my personal family for 20 years though. Waiting on grandkids to add to the ledger now lol


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2013
I look like a dago, despite being Irish and a 1/4 Polish. My 23 and Me came back 78% British Isles (Irish) and 22% Eastern European (Polish) even had my Polish DNA narrowed down to Zakopane Region which is the site of a mountain where my surname comes from. I have met some of my dad's cousins (online) and a buddy from work turned out to be my 2nd cousin IRL.
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